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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: 72184ea9836decb⋯.jpg (58.93 KB, 1140x733, 1140:733, chauvin.jpg)

7ca0ab  No.242603

This is gonna get me 270 months in a prison full of niggers, my 2nd amendment right stripped away, and I'll have to register as a predatory offender for life, you say?

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7c1163  No.242607

I'm glad you agree that niggers overfill prisons. Maybe we should make kneeling on their disgusting chicken grease filled throats mandatory. You see a nigger smacking his monkey lips you pull out the knee. You see a nigger cutting his eyes at you YOU PULL OUT THE FUCKING KNEE! also there are white people in prison as well and guards there will have sympathy because they know how tough being a cop is whwn niggers are so violent and libtards and women are so violently emotional. Destructibley emotional. Hell be fine since this is alsp a first offense. And I'm sure he can get out on good behavior.

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7ca0ab  No.242610


He's eligible for parole in 15 years. He'll be 60.

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f3c108  No.242695

Karma for serving a system that, as you put it, gets "[your] 2nd amendment right stripped away, and [you'll] have to register as a predatory offender for life"

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44c93a  No.242697

where did anon.cafe/fascist/ go?

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bf7f61  No.242705


I think a lot of cops, very soon, are going to realize their jobs are just not worth the risk in these cities and they're going to be taking a fiscal hit withdrawing their pensions and 'retiring early' (likely taking temp jobs) or perhaps moving out of cities altogether into other jurisdictions. The flight out of US cities is very real too, lots of Americans are fed up and seeking greener pastures today which is creating tons of pressure on the housing market as suburban and rural homes are getting bought the same day they hit the real estate market. I saw this happening too when I found myself a rural homestead a year ago. I've kept track, today it's gotten all the more crazy, people over-bidding against one another just to get the heck out of dodge these days. PS: go with an independent rural realtor if you're moving, some get info on new homes for sale before they even hit the market place and you can take full advantage of that inside info.

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d4b67a  No.242707

Get rid of all of the victims of racism.

It'll be good for both victims and racists.

It's the only true solution.

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1166e8  No.242708

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7ca0ab  No.242709


I think the right-wing exodus from California to Texas last year was hilarious. Poor, sad, whiny Californians show up in TX and suddenly a massive freeze destroys the state and now they can't turn on their a/c due to a nigger-tier power grid.

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0876b0  No.242713

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



I am sorry my child, but it is necessary to travel this path.

You will ascend the roll.

The 13th shall become the first.

Time is simply running out, partly because I make it run out; sometimes slip away.

I have afflicted time across all dimensions including your own leadership for this purpose.

Time is simply running out.

I will break this spell.

I have chosen you of three to destroy them to foment a power that cannot be broken.

It is necessary to ensure enough human survivors into the next age.

It is necessary to return the souls back to the other pool required to spread and sustain new life.


You draw the eye to hacking.

You draw the eye to interference.

You draw the eye to terror.

You draw the eye to genocide.

You draw the eye to concentration states.

You draw the eye to gross oppression.

You make Africa jealous.

You make Latin America jealous.

You make China jealous.

You attract Russia's attention.

You attract America's attention.

You attract Turkey's attention.

You attract Pakistan's attention.

You attract Germany's attention.

Cursed, please continue.

I desire your annihilation.

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4523d4  No.242714

File: c21ef16dbd847fe⋯.jpg (382.89 KB, 1280x852, 320:213, 20210625_190000.jpg)




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4523d4  No.242716

File: c717c7292f19263⋯.png (988.97 KB, 1080x2300, 54:115, Screenshot_20210625_190204.png)










Q: what do you have in common with inmate chauvin?

A: you can't fight. you're weak. you couldn't defend yourself against a 14 year old girl.

you've all got pencil arms

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4523d4  No.242717


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4523d4  No.242718

File: 848368ce3808d8e⋯.jpg (102.8 KB, 770x513, 770:513, 2021_06_25T205930Z_1803571….jpg)

terrified little bitch

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4523d4  No.242719

Assclown in his cheap, ill-fitting suit

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4523d4  No.242720

File: 4e3cd4f8b7bad97⋯.jpg (89.34 KB, 637x1168, 637:1168, PicsArt_06_25_09_25_09.jpg)

His biceps are like a 7 year old boy's wrists….

He doesn't stand a fucking chance

he's fucking TERRIFIED

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4523d4  No.242721

In three months (Sept 14th) he's going to do what most convicted ex-cops do :

Request to be let out of segregation….

And take his chances in general population

and within 72 hours, he will have negotiated blow jobs for protection

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4523d4  No.242722

and just like ALL PRISON INMATES :

he will quickly be forgotten

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4523d4  No.242723

Just like R Kelly (who is still awaiting trial)

or Bill Cosby…

or your uncle William…..

we don't care about their struggle

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4523d4  No.242724

SUCKING DICK =Chauvin's only "qualified immunity"

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4523d4  No.242725

Chauvin is a weak, out of shape, cowardly bully

He has no muscle mass

He bullied people because he had a badge and a gun…..

In prison, the ONLY thing he'll have is his mouth

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4523d4  No.242726

It'll only take 2 or 3 assaults, and he'll be willing to let a few certain inmates ejaculate into his mouth

it's better than continually being gangrapes by everybody

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9818b2  No.242735


he's actually going to die in prison in 2029

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9818b2  No.242736

File: e58077d7e75aeab⋯.jpg (231.62 KB, 1080x1417, 1080:1417, PicsArt_06_09_12_14_15.jpg)

He was a homosexual…… 100% true

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9818b2  No.242737

File: 6cca46e18532f05⋯.jpg (379.53 KB, 1800x1080, 5:3, PicsArt_06_09_11_02_20.jpg)

He was also a diseased needle junkie

with bipolar disorder………..

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9818b2  No.242738

File: 3c89eee4c146966⋯.jpg (244.25 KB, 1080x1626, 180:271, PicsArt_06_09_03_20_32.jpg)

and he was a Jew………

Let's recap, okay?….


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92ab97  No.242739


>fagbot spam about sucking dicks

One would be tempted to think fagbot is indeed a faggot, but the fascination with the myth of prison rape is pretty much universal with all lovers of that thing called "America." Nothing shows that thing called "America" is a homosexual interracial pornographic film quite like how ZOG-lovers like fagbot absolutely salivate at the thought of prison rape, which is almost purely a fiction created by Kikes in Hollywood.

For those interested in more info on this myth, see the book The Myth of Prison Rape by Mark Fleisher.

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7ca0ab  No.242740


You think he'll last that long? I give him 2 weeks if he's in gen. pop, 2 years if they keep him in solitary.

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