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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

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5ee938  No.241565

Big Tech & governments installing covid-19 SPYWARE tracking on 'smartphones' without user consent!



MY COMMENT: Not one bit surprised these criminals stoop to this! Yet another reason why people should stop using these 'smartphones' and instead be using burner phones or older flip phones without internet! I've said this for years, never had one and I'll never use one myself.

Here is a good alternative that came out for preppers and those who want another alternative! Satellite phones! You can get a non-internet satellite phone with or without a text option. It's encrypted, EMF-proof, does not rely on the internet or power grid either. Many preppers are using this today:

BEST OPTION: https://satellitephonestore.com/catalog/sale/details/inmarsat-isatphone-2-satellite-phone

ALL OPTIONS: https://satellitephonestore.com/catalog/sale/satellite-phones

Sure, it is used for more emergency issues, but if you want to prevent Big Pharma and spook spyware, this is one way to go today! A 200 minute call per month plan is likely just as expensive as any 'smartphone' plan is anyway!

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525f6e  No.241584

Oy to the Vey.

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2c3aa4  No.241638

Sometimes I wonder what it's like to live in a city, walking around staring down at a smartphone worrying about how many so-called 'online friends' are 'liking' my Facebook account…..

……..then I cringe…….

and I get my ass off the computer

and drown myself in booze

while listening to Doo Wop…..

which OK…. it's that time again!!!

See you anons later, that is,

if my liver don't finally cave in this time around!

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2c3aa4  No.241730


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2923a9  No.241734


LOL. Wow. You GLOW!

Right on time too!

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f2229b  No.241743

They're scared of this too.

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2aaec9  No.241748

File: 0e8fb28b8a906d0⋯.png (1,4 MB, 1132x1280, 283:320, 20210622_081540.png)


we all know water is wet, but you're not going to stop the world from bathing… we don't need to be "warned"

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2aaec9  No.241750


<does not rely on the internet or power grid either

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! That's hilarious

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2aaec9  No.241751

File: b7bec3a4dc73b0a⋯.png (955,11 KB, 1080x2300, 54:115, Screenshot_20210622_082329.png)

lol @ $10,700 for two pathetic walkie talkies THAT RELY ON THE INTERNET NO MATTER WHAT YOU MAY THINK.

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677750  No.241752


Well at least according to Mike Adams who uses it. It's supposed to be connected to the satellite system network, which is a different kind of 'online connection'. If you doubt that, do some inquiry yourself.

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