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File: 400b7751bc15b51⋯.jpg (106.83 KB, 750x500, 3:2, patent.jpg)

6dd1bf  No.241782

Conservative Christian 'Les Républicains Party' Sweeps Elections In France



'left-wing' Macron and 'right-wing' Marine Le Pen (both controlled opposition) calling this "a civic disaster" akaOY VEY!


Clearly they deserved this result, France is really pissed off about the Covid lockdowns and vaccine terror over there!

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1780d1  No.241786


They'll quickly be Swept into a garbage can

just like we did to Trump voters

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1780d1  No.241787


<France is really pissed off about the Covid lockdowns and vaccine terror over there!

Nope…. France is pissed off that they HAD TO FINALLY BATHE

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1780d1  No.241788

The pandemic FORCED millions of The French into taking a bath and washing their hands

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6dd1bf  No.241789


liar liar

people are waking up in droves to your tyranny and destructive behavior

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6dd1bf  No.241791


Is this level of deceit a Jewish gene by any chance? I'm not judging you for being Jewish btw, I am just wondering, a lot of people to day are starting to wonder about things like that. Not that there's any reason right?

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1780d1  No.241795


I've met some really cool smart jewish people in my life….

lots of them, actually………..

Like my father…..

and my mother….

and my brothers and my sister…

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1780d1  No.241797

File: 47b2b063ec44295⋯.jpg (527.71 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 20210622_103715.jpg)

Even "The Great Human Feces Landslide of Paris" in 1941 wasn't enough to make the French bathe…

So of course they're pissed off now

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1780d1  No.241799

File: 0e8fb28b8a906d0⋯.png (1.4 MB, 1132x1280, 283:320, 20210622_081540.png)


You may enjoy this one…

The Hopium and Qtardery are a bit much for me…

In this film Election Deception Part 11 "The Law or War"


we will look at how President Trump has never left as POTUS and what we are witnessing right now is a show as we have already won.

It is DEFINITELY a Show though!

Meanwhile, most are just crunching popcorn.

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1780d1  No.241800


In the UK, it's spelled "faeces"

In France, it's spelled "hair gel"

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1780d1  No.241802

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Yesterday, my step daughter/fiancé and I watched Marry Poppins, and I rewrote the lyrics to "I LOVE TO LAUGH" in Latin, and twisted the syllables around to make it whimsical…

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1780d1  No.241803

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


See, you don't "ACT"… this stuff…….

You don't "conjure" it up, "make" it up…..

HA !! it bubbles up…


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1780d1  No.241805

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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2b5ed9  No.241806

It's because Macron went antipedo. What a fucking retard.

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2b5ed9  No.241807


Also, suck it Macron.

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1780d1  No.241808

Stick a feather in your cap, and blow me Macaroni

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1780d1  No.241809

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I think all the semites and seminites need to just go "yo", and chill out

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2b5ed9  No.241810

Macron should never have attacked pedos.

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6dd1bf  No.241811

Pardon the interruption here:

REAL debate in: >>241229

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6dd1bf  No.241813


I grow those too :) have four different kinds but forget which.

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2b5ed9  No.241814

I told em. I told em.

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