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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

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fce5f9  No.243848

In spite of the refugee crisis, the many rapes and murders at the hands of these Islamic militant, the West has not fallen to your Judeo-Bolshevik solution. We would rather deal with lowest human scum on this planet than co-rule with (((you))).

But as we both know the migrant situation is not sustainable. The People have voiced their complaints against immigration. And soon the situation becomes intolerable. Guess who the West goes after? Not the migrants. No. They are merely sent home and cut-off from civilized society. Who will take the ultimate fall? First the centralization of Jewish power, i.e. the Jewish State, and then every single one of you.

The world will step on your neck of your young and old.

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