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File: 2e751a0a06178a3⋯.jpg (487.53 KB, 750x779, 750:779, boomers_realize.jpg)

a9cab9  No.242141[Last 50 Posts]

>Once whites realize they are getting fucked, it's game over.

Listen to these cowardly boomers who just realized the severity of their situation.

Everyone else but you seems to realize that Bolshevism's plot to woo the West has failed.

Submit. There will be no loss this time around. Better the human species go extinct.

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e85a83  No.242220


shut the fuck up, little boy…….

whites are weak, cowardly, and self-defeatist…

THATS why whites have been allowing themselves to be used like toilet paper for centuries and centuries….

You don't have the balls to do anything about it

Whites will never grow a pair of balls

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a9cab9  No.242221

File: 57f51f250e36f6e⋯.png (802.87 KB, 732x892, 183:223, kvetching_kike.png)

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e85a83  No.242222


You send everyday in here complaining to nobody about how whites are the underdogs

You whine and pout everyday about how whites have been disenfranchised

And then you turn around and insist whites are the one in control

You can't have it both ways..

the ONLY reason why you've been disenfranchised is because YOU ALLOWED YOURSELF TO BECOME DISENFRANCHISED


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e85a83  No.242223


Don't blame the rest of the world for white people not having a backbone

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e85a83  No.242224


It's not the world's fault that you were born spineless, with a spineless father and a spineless grandfather before him

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e85a83  No.242227

if white people had the ability to stand up for themselves, they never would've become disenfranchised in the first place

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e85a83  No.242228

"Submit. There will be no loss this time around. Better the human species go extinct."

says the isolated shut-in, from the stinky depths

of his dark smelly cocoon at the end of the hall

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a9cab9  No.242230

File: 2511f8c91be0eed⋯.jpg (93.15 KB, 490x591, 490:591, mein_sides.jpg)






>has my spam made /pnd/ unusable yet?

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e85a83  No.242231



says the isolated loner, who simultaneously claims whites haven't been oppressed

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e85a83  No.242232


You should consider taking a bath AT KEAST once a month or so

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a9cab9  No.242233

File: 59702fb38c186eb⋯.png (941.43 KB, 1067x596, 1067:596, soyboy.png)



>now that we can't use /pnd/ to spread zio-bolshevism let's make it unusable!

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ff093c  No.242234


I predicted the building collapse in Miami

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a9cab9  No.242238

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ff093c  No.242240

File: 92a3678dc6f1dae⋯.jpg (75.85 KB, 1067x596, 1067:596, PicsArt_06_24_01_13_01.jpg)

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26f587  No.242242

Whites will always be split. Look at all the stupid bloody wars in Europe. French, German, Italian. Same thing. Waste of life. Shame.

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a9cab9  No.242247


Whites are supposed to be split.

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ff093c  No.242248


split up the middle

from behind

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a9cab9  No.242249

File: f523ab244ffdd04⋯.png (423.71 KB, 613x407, 613:407, weev_betamale_2.png)


you ever notice how whites are such a small global minority and yet wield so much power? or that turks who mixed with white people (aka "jews") hold more power than their sephardi, mizrahi, and african counter-parts?

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6d9289  No.242251


> the stinky depths of his dark smelly cocoon at the end of the hall

So no longer in the basement? That's an improvement at least.

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ff093c  No.242252

File: d4359ed2c102c2c⋯.png (1.93 MB, 1627x1080, 1627:1080, PicsArt_06_24_01_48_35.png)

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a9cab9  No.242253


I can't say I'm not surprised. You didn't strike me as the type to notice patterns.

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ff093c  No.242254


I know, right?


like your pattern of behavior?……

the "unpredictable imageboard guy" Wild Card?

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a9cab9  No.242255


>"unpredictable imageboard guy"

You have me confused with some other anon. I've been consistent this whole time. Perhaps you perceive me as unpredictable because you can't see consistent patterns? But I assure you that my message has been the same.

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0132c6  No.242257


I hope that's not an antipedo comment.

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0132c6  No.242258


I also hope this isn't too unpredictable for you. You had a heads up a few times.

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a9cab9  No.242259

File: 9790e0ba6f512e1⋯.png (306.56 KB, 468x594, 26:33, JEW_PEDO.png)



sup pedojew. gangs all here.

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ff093c  No.242260

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Yeah, well you've been telling me you were a genius since you were 17

And all these years I've known you I still don't know what you mean

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ff093c  No.242261

File: 4f58736a1cc828c⋯.png (586.91 KB, 895x1280, 179:256, 20210624_140828.png)


the things you think are "precious", I can't understand

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ff093c  No.242262

File: 05f3256fe827947⋯.jpg (163.11 KB, 1080x1371, 360:457, PicsArt_06_24_02_16_11.jpg)

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ff093c  No.242263

File: 4471eeb6d180c54⋯.jpg (221.93 KB, 1080x1371, 360:457, PicsArt_06_24_02_16_54.jpg)

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ff093c  No.242264

I remember when I used to actually think that Steely Dan was a "band"

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ff093c  No.242265

File: c9e23a7880708d1⋯.jpg (479.62 KB, 1008x1280, 63:80, 20210624_142453.jpg)

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ff093c  No.242266

File: e6d02c80a6c4c94⋯.jpg (446.9 KB, 1008x1280, 63:80, 20210624_142432.jpg)

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ff093c  No.242267

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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ff093c  No.242268

One Sweet Dream….

Pick up the bags

Get in the limousine

Soon we'll be away from here

step on the gas

and wipe that tear away

One Sweet Dream

Came true


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a9cab9  No.242269

File: 5de09d97408cc2f⋯.gif (298.76 KB, 500x266, 250:133, accelerate.gif)

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ff093c  No.242270

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


This album ARMED FORCES is a concept album about the Nazi Germany, Hiker & the NeoNazi movement in the 80s UK

it's a fucking fantastic album…

you'd like it, I'm willing to bet

you should check it out

the entire album, not just one or two songs

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ff093c  No.242271


"concept albums" were a thing from the 60s

the entire album is one statement


which was the inspiration for Sponge Bob

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a9cab9  No.242272


thanks ill give it a listen.

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ff093c  No.242273


it's beatles-esque

Elvis Costello was a genius

I've met him several times

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ff093c  No.242274

yeah, AND….. coincidentally….

It just so happens to be about Nazis

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a9cab9  No.242275


good to know


>I've met him several times

i dont believe you.

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ff093c  No.242276


or as I like to call them :

"the myopic ones, who think ANY humans should live"

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ff093c  No.242277


no it's true… Believe it or not, I don't "make up stories" online or irl

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a9cab9  No.242278


checks out. can you introduce me to britney spears?

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ff093c  No.242279

When I was 12, I painted a portrait of Elvis for Jerry Lee Lewis…

He LOVED it… (I'm a skilled illustrator)

and he let me go backstage and drink beer WHEN I WAS TWELVE

100% true…….

so, my brother said "dude you should paint Elvis for other bands!" And we lived in Atlanta, where EVERY concert tour stopped

So over the years I painted Elvis Presley for TONS of rock stars and actors and comedians

It's true….

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a9cab9  No.242280


cool, man. i once corresponded with pope john paul the 2nd on how to find wisdom.

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ff093c  No.242281

I'm old as fuck, so I'll date myself if I name all the bands…. But yeah

Pink Floyd to Billy Idol to Jay Leno to Andy Kaufman to Robert Goulet to Hank Williams Jr to run DMC to Paul McCartney Hines and The pretenders Big audio Dynamite at this point I'm literally scratching to remember but there are dozens and dozens of them

Duran Duran

ZZ Top

And I actually got hired by ZZ Top

After painting a portrait of Elvis for Billy Gibbons many years before

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ff093c  No.242282


That's awesome

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a9cab9  No.242283


based and boomerpilled

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ff093c  No.242284


You know you're really not that bad of a person when you're just talking about normal shit..

When you're not talking about Hitler and Jews and all that political bullshit..

You're not a bad guy. You're smart

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ff093c  No.242285

File: 96e076a661d419c⋯.jpg (43.5 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, untitled_1280x720_3_78mbps….jpg)


In fact my wife and I are going backstage to the ZZ Top concert in a couple months…

We went in 2017, but last year they canceled the tour of course.. the tour is back on for this year

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ff093c  No.242286


But yeah I totally fucked my life up..

I did all kinds of crazy shit when I was younger

And lived all kinds of crazy dreams

Because I have the audacity to put myself

Into situations and act like I was supposed to be there

But then as I got older things started fucking up in my life

And now I'm old as fuck and I created all of my own problems

But I learned a lot along the way

And apparently I have a lot more to learn

Because I'm still a fucking loser

I'm definitely not better than anybody

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ff093c  No.242287

but I DONT dislike you guys

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a9cab9  No.242288




Why are you repelled by the Jewish Question? And I hope you and your wife have a nice time out.

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ff093c  No.242289

I simply think you guys missed the mark on certain things

and I find it peculiar

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ff093c  No.242290


I'm not "repelled"

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ff093c  No.242291


you misperceived my boredom as repulsion

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ff093c  No.242292

I've simply heard it all a ZAGILLION JILLION times

not lying….

Back in the 80s the original skinhead thing

you know….

it's never interested me

not then

not now

it limits you

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a9cab9  No.242293


Are you bored because you aren't personally affected and don't care or because you don't want attention drawn being a Jew yourself?

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ff093c  No.242294

trust me………

it's limiting you

I'm not against "IT"

I'm against "trends"

I hate unoriginality

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a9cab9  No.242296


I'm the same way, actually. Natsoc isn't an interest. It gets in the way of solving the JQ. We don't always have to discuss it but it's an interest.

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ff093c  No.242297


I used to ALWAYS say I was a Jew in chatrooms and imageboards …. always

it was part of my schtick

I figured "why not?" right?

I'm already refusing to "fit in" by behaving like an imageboard parrot … so they're already going to dislike me… Why NOT day I'm a jew, right?

But no……

I'm german irish

The better half being my German half

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ff093c  No.242298


well, I think it overshadows you guys' genius

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ff093c  No.242299

andNOW… FINALLYreal talk

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ff093c  No.242300

it occludes your genius…..

because you're NOT stupid at all

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ff093c  No.242301

it's almost like a geeky prerequisite in here

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ff093c  No.242302

it's got


of YOU in it

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ff093c  No.242303

and it's NEVER a "debate"

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ff093c  No.242304

never seen a DEBATE in here before….


wrong board

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ff093c  No.242306

lighten up

and start hating EVERYONE

instead of just a few

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ff093c  No.242307

plus ?……….

debating is boring

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a9cab9  No.242308


>"why not?"

Not much harm playing on imageboards. But if you LARP too hard it might become reality. One thing leads to another and next you know you're top Jew and literal Anti-Christ because meme magic. What can you do from there that's any benefit? I'm ready for everyone to forget everything so we can start over yet again. But if I were a Jew then I'd prbly pursue world destruction as one.


i dont hate anyone. people arent who they think they are.

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ff093c  No.242309

the whole concept is askew on this board


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ff093c  No.242310


see, believe it or not

I respect your beliefs……

I do…….

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ff093c  No.242311

I just don't care…. no offense

politics bore me

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ff093c  No.242313

especially after this past 4 years?….


take a breather…..

you can always start the "being a dork" thing again later

but take a break dude

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ff093c  No.242314


we're on our way there get cat food

There's a nationwide shortage of cat food

The shelves are empty

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ff093c  No.242315

we do animal rescue

so we go through A LOT of cat & dog food

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ff093c  No.242316

fuck humans…….

ALL of them………

if you wanna play "happy hour" and only hate certain humans, I'm not interested in narrow visions

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ff093c  No.242317

I base my opinions on my real life experiences

And that's exactly why I hate the entire human race

And obviously you haven't reached that level yet

But stick around a little while

And fasten your safety belt

Because eventually you'll realize

All humans including you and I

Need to be eliminated

It's the only solution

To the only question

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a9cab9  No.242318

Hate is impotent anger. You shouldn't hate anyone, anon. People aren't who they perceive themselves as. They do things and hold opinions because of unseen causes. And we might be led to think that those unseen causes are the enemies worthy of our hatred but even they only act according to their level of deception, so it's the single cause then who knowing the truth distorted it for all others.

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da330f  No.242319


Nope…. you're wrong

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da330f  No.242320


I'm curious if you're even familiar with the comedian Andy Kaufman or not..

Do you know who Andy Kaufman was?

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a9cab9  No.242321



>you're wrong

How so?


I'm familiar with the great Andy Kaufman.

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a9cab9  No.242322

i know what u r getting at but i dont think the poison is in my blood luckily

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745bb7  No.242326


the human race is a CANCER

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a9cab9  No.242327


what about the human race specifically do you detest?

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745bb7  No.242328

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


so you're familiar with Andy Kaufman's Elvis impersonations?

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745bb7  No.242329


our very existence

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a9cab9  No.242330

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a9cab9  No.242331


>our very existence

what about your existence is so terrible?

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745bb7  No.242332


Have you ever seen the movie STARMAN before?…

The one where Jeff Bridges is an alien?

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a9cab9  No.242333


I have not.

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745bb7  No.242334


I've managed to make my existence someone livable and even enjoyable certain moments

I'm talking about the bigger picture

Not just my life

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745bb7  No.242335


There are two pivotal scenes in that movie if you want to understand my perspective

One where the alien finds a murdered deer strapped at the top of a hunter's car

And he brings it back to life

Then he asks the human female why the human race is so fucking worthless

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a9cab9  No.242336



This is a place of exile. You aren't even really here. The human condition is a struggle towards unification; the man does good and bad until eventually he reaches a high peak and overlooks both – here he must choose one or the other. It's a process.

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745bb7  No.242338


The human condition is BACILLUS


cell division gone horribly wrong

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745bb7  No.242339


That's not saying that I don't love life

or have dear friends

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745bb7  No.242340

I'm shopping with Wendy right now but later I wanna tell you the crazy story about how I met Andy Kaufman

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28898e  No.242341

It was on a Saturday Night….

In fact, he was appearing on SNL that night…

I was sitting there watching him, as I always did..

…………..but that night I had an idea :

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28898e  No.242342

SNL used to do a promotional "bumper" plug between commercials, saying "GUESTS OF SNL STAY AT THE ESSEX HOUSE HOTEL, NEW YORK'S FINEST LUXURY ACCOMODATIONS"….

in fact, back then LOTS of shows did those bumpers

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28898e  No.242343

so I waited until 1:15 AM

15 minutes after the show

and I called The Essex House Hotel

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28898e  No.242344

"Thankyou for calling the Essex House Hotel. How may I direct your call?"

"Andy Kaufman's room, please'

"One moment, sir"







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28898e  No.242345

It's was just THAT easy

I told him that I had been doing Elvis portraits forcelebrities since I was a kid, and told him how much is like to paint one for him….

When I mentioned I was in Atlanta, he told me to meet him the next morning at the airport, because he WANTED TO TALK ABOUT ELVIS and he had a 90 minute layover….

So I painted a quick but BADASS Elvis that night

And I took all my friends with me


and he was sweet and innocent

and he was already dying

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28898e  No.242346

I didn't realize it… but yeah he was already eating a hardcore macrobiotic diet, and we had a hard time finding anything in the airport food courts he could eat

but we talked the ENTIRE fucking time about Elvis…

Nothing BUT Elvis

he was a fanatic

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28898e  No.242347

I'm talking about I've seen some hardcore Elvis fans in my life…. but Andy was a god damn FANATIC just like me

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a9cab9  No.242348


he made some great music

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28898e  No.242349

The "Elvis" thing was not only my personal fanaticism, but also the PERFECT PERFECT PERFECT HUSTLE to meet celebrities, because…

(drumroll please)

They were ALL huge Elvis fans !!!


from Paul McCartney to Hank Williams Jr to Johnny Lydon to Chuck Berry to Robert Goulet to Jay Leno to Vince Neil…. ALL OF THEM WERE GIGANTIC ELVIS FANATICS…

of course……..

it's a given……

So it opened a ton of doors for me

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28898e  No.242350

painting an Elvis was how Iguaranteedthat I'd meet the celebrities, go backstage, drink beer & eat cheese, AND get front row seats with my gfs & buddies….

I NEVER PAID…. never.. ..

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28898e  No.242352

my Elvis painting thing was a secret weapon

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28898e  No.242354

J E W S :

there… I said the obligatory 'jews' thing….

that should hold us for another hour

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a9cab9  No.242355


im listening

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d44cf5  No.242356


they're generally brilliant

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d44cf5  No.242357


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a9cab9  No.242358


I've found they confuse a willingness to deceive with intelligence.

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f324fd  No.242359

File: 1c3c89fd5bee762⋯.jpg (42.8 KB, 800x526, 400:263, lonely_man_sitting_compute….jpg)

by the way, keep your eyes peeled for tomorrow night's "ITS FRIDAY NIGHT AGAIN ALREADY: WTF ARE YOU DOING WITH YOUR LIFE" thread…


feel free to join the fun

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f324fd  No.242360


that's a trait I've noticed in all humans

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f324fd  No.242361




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f324fd  No.242362

it's just my ongoing PUBLIC SERVICE SERIES™

but you're all invited

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a9cab9  No.242365


Not more so than in the Jew. Their "intelligence" slogan even glorifies deception. An inferior strategy for a sorely mistaken people.

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f324fd  No.242368

File: 42c6db916577980⋯.jpg (420.27 KB, 1004x1280, 251:320, 20210624_182325.jpg)

time to feed some stray cats in the neighborhood


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f324fd  No.242370

File: 78f6c2f7361ae30⋯.jpg (2.41 MB, 4000x3000, 4:3, IMG_20210402_210847694.jpg)

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f324fd  No.242372

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Did you know Queens crazy Little thing called Love was Freddie Mercury's tribute to Elvis?

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f324fd  No.242373

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

as was FAITH

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f324fd  No.242374

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

In fact there are a ton of songs which are Elvis tributes

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f324fd  No.242376

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

these days, it's hard to understand how SCARY Elvis was when he first exploded….

threatening seeming

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f324fd  No.242377

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

be well

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385fdc  No.242381


Just as SCARY as the USSR….

…until it collapsed to the shithole too.

But Elvis is among the tens of thousands in my favorite collections.

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385fdc  No.242382

By the way, might as well make it public now, I'm dying.

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a9cab9  No.242383

we're all dying

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