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File: f4ea4cd252fd11a⋯.png (176.35 KB, 849x396, 283:132, smoke_fags.png)

31f69a  No.240971

Babe, I'm going out to smoke some fags.

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3c1408  No.240983


you're like a 13 year old boy…. loser

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3c1408  No.240987

low IQ loser with the ladies, can't get any pussy….

not intelligent enough to figure out how to get a girlfriend

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3c1408  No.240990


in 2021, heFINALLYlearned that British people call cigarettes "fags"



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3c1408  No.240995


you're SO stupid, that you even included a screenshot of the British definition….

as if WE are just as stupid as you…..

as if we needed a visual verification of the British definition…


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3c1408  No.240999


Q: how long did it take you to think up this HILARIOUS WORD COINCIDENCE ?

because everybody else knew this when we were 5 years old

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8fdb33  No.241001

not news….

not even a petty social dispute…


you'd be better off posting this on /b/ or another total random board…..

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31f69a  No.241005


Trying to post several posts pretending to be different people? You forgot that there's an ID attached, stupid.

"low IQ loser with the ladies, can't get pussy" seems like you are trying to compensate the lack of power in your life by attempting to fake a mob, stupid freak.

Get a life, it's a joke. How can anyone get this butthurt?

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31f69a  No.241006


You are acting like one, you butthurt idiot. Get a joke.

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31f69a  No.241007


Are you projecting? Who hurt you?

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31f69a  No.241008


"WE" literally just him.

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9202ee  No.241014


no I think he was correct in saying "we". I certainly knew about UK calling cigarettes "fags" back in the 3rd grade, so did all of my friends, and so did every other 3rd grader on earth.

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a88a02  No.241017


you're correct. I'm 32 years old now, but I remember 'making jokes' about the UK definition of "fags" or "faggots" back when I was 8 years old, in the 2nd grade. in fact, I'd imagine that most 3rd grade children are already "too sophisticated" to find OPs 'sense of humor's even remotely funny or clever.

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9eb16d  No.241020


imagine thinking that you get to determine what people can or can't post on this EMPTY EORTHLESS BOARD.

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863e22  No.241022


what are you, like 7? 8 maybe?

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863e22  No.241023





four posts, pretending to be a "mob" of people.

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e9d0b8  No.241025



two posts, pretending like you're a two-man Army

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015053  No.241034


1 post, pretending to be a stadium filled with people.

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015053  No.241035


Your thread is stupid.

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4236d0  No.241047


finally, somebody made a meme for 6 year olds

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1350d6  No.241072


Smoke some cock more likely. Admit you slob knobs you fucking kike loving faggot

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6739b4  No.242751


>shills hate it

must be an effective meme

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cdfdc5  No.248174

File: 643358caa174f46⋯.png (15.58 KB, 379x214, 379:214, 0e3.png)


This is the /pnd/ quality I've come to expect! Accept no less.

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