The past Iranian president WAS willing to meet with both Trump and Biden but it never happened. The new one has sent a VERY clear message, and I found out about this AFTER I typed the following.
OK, so if Iran will not accept Biden now, what can I say? That's hard to hate. Kudos to the Iranian people.
Obviously the linked report is not going to mention vote fraud because that would blow a hole in the MSM con job. But you can damn well bet that was part of it, a legit Iranian leader is not going to accept a foreign fraudster and that's all there is to it. No legit president would.
Well, MAYBE. Obrador DID meet with this scam administration, but he threw a twist in - he intentionally soiled his suit with food VERY CLEARLY and THEN met Kamala (at least according to Claudia) which is a very serious insult. In Mexican culture, if you arrive looking shabby when you normally look perfect it's the same as calling whoever you are meeting a POS. Obrador gets a solid pass. There's no question he has nothing for Biden and I am very happy to see the new Iranian president does not either. Which leads to the following: Israel is doing back flips over Iran right now.
I called this right: Nut Yahoo has been replaced by someone even worse, and this report proves it
The report goes over: Buehshehr went into emergency shut down, (probably because of a Stuxnet attack), fine timing with that -
The report claims Iran's new president is a killer who is talked about "how people who suffered at his hand in Iran" at the end of the Iran/Iraq war. Only, NO. There's no way that could have happened. The reality is that Iran was 100 percent defensive in the Iran/Iraq war which saw Iraq be used as a puppet state by the U.S. Iran never crossed into Iraq for that. Iran won that war, and this report is trying to pin dead Iraqis as Iran's fault when they all died on IRANIAN TURF, IN IRAN, WHERE THEY DID NOT BELONG after killing Iranians.
The report is doing the equivalent of blaming Americans for shooting Chinese backed by Russia somewhere in Louisiana.
The report mentions low voter turnout for Iran's last election - FACT: Iran had "low voter turnout for 2 reasons. 1. Covid, and 2. they secured their elections and prevented the dead from making it close to 50/50. Half the voters, the fake half did not show up, therefore "turnout was low".
Read over the linked report. Consider it all lies except for the scrammed Iranian reactor, which was sucessfully shut down probably because after Fukushima they have full analog readouts and fully analog over-ride for shutdowns so attacks get noticed and addressed before there is disaster. Iran has been attacked this way repeatedly. It's not like they are stupid about it.
But the new Israeli leadership, which is screaming about how bad Iran suddenly is, expects YOU to be stupid. Don't fall for it.