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28aaed  No.241024

I'm a Socialist who was a fascist once, and I would like to offer a powerful set of arguments against Ethnic nationalism grounded in historical materialism. Ethnic nationalism or fascism today is traditionalist, looking back to the past in a cowering fashion, as opposed to yesteryears fascists especially the Italian fascists who were modernist and futuristic and this age's communists who are futuristic and forward looking. This point will be crucial.

CRISPR: One of the fundamental principles undergirding ethnic nationalism is people with genetic affinity forming a close knit community. Ethnic nationalism stresses the role, importance and immutability of genetics. However here the liberal cliché wrong side of history holds true, with the advancement of gene editing technology ,Ethnic nationalism becomes Outdated as genetics become more fluid and less important.

Your enemy and Internationalism: Most people here are red pilled on the fact that International Capitalism is their enemy and it's least harmful effects(Yes least). But thus the conclusion should be reached that to destroy international capitalism an effort must be international. Even if the whole of Britain became an Ethnostate, it would be doomed if capitalism would be allowed to continue in the rest of the world, why?

The Fate of merry England: Even if England were to become a "Socialist" Ethnostate tomorrow it would be doomed in 80 years if capitalism in the whole earth did not stop and the whole of Europe turned into tundra and taiga thanks to the failure of the Gulf stream due to climate change. If England and Europe are to be saved action would have to be taken on an international scale.

An era of disturbance: This is an era of reaction, reaction to the ravages of neoliberal capitalism in Europe the Far-right might rise while in Latinoamerica the Left is rising, there is a Marxist-Leninist predicted to win the elections in Peru and in Chile Communist party won a victory and will take a prominent role in drafting it's constitution. In the USA it looks like there will be civil unrest between the emerging Left(Socialists and Communists) and the right(ethnic nationalists) in which the left will probably prevail .






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b3b4af  No.241026

>I'm a Socialist

>I would like to offer a powerful set of arguments against Ethnic nationalism

fuck off kike.

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28aaed  No.241028

File: 0d3220047bb784f⋯.gif (1.23 MB, 254x254, 1:1, soytard.gif)


Shoving your head into the sand so soon?

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f57bc1  No.241030


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80ee3b  No.241042


Nothing ever has and nothing ever will work with central banks running their fiat ponzi schemes. You will have a wrecked economy and broken up, divided nation every single time you accept (((central bankers))) to take over the monetary system. Nothing will ever work with them in power. You must abolish central banking and keep them abolished or the economic system will be destroyed and the nation in dismay and divided. Every. Single. Time.

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0b4f3e  No.241043


we’re not fascists though…

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573e79  No.241084


I am. We need a ruler with an iron fist. We tried peace and now we have degenerates. We need discipline!

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b3b4af  No.241085


>We need a ruler with an iron fist.

>We tried peace and now we have degenerates.

These statements aren't true.

>We have degenerates.

>We need discipline

These statements are true.

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1c7e70  No.241088

File: 9588da2ec9d6196⋯.jpg (163.55 KB, 720x720, 1:1, 8b19b8551de14e6c.jpg)

File: 834e31b9b4a9573⋯.jpg (66.07 KB, 640x420, 32:21, 9d82d00d3fd97e24.jpg)

File: b51d3c81b875995⋯.jpg (119.19 KB, 607x607, 1:1, bfc1e913c6511183.jpg)

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maybe it's just because i very recently read that book about jewish revolutionary spirit, but i want to see how a labor based economy would turn out. even before reading it, i thought that the main bad part about capitalism is how it makes financial gain an objective in life, rather than continuing ones genetic lineage, whether that be through helping those genetically close to him, or having a lot of kids.

to actually talk about your idea. i had a similar idea with the genetic side. since, hypothetically, if you put 10 thousand niggers in canada for a couple million years, then they would turn into less of a bunch of savages. but i figured that if that was the case, then it really didn't matter what i do currently, but i might as well speed up the process of having more of a good race.

as for the socialism part, what do you mean by socialism? also, the whole "world wide revolution" thing only works if you instill the values of it into everyone, as to get rid of the spirit of exchanging goods. not just by changing laws, and even by taking over all news sources, but by changing every family in a region of the world, and then cutting it off from the rest of it. it would be pretty difficult. in the end, theres going to be a lot of shedding of innocent life, to get rid of a usury based system, when we already have non-usury-based systems that have worked in the past. (here, i'm not trying to make the argument that communism has never worked, it hasn't, but everywhere it was in, usually was shit in the first place. the thing that was closest to it working was with gaddafi, but that was more nationalizing some industry, rather than cut off exchange.) which brings me back to my earlier point of a labor based economy. like with the inca, the most powerful regional power in south America, or the HRE, an entity that survived over a thousand years in medieval Europe.

but ay, i'm mostly spit ballin'. until I see isolated examples of this labor based shit worked out modern day, then I wouldn't swap the entire world to it. i'd probably just have heavy protectionism, and the nationalizing of some industry. along with huge propaganda campaigns that make any mans life goal to be helping his genetic lineage.

also. do you know where I can get more of these "boogaloo doge" images? I wanna make a story with them.

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