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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: e423a14f46832ed⋯.jpeg (40.21 KB, 704x430, 352:215, 9a4febe9ce57e7849d5213abf….jpeg)

41bc85  No.243561[Last 50 Posts]

Does anyone else think he knows exactly what he was doing? And did it for a unexplained purpose?

Charles Manson spoke the same way sometimes.



ASMR is reported to be triggered by whispering;



As for the manson video, the multiple faces where not necessarily a mental breakdown. But utilization of affect display. The human face alone can transmit emotions to others. He was transmitting tons of emotions at once to confuse his opponent (reporter) before attempting to trigger his ASMR. He wanted to open him up to subconsciously plant seeds in his mind.

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41bc85  No.243562

File: 2ad6df6bac4b791⋯.jpg (127.67 KB, 1548x1024, 387:256, hypotize.jpg)

Whispering (ASMR trigger) + Affect Display (transmits of emotions via facial expression) = confusion

Confused thinking = " What going on uhhhhhhh?!?!?!"

during the Confused thought process, it is then easier to plant seeds in the minds of the target while they dont even notice.


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c746a8  No.243563

File: b891b64d883a17b⋯.jpg (363.11 KB, 1800x1080, 5:3, PicsArt_06_27_09_41_49.jpg)


dude….. you waste so much time overthinking things needlessly, applying your prepackaged cookie cutter 'secret conspiracy's garbage template to even the most innocuous of moments.

it's ridiculous…… it DOESN'T make you appear "knowledgeable"… in fact, it has the exact opposite effect…

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c746a8  No.243564


you're so full of shit

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41bc85  No.243565


Your glowing so fucking hard.

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c746a8  No.243566


and YOU'RE too lazy to remember the difference between YOUR and YOU'RE

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41bc85  No.243567



Damage Control

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41bc85  No.243568


Grammar has nothing to do with the topic. Your trying to subvert the topic.

If your going to dispute it, back it up with facts?

But what do you do instead of using factual information to make the post seem like a silly conspiracy theory.

You make multiple post saying its stupid and change the subject to grammar. If the thread is so dumb, why not just let it die without posting?

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c746a8  No.243569


again : ifyou'retoo lazy to take pride inyourown words, and ifyou'rewilling to lower the quality control to the point whereyourintended message becomes occluded in misspelled one syllable words…. then obviously you don't care, so why should we?

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c746a8  No.243570


for you, the most effective damage control would be exercising quality control

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41bc85  No.243571

File: 4e894bd323e7edc⋯.jpg (38.88 KB, 420x580, 21:29, tumblr_nfxlffbzlG1tehzmpo1….jpg)

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c746a8  No.243572

marketing is important if you want people to respect your content

misspelled words are the equivalent of Xmas Wrapping Paper made out of Used Toilet Paper

if YOU don't care enough about your product to proofread it and package it intelligently, then WHY would anybody intelligent care enough about your product to read it?

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c746a8  No.243573

File: 0be472dc93685a5⋯.png (315.05 KB, 1570x1080, 157:108, PicsArt_06_27_10_05_57.png)

imagine if misspelling simple words didn't matter

imagine a world where people didn't notice

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c746a8  No.243574

marketing your message effectively

try it one day

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c746a8  No.243575

File: 11f5d003146c279⋯.png (1.05 MB, 1109x1080, 1109:1080, PicsArt_06_27_10_16_22.png)

if your "product" is important, package it correctly

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c746a8  No.243576

File: 16eca803818b861⋯.jpg (170.25 KB, 1020x1222, 510:611, PicsArt_06_27_10_24_49.jpg)

imagine if nobody bothered spelling simple one syllable words correctly, insisting it wasn't important

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c746a8  No.243577

File: 4cda9ed673279da⋯.png (788.81 KB, 1080x1450, 108:145, PicsArt_06_27_10_31_44.png)


at least you spelled ASMR correctly

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c746a8  No.243578

File: 8d4d5fbee1ae91c⋯.jpg (335.26 KB, 1768x1080, 221:135, PicsArt_06_27_10_43_31.jpg)

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41bc85  No.243579

File: ef5eb5245df506d⋯.png (349.27 KB, 900x900, 1:1, photo.png)













Thanks for taking the time to make pictures and make the thread the top post.

I brainwashed you into doing my work.

Have a good day!

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c746a8  No.243580

File: 65e924587ac984b⋯.jpg (74.24 KB, 900x900, 1:1, PicsArt_06_27_10_50_56.jpg)

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41bc85  No.243583

File: eb8bdc38456f872⋯.gif (289.13 KB, 250x250, 1:1, 25bf8179ea59242928d44c8074….gif)


So you perceive the one and only LA beast as a women?

This fag is crying for help.

Your deplorable.

Probably an angry jew with a marketing degree. Fuck you and your magnus hershfield outlook on life.

Keep bumping thread please. Ill check back later.








Serve the OP

Make more shit teir png's and jpg's

Make this thread top post.


Your energy belongs to OP

Work for OP

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c746a8  No.243587





3 : MAGNUS HERSHFIELD not capitalized


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c746a8  No.243588


the funniest part :

it's readily apparent that you don't understand the truth about ACTUAL HYPNOTISM

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41bc85  No.243589


B82rez 2g4

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c746a8  No.243590

lol @ you thinking trendy douchebucket ASMR actually "hypnotizes" people


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c746a8  No.243591


Franz Anton Mesmer would be so proud of you

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41bc85  No.243592

File: 861c5c6a52dd7c8⋯.gif (141.97 KB, 220x119, 220:119, tenor.gif)

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c746a8  No.243594

File: 4123d03dea208c3⋯.png (1.4 MB, 1080x1640, 27:41, PicsArt_06_27_11_47_30.png)

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c746a8  No.243596

File: 32861621afd07fd⋯.jpg (234.03 KB, 1728x1080, 8:5, PicsArt_06_27_11_51_54.jpg)

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c746a8  No.243598

File: 34fd8c686d40fea⋯.jpg (436.73 KB, 1280x800, 8:5, 20210627_122929.jpg)

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c746a8  No.243599


if you're REAL, REAL LUCKY……..

I might even teach you THE TRUTH



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c746a8  No.243601

P A Y A T T E N T I O N :

there is no such thing as 'hypnotism'

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c746a8  No.243602

there is only RESISTANCE….


but no such thing as hypnotism

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c746a8  No.243607

there are only TWO kinds of "hypnotism" :

1 : stage hypnotism

2 : therapeutic suggestions

stage hypnotism is completely fake, based on humans' inherent desire to 'fit in', to not be ostracized, to not "ruin" the audience's experience, and willingness to "play along"… 98% of humans will choose to pretend they've been 'hypnotized', and begin barking like a dog onstage, rather than to "ruin the fun" for the audience by admitting that they're NOT hypnotized….

Therapeutic Suggestion ?….

this is a completely different topic…..

this has nothing to do with stage hypnotism……..

Psychologists are trained in a form of therapy that they refer to as 'hypnotism', even though there's no such thing as hypnotism

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c746a8  No.243608

the psychologists know it's NOT 'hypnotism'…..

but they still call it hypnotism, because it works better if you think hypnotism is real….

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c746a8  No.243611

Humans are funny animals….

we ALL insist that we are FREE THINKERS

priding ourselves on our refusal to be manipulated

but that's not true…

because humans PREFER to be manipulated

because humans PREFER to behave in "group think"

but we put on a 'big show's of


we RESIST taking advice

we RESIST taking suggestions

we RESIST because we are stubborn

and the psychologists know we will resist

so their alleged "HYPNOTISM" is nothing more than a procedure in which they allow us to resist

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c746a8  No.243612

HYPNOTISM ?… How Psychologists Allow You To Resist Suggestions

it begins with the clinician suggesting that he is going to 'hypnotize' you, knowing full and well that you WILL RESIST….

They tell you to relax and close your eyes, and imagine your hands becoming very very heavy

And the participant perceives this as the beginning of the "hypnotizing process"….

the subject consciously determines that he is about to be "hypnotized", and invariably, the subject will "play along", so they close their eyes and imagine their hands becoming very very heavy

next, the clinician suggests that the participant imagine their forearms becoming very very heavy….

and now, the participant thinks they perceive the process of hypnotization being initiated… so they play along, and imagine their forearms becoming very very heavy

Next, the clinician suggests that the participant imagine their shoulders becoming very very heavy

and the participant plays along…

and then, suddenly the clinician STOPS

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c746a8  No.243614


A : because the clinician is allowing the participant the opportunity to RESIST BEING MANIPULATED


Once humans have been allowed to RESIST, they are now ready to allow themselves to be manipulated…..

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c746a8  No.243616


Only THIS time, he doesn't begin with the hands

THIS time, the clinician suggests that the participant imagines his FEET becoming very, very heavy….

at this point, the participant has already become familiar with the process, now knowing that he's going to be incrementally moving up his body, imagining each section becoming heavier…

he realizes he is ALLOWING himself to be manipulated, allowing himself to be open to suggestions…

next, the clinician suggests that the participant imagine his legs becoming very, very heavy

and the participant follows the instructions

incrementally visualizing each part of his body becoming heavier, one by one, all the way up to the shoulders, until finally the clinician suggests that the participant imagines his HEAD becoming very, very heavy….

it is at this point that the participant IS WILLING TO TAKE ADVICE, to be open to suggestions, having already been allowed to prerequisite opportunity to RESIST when the 1st stage of the process was abruptly halted


there is no such thing as 'being hypnotized'



the clinician simply tells the guy

"Stop gambling your rent money away"

"Stop beating up your wife"

"Stop overeating like a pig"

"Stop drinking so much alcohol"


there is no "HYPNOTISM"

just a stubborn human

who got to resist'''

so now he's ready



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c746a8  No.243618

there is NO SUCH THING as 'hypnotizing' somebody into doing something against their will

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c746a8  No.243622

in fact, there is no such thing as "being hypnotized"

it's simply a matter of allowing humans their required 'act of independence, act of resisting, act of 'refusing to be manipulated'

humans are stupid, simple animals

once they are placated by "allowing them to pretend they resist manipulation", humans are all too happy to be manipulated, to join "groupthink", to take advice, to be controlled…

the clinician HAS NOT "altered the participant's consciousness"….

the participant IS NOT "in a subconscious zombie state"….

he's wide awake……

fully alert….

just like normal….

the ONLY thing that's different is the symbolic process of a PERCEIVED hypnotization attempt

the ONLY thing that's different is the participant was ALLOWED TO RESIST when the 1st attempt was abruptly stopped, right before the 2nd attempt began with his feet…

The human animal's "ego has been brushed"

…….he got to feel "independent" with resistance

and now, just like all humans, he is much more comfortable falling in place, getting in line, following suggestions and instructions…

Because humans are actually very weak

Humans are psychological weaklings

Predictable punching bags

Full of hot air

Always talking about independence and freedom

But much more comfortable paying taxes,

standing in line,

following rules,

going to church,

joining the army,

taking orders,

group think…..

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c746a8  No.243623

isn't that weird ?…….

humans are SO LAME that you have to do a big song and dance routine simply to get them to listen to advice

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c746a8  No.243624

In the old days, there was a common visual representation of a "psychiatrist", in which the patient is laying on a sofa in the psychiatrist's office, and the psychiatrist is sitting next to him in a chair with a clipboard….

That's actually supposed to represent the fake hypnotizing therapy procedure….

The sofa represents the bullshit therapeutic hypnotization

And that visual image is still used to this day

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c746a8  No.243625

but there is no "mind control"

there is NO "hypnotized zombie under somebody else's control"

That's all complete bullshit…

That's just nonsense magicians have been using for centuries, tricking you into believing there's such a thing as "being hypnotized"

There is no such thing as being hypnotized

Not in the way we are talking about

Of course it's possible to put yourself into a

ethereal trance State of relaxation

but that's NOT a "zombie state of altered consciousness where you can be controlled"

that's all bullshit

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c746a8  No.243626

there is NO mind control

there is NO zombie state

there is NO "being under somebody's will"

there is NO advanced mysterious psychology

human psychology is NOT "advanced"

we are MONKEYS……

there is no "complicated secretive mysterious psychology" taking place….

Just a stubborn stupid monkey

Who self defeats

Even though he consciously realizes

That he is self-defeating

A stupid monkey

Who keeps shooting himself in the foot

Making one stupid mistake after another

But he's convinced that he is SUPERIOR

He's convinced that he's smarter than you

Nobody bosses him around

Nobody manipulates him

Nobody tells him what to do….

So he pays a psychologist $150

To perform a con man shell game

A make believe hypnotizing session

Where nobody got hypnotized

But it took 15 minutes

For the stupid monkey

To finally think

He was hypnotized

And when the psychologist gave him advice (suggestions) at the end of the session, the monkey finally listened….

No advanced mysterious psychology happening Here, folks…

It really doesn't get much more primal than this

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c746a8  No.243627

So now you understandtherapeutic hypnotism

That's it. That's the entire thing in a nutshell

It's either THAT, or bullshitstage hypnotism

Stage hypnotism isn't real. There's no such thing. That's simply people feeling compelled to behave in a manner that won't disrupt the collective mood of the audience…

That's nothing more than people who are willing to look like a fool rather than to "be the guy who didn't play along and ruined the evening for everybody"

They would rather prance around the stage like a chicken, howling at the moon, squealing like a pig and look like a God damn idiot than to "be the asshole who ruined all the fun"

There's no such thing as being hypnotized

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c746a8  No.243628



If you think amsr hold some kind of 'profound power to subconsciously control people', and you've got a very overactive imagination

It's all bullshit.. listening to the subtle sounds of saliva in somebody's mouth WILL NOT HYPNOTIZE YOU

If you think amsr is that powerful, then I'm beginning to worry about you.. it makes me wonder if you might have grown up in a Romanian orphanage with sensory deprivation forced on you or something….

I would worry about you if the sounds of cigarette pack cellophane crinkling somehow connected you with another dimension….

I would really wonder about you if the sound of Lee press on nails tapping on a glass top coffee table could be used as a tool to control your mind

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c746a8  No.243631

File: f0f30c0e461e9ec⋯.jpg (251.68 KB, 1623x1080, 541:360, PicsArt_06_27_02_32_39.jpg)



It makes me wonder if you've actually seen the entire speech…. Or if you're one of those guys who only saw the tiny little sound bite where Biden whispers, and you formed your opinions without understanding the context…

I find it odd that you are so affected because he whispered in a weird "old man kind of way"

It makes me wonder if you've ever known any old people…

it makes me wonder if you knew your grandfather

It makes me wonder if you've ever seen an elderly person before…

(old people do "old people things")

They act like old people…

Sometimes they even whisper

Or say things with a strange tone

Sometimes they seem old and crazy…..

Old and crazy like our founding fathers

When you were a child you were brainwashed with heroic fiction about our founding fathers, but they were actually weird and crazy… George Washington was actually a kook, a nutcase…

They all were.. Benjamin Franklin was a crazy old insane dude…

They had bizarre flamboyant behaviors

If you could go back in time and meet them, you would be horrified at how senile and bizarre our founding fathers truly were..

I'm certainly not comparing Biden to any of the founding fathers….

I'm simply saying you would be surprised to find out how senile and insane ALL politicians always have been, and always will be…

Biden is a terrible public speaker

We all know he used to have a stuttering problem

And he somewhat mastered it.. somewhat

But it's not just stuttering

Often times he will merge words together

Making it hard to tell where one word ends and the next word begins

He's definitely not a good public speaker

but he's also NOT terrible at it either…

Because the fact of the matter is

He's done a pretty damn good job so far

I did not vote for Biden

I am NOT a "Biden supporter"

But I'm not necessarily "against Biden" either….

There's a lot of things about him I dislike

Lots of them

But the same could be said about anybody

There's lots of things I hate about everyone

There's lots of things I hate about myself

Nobody's perfect,

And God knows Biden is no exception to the rule

But I have to be honest…..

100% honest…

So far, he's done a pretty good job…

He's kept his promises

And strived to meet certain goals out of his control

But he's still striving

I think the infrastructure thing is a no-brainer

America's Bridges and expressways and overpasses are literally falling apart…

For example, part of the Mississippi bridge cracked in half… The pedestrian walkway that collapsed in Washington DC last week was proof positive: our construction on America's infrastructure has reached its age limit… We could create millions and millions of jobs by simply fixing our infrastructure, both physical and technological…

Personally I find it refreshing to see government fully operational once again…

The past 4 years were the most dysfunctional 4 years in America's history… I find it reassuring to see America's government finally functioning again after 4 years of embarrassment which escalated into the clown show at the US Capitol

The rest of the world has been laughing at us for the past 4 years…

Not anymore… America's reputation worldwide has improved greatly since Biden was elected

Biden might be old and occasionally feeble

But he's not stupid…

Trust me.. he is not stupid….

Don't mistake "old man shit" with stupidity…

He's a thousand times smarter than Trump

And he's not a "bad" man…

He's not an evil person.. he's not a maniacal sneaky shifty bad person…

I believe he sincerely wants to serve his country

I believe he has very sincere American values

And in his old age, a sincere honest desire to see America become a better place for Young Americans in their future…

I really do…

I honestly think he's got our best interest in mind

And so far I think he's done a damn good job

Even though I hate all politicians

And even though I don't really like him as a person

I still feel like we are much better off with him in office…

He has a ton of experience working with the other side, and he's such a centrist that he's almost Republican…

He's not a radical left or a progressive

He's right down the center

And that's a good thing

So just because he whispered to 'add a creepy old man emphasis to what he was saying', don't be so quick to assume that you have "mystical psychic powers", and begin elaborating on a laughable complicated conspiratorial secret behind the scenes plan including ASMR and mind control

Because your original post indicates telltale signatures of schizophrenia…

Whether you realize it or not, when you suggest you perceive secret mind control hypnotic conspiracies, it makes you look mentally ill

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c746a8  No.243632

Trump was the stupidest, most embarrassing, disgusting and repugnant vulgar apeman I've ever seen in my life…

He was the most embarrassing president we've ever had…

Trump was the worst figurehead in the history of global politics

I might not like Joe Biden very much


……So we're doing a lot better…..

The entire world hates Trump

The entire world laughs at him

The entire world is disgusted by him

The entire world is embarrassed by him

America hates his guts………………………

And that's why he lost

There was no election fraud

That's all bullshit

He lost the election

Because America hates him

He lost the election

Because America is embarrassed by him

He lost the election

Because America is disgusted by him

You might not like the results of the election

But that's okay..

There's always one team that loses

And that's tough titties

That's just too bad

I suggest you learn how to cope

Because no matter how much you pout



Because America doesn't like your team

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c746a8  No.243633



hahahahahaha you stupid fucking dweeb


It's like you are so insane, that you think you have a special psychic intuition and a mysterious understanding of Charles Manson's thought process

Charles Manson was a complete fucking idiot

Charles Manson had an 81 IQ

Charles Manson was stupid white trash

Charles Manson was incapable of being deep

He was uneducated human garbage

The product of incestuous rape level trailer park youth detention home white trash DNA

He was the lowest level of genetics possible

And his brain was dysfunctional from birth

When you try to pretend like you have "special insight", pretending like you "know all the answers", pretending like there's a widespread evil conspiracy threaded throughout every day events,it makes you look stupid and psychotic

It's the opposite of "impressive"

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c746a8  No.243634

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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41bc85  No.243635

I aint reading all this bullshit

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41bc85  No.243636

File: 7d50eec8d5488c2⋯.jpeg (6.01 KB, 182x169, 14:13, index.jpeg)


Dude phantom movie sucked. We all know its you.

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41bc85  No.243637

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41bc85  No.243638

File: 324cf76c4c07e19⋯.gif (433.08 KB, 500x300, 5:3, giphy.gif)


You are one lonely mother fucker.

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654fc5  No.243640

File: cfd4f2e53ba93fb⋯.jpg (618.89 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, 20210627_161826.jpg)


lol yeah, sure I am dude……… sure I am

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25174b  No.243641


get a load of this kike

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654fc5  No.243642

how ironic that you'd select the word "lonely"


because my wife is laying right here next to me

(and today is day 3 of another one of your legendary weekends of mind-numbing loneliness, no girlfriend, no wife, no one night stand, no companion in your life whatsoever)

isn't that ironic ?

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654fc5  No.243643


It's almost like you intentionally crammed your foot into your stupid little mouth, making a fool out of yourself once again….

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654fc5  No.243644


you want my LOAD WTF ?????

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654fc5  No.243645


btw, in my life, since I was 15, I havenevergone more than 4 or 5 days between having AT LEAST one girlfriend, steady fuck, fiance or wife…

seriously… TOPS 5 days before I've found myself right back in the next relationship…

in fact, one of my chief complaints has always been that I "wish I had more time with myself" before the next girl comes along…

To be honest with you, since I was 15, I have NEVER had a full week all by myself without a girlfriend or a wife…

I'm sure you have the same problem

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654fc5  No.243646


But I think New Years Eve 1994 was one of my favorites…….

I had been dating Jill for 8 years, when I met Debbi, the girl from Åkersberga, Sweden…

I had officially moved in with Debbi, having taken all my furniture out of the apartment I shared with Jill…. And Jill knew all about Debbi, and Debbi knew all about Jill…

But it was New Years Eve….

and we all 3 decided to hang out together and party and fuck

you should've seen us on the dance floor of that nightclub… We caused quite a commotion at the stroke of midnight… All three of us kissing and making out…

I had rented a suite at the Marriott Lenox Square

and watching Jill aggressively fuck Debbi was hilarious, because she felt the need to try to exert control and authority… but Debbi was cool as shit, so she overpowered Jill a few times that night..

And one of the craziest moments ever was when I was fucking Jill in the ass and she was kissing and Debbi, and suddenly Jill sprayed out a bunch of liquid diarrhea around my dick into the hotel bed…

I wish I had a video camera that night…

Needless to say, that was the end of the party as far as Debbi and I were concerned, so we took off and went back to Debbie's place, and Jill went home to the now half empty apartment we used to share…

I ended up marrying Debbi less than a year later

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654fc5  No.243647

File: 6a1549737883d53⋯.jpg (254.48 KB, 1156x1156, 1:1, 1278969_4840218422732_1468….jpg)

Debbi and I had a daughter…..

she lives in California now

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654fc5  No.243648

File: 7b261af350ecbd1⋯.jpg (326.67 KB, 973x1280, 973:1280, 20210627_165514.jpg)

in 1996 I met my next wife, who was 16 when we got married

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654fc5  No.243649

Debbi and I never really gave a fuck about being married in the first place… Honestly, we got married just to piss off my mother, who loved Jill

so we got divorced, and then I married the 16 year old, and we were married for 16 years, because she was 32 when we broke up…

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654fc5  No.243650

File: c31f4e975566977⋯.jpg (88.36 KB, 677x587, 677:587, PicsArt_05_28_09_18_01.jpg)


so yeah……… you really put your foot in your mouth big-time….

yeah, I've been married to my current wife for 7 years so far….

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41bc85  No.243651


Lol i had a feeling you could have been a boomer lol

"It makes me wonder if you've ever known any old people… "


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41bc85  No.243652


So your codependent.

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654fc5  No.243653


yes sirreeee, bob !!

I got to experience life BEFORE technology and videogames ruined the world, and AFTERWARDS where these days, young men are terrified of rejection so they live in isolation with a stupid fucking computer…

Ive seen both sides…….

and TRUST ME……

it was much much much more fun back then

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654fc5  No.243654

File: fb08c532d7827ea⋯.jpg (56.04 KB, 270x350, 27:35, original_3409432_1.jpg)

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41bc85  No.243655


wait a second… this is another ID.

meh, this thread is getting fucking weird.

If you cant say it in a sentance or 2 fuck you, wanna write all that shit and expect people to read it? Be an author

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654fc5  No.243656


it appears that deez nuts are codependent

with Wendy's chin

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654fc5  No.243657


you read it…… every word of it

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654fc5  No.243658

Yeah, but no……….

'lonely' has never been one of my complaints

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654fc5  No.243659


yeah, I couldn't care less about IDs

I never pay attention to them, mine or anybody else's

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654fc5  No.243660

like I said…….

in my life, it's always been a matter of me WISHING I was by myself…. but that's not how fate occurred

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41bc85  No.243661

File: 5a85d10c755cfd3⋯.jpeg (4.4 KB, 251x201, 251:201, images.jpeg)

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654fc5  No.243662

File: 188cc1048aab624⋯.jpg (641.4 KB, 1280x1042, 640:521, 20210627_171531.jpg)

tell me about your weekend

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654fc5  No.243663

File: 4b5102c84ef3b72⋯.png (906.68 KB, 788x1280, 197:320, 20210627_172037.png)

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41bc85  No.243664


Tits & Timestamp or GTFO

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654fc5  No.243665


yeah, well Wendy doesn't give a fuck about your demands, so……..

The last two photos were taken a couple years ago, but the original photo of her petting our cat on the bed next to me, well THAT photo was snapped right there and then

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41bc85  No.243666

File: 59b081771aeaa2e⋯.gif (437.89 KB, 400x225, 16:9, e34ec890_00bb_4cc5_944c_3e….gif)

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654fc5  No.243667

File: 8dd618d799aa6d8⋯.jpg (331.92 KB, 1437x1440, 479:480, 21167451_10210415209602009….jpg)

here's Jill now…. she got older…. it happens

she's the one who sprayed diarrhea on new years Eve

jill is an AMAZINGLY TALENTED Artist, a professional illustrator

she's also the one who appeared on The Geraldo Show with me

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654fc5  No.243668

I just discovered that Jill's father died from covid over Christmas…..


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654fc5  No.243669

File: 09a0db3172c7481⋯.jpg (273.94 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 20210627_173751.jpg)

heres my son, Jet….

at age 8 and then at age 20….

it's amazing that he didn't realize that he was holding his holding his head in the EXACT same angle as the first picture

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654fc5  No.243670

File: c66ad8560fa1cee⋯.jpg (161.89 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 20210627_174422.jpg)

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654fc5  No.243671

File: 67aa7e944b44002⋯.jpg (854.06 KB, 1280x1027, 1280:1027, 20210627_175929.jpg)

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654fc5  No.243672

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I hate Michael Jackson's music

but THIS song is badass….

it got the catchiest funky hook

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654fc5  No.243675

File: c75bc04d104005a⋯.jpg (413.89 KB, 1280x1014, 640:507, 20210627_185655.jpg)

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9de875  No.243683


it was well worthing reading. he just explained the truth about hypnosis.

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