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5f1b32  No.241749





The past Iranian president WAS willing to meet with both Trump and Biden but it never happened. The new one has sent a VERY clear message, and I found out about this AFTER I typed the following.

OK, so if Iran will not accept Biden now, what can I say? That's hard to hate. Kudos to the Iranian people.

Obviously the linked report is not going to mention vote fraud because that would blow a hole in the MSM con job. But you can damn well bet that was part of it, a legit Iranian leader is not going to accept a foreign fraudster and that's all there is to it. No legit president would.

Well, MAYBE. Obrador DID meet with this scam administration, but he threw a twist in - he intentionally soiled his suit with food VERY CLEARLY and THEN met Kamala (at least according to Claudia) which is a very serious insult. In Mexican culture, if you arrive looking shabby when you normally look perfect it's the same as calling whoever you are meeting a POS. Obrador gets a solid pass. There's no question he has nothing for Biden and I am very happy to see the new Iranian president does not either. Which leads to the following: Israel is doing back flips over Iran right now.

I called this right: Nut Yahoo has been replaced by someone even worse, and this report proves it


The report goes over: Buehshehr went into emergency shut down, (probably because of a Stuxnet attack), fine timing with that -

The report claims Iran's new president is a killer who is talked about "how people who suffered at his hand in Iran" at the end of the Iran/Iraq war. Only, NO. There's no way that could have happened. The reality is that Iran was 100 percent defensive in the Iran/Iraq war which saw Iraq be used as a puppet state by the U.S. Iran never crossed into Iraq for that. Iran won that war, and this report is trying to pin dead Iraqis as Iran's fault when they all died on IRANIAN TURF, IN IRAN, WHERE THEY DID NOT BELONG after killing Iranians.

The report is doing the equivalent of blaming Americans for shooting Chinese backed by Russia somewhere in Louisiana.

The report mentions low voter turnout for Iran's last election - FACT: Iran had "low voter turnout for 2 reasons. 1. Covid, and 2. they secured their elections and prevented the dead from making it close to 50/50. Half the voters, the fake half did not show up, therefore "turnout was low".

Read over the linked report. Consider it all lies except for the scrammed Iranian reactor, which was sucessfully shut down probably because after Fukushima they have full analog readouts and fully analog over-ride for shutdowns so attacks get noticed and addressed before there is disaster. Iran has been attacked this way repeatedly. It's not like they are stupid about it.

But the new Israeli leadership, which is screaming about how bad Iran suddenly is, expects YOU to be stupid. Don't fall for it.

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8c74f9  No.241753


You may enjoy this one, Killcen…

TheHopiumand Qtardery are a bit much for me…

In this film Election Deception Part 11 "The Law or War"


we will look at how President Trump has never left as POTUS and what we are witnessing right now is a show as we have already won.

It is DEFINITELY a Show though!

Meanwhile, most are just crunching popcorn.

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5f1b32  No.241756



MY COMMENT: The best thing that can happen is we move on, vote out the cucked RINOs and neo-cons and restore real conservative values to the GOP and do our best to gut Agenda 21 Great Reset bullshit, and preserve our 2nd Amendment for life. That can happen. Trump will get another shot in 2024 BUT…. he can only win if the massive voter fraud is interrupted or prevented via new voter ID laws and a whole lot of voters counting and inspecting the ballots!

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8c74f9  No.241758


I took Johnny Neptune up on his bet. I bet Johnny $35,000 Trump would become president again by the 4th of July because he's still the president

I can't wait to win my $35,000 on the 4th of july

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8c74f9  No.241762


I have reliable sources who tell me Trump secretly lives in a pantry in the White House kitchen, and at night time he sneaks out into the Oval Office and rewrites lyrics to television show theme songs, in Latin.

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8c74f9  No.241763

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The other day, My Girlfriend and I were watching a GOSSIP GIRL Marathon, and I decided to rewrite the lyrics to the GOSSIP GIRL theme song (in Latin) and give it a whimsical twist.

Kill me, please….


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8d561d  No.241765

File: cac75127ad1be87⋯.jpg (30.77 KB, 474x266, 237:133, download.jpg)


Truuuuuump, I'm comin' for ya boy!

Trump,,,,, I'm cooooomin' … I'm right behind ya!

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6d3b72  No.241776







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8c74f9  No.241778


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8c74f9  No.241779

On the 4th of July, I'm going to become $35,000 richer

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8c74f9  No.241780


Latin Word Circles ROCK

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29a0ef  No.241784

File: 88b0d31f710d463⋯.gif (3.04 MB, 444x250, 222:125, nice_3.gif)


everything is accelerating and we're all going to die painful deaths

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29a0ef  No.241785


>Trump will get another shot in 2024 BUT…. he can only win if the massive voter fraud is interrupted or prevented via new voter ID laws and a whole lot of voters counting and inspecting the ballots!


<there's still a chance!

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6dad0b  No.241793


Is this conservative 8kun stuff all just about avoiding war while they take coochie away from college educated and having children while they know liberal college educated aren't. All they need to do is hang on and avoid war……starting to seem like it. I really think this is it.

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6dad0b  No.241796


Fuck Trump.

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6dad0b  No.241831


There's something really fishy about it. It would be different if it were just the Republican leaders. But when all the conservative bunyons are against it , you have to start wondering about it. Remember, they used Trump to propagandise white girls to mob conservatives and chirstcucks. Now it's antiwar even for the "white boy summer" bunyons. It's almost like they instinctively are trying to make things as worse as possible for college educated liberals in the city.

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6dad0b  No.241834


Any one of you guys want to come out and admit it?

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931c7c  No.241849


>real conservative values

No thanks.

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931c7c  No.241851


No one in the republican party is anti-war.

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fc82ee  No.242403


City or not, almost all universities are communist indoctrination camps. Don't call that "education."

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17986e  No.242410


Yes yeeeeessssss … good goy. Stay home and learn from Youtube. Do not go to where groups of young people gather and learn to irl organize. Stay home … staaayyyy hoooommmmmeeee.

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19a623  No.242480




You don't need to stay home, you need to beware of the SCAM that it is, it is not really "education" the way they brainwash those kids, the kids come out way dumber in many cases. You'd be much better off joining the trade, or driving a warehouse delivery truck, or raising livestock than you would be with communist indoctrination and $100,000 in DEBT.

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02f2d8  No.242559

File: f854eb62c5c0f57⋯.jpg (204.52 KB, 770x900, 77:90, Kids.jpg)

File: 8e20fbe11f7ed99⋯.gif (213.06 KB, 976x932, 244:233, kids1.GIF)

File: 613d1c5ab5dacda⋯.jpg (40.36 KB, 620x330, 62:33, JewishDanger.jpg)

Yea Bibi's replacement is worse. Anyhow Israel destroyed 22 media outlets because they're torturing and killing men women and children in Gaza every single day.

Those Iranian and Palestinian websites the DOJ seized were reporting on all the kids Israel is killing. Showing the pictures and personalizing the victims is how you transform public opinion.

Abe Foxman ex ADL boss who cares so much for kids he helped create the curriculum in US schools. He's the defender of oppressed minorities until the NYT's put the kids Israel killed on the cover. He went mask off and declared he was cancelling his subscription and called it blood libel..

Let that sink in.

These pics of kids Israel bombed are so powerful that all the major Jewish groups Jewry decided to fuckin deny it at all costs.

From now on any kids that get killed they have decided to blame Hamas for using them as human shields no matter what.

That third pic is pretty sad. Those kids were asleep in their houses.

That's why they don't show victims of the opiate epidemic eitther.

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