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9d62eb  No.240530

The opiate epidemic was a deliberate program of white genocide.

Trump and Guiliani are key players in the opiate epidemic, not on your side either.


Also while the GOP and all their talking heads are doing their fake outrage bit about the flood of refugees coming across the border.


Behind the scenes the GOP's trusted ally the Chamber of Commerce is pushing this.

"The Disingenuously labeled the "American Works Agenda,"For context, approximately 1.2 million legal immigrants are given green cards (legal permanent resident status) annually in the U.S. This is in addition to the roughly 1.4 million foreign nationals given visas to take U.S. jobs despite a U6 unemployment rate still over 10%.

The Chamber of Commerce, through their new lobbying effort, is demanding that lawmakers:

At least double employment-based green cards to 280,000 admissions a year

Eliminate per-country caps, allowing India and China to monopolize employment-based green card categories

Double the annual number of H-1B visas awarded to foreign workers

Double the annual number of H-2B visas awarded to foreign workers

Expand the H-2A visa program to allow non-seasonal agricultural businesses to import foreign workers

Allow foreign students to more easily secure employment-based green cards after graduation

Provide amnesty to illegal aliens enrolled in the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program

Provide amnesty to foreign nationals enrolled in Temporary Protected Status (TPS)

Allow local politicians to import foreign workers to take American jobs in their local economy and to drive up population growth

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9d62eb  No.240531

The link to the above story


Also the GOP 's attempting to blame the opioid epidemic on Mexicans not the Sacklers.

Oddly enough the one person standing up and saying it's the Sacklers that started it is Rashida Tlaib of "the squad".

Also good site to keep up on immigration.


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9d62eb  No.240533

So what's it all mean? Never vote for a incumbent. I just wanted to point this out since I see all the Republicans doing their fake outrage shtick.

Good day and also get vaccinated. Fauci loves us like his children, remember that.

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9d62eb  No.240534

What do you guys think about the part about the Chinese and Indian s monopolizing immigration?

Better than the other third world refugees?

It seems those groups would become a threat to Jewish employment prospects.

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871469  No.240535

WN have been trying to tell "conservative Americans" this for literally decades.

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bbfc41  No.240552





Sorry, not falling for the one-sided mindset. Not all the GOP are total cucks like you think, just like not all Dems are completely insane either. There is still a balance no matter how crazy and corrupted politics is today. Also, glad my Governor is ignoring this freak show and is doing something that is right.

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a49255  No.240554




Texas is going on without help from the federal government to cover the expense of building more border wall. This will help solve some of these damned issues due to federal non-compliance and lack of border enforcement. RINOs better pay attention, their voters are getting sick of their conformist and defeatist bullshit too:


And as far as the pandemic BULLSHIT, thank God for the GOP today! The only areas that refused to lockdown and refused to impose vaccine passports were mostly Republican-dominated counties and states. The Ozarks for example were still getting huge business rolling though from travelers and vacationers while cities like NY and Chicago were all closed, closed, closed!!! And they wonder why people are fleeing those cities? Hah!

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871469  No.240557

File: 58ab864a93e4c1c⋯.png (348.24 KB, 488x658, 244:329, Screenshot_2021_06_15_Eric….png)



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871469  No.240558


Building a wall is almost pointless at this juncture because of the demographic shift that has ALREADY HAPPENED.

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7c424d  No.240563


Our state is actually solvent and maintains its vast roads (even the very rural junctions). We don't have to worry about a 'pension crisis' over here, or high taxation, or a bloated bureaucracy. Those with true disability can still get their medicaid over here. I know someone who is on it and he is really disabled, has severe back issues…. so….


OK, if that is the case, then why are people even complaining about the border issue? What's the point to white national socialism if it's already too late and has "already happened"?

This seems to happen every God damned "very convenient" time when problems are starting to be SOLVED, then the defeatism and black pilling goes full steam on this board. Just like you anons don't dare talk about those certain leaks that blew that bullshit pandemic WIDE OPEN…. sure…. pointless, …..right.

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871469  No.240566


It has nothing to do with disability. It's about expanding Medicaid coverage to lower middle class people. The people of Missouri want to raise the threshold of who gets subsidized medical coverage. The working poor White people of Missouri voted for that and the Republican party snuffed it out because the Republican party is anti-White and wants to cause great harm to the White race and always has wanted to cause great harm to White race.

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9d62eb  No.240567

File: 31fb939cc2317b3⋯.gif (57.81 KB, 1074x688, 537:344, Traitor33.GIF)

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905a4a  No.240568


Can you name one state that is not a complete shithole at this point that allows everyone to have Medicaid coverage?


As does all the other States, you could find ZOG supporters in every political party and State in the USSA. So irrelevant. However, at least I can say taxes are much lower, gas prices are much lower, cost of living is overall lower, we have the legal right to self defense, we don't have wildfires everywhere like Commiefornia, we don't have a 'pension crisis' aka politicians looting worker pensions (!), we don't have bullshit zoning laws everywhere, we have a lot less crime across the State (St. Louis NOT included) and overall it's a great State for those who want to be left alone and be independent. If you desire socialism, go to Commiefornia or NYC with that shit. Most of us don't want it or need it.

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871469  No.240569


Yup. Anti-White conservative shills work overtime to keep their narrative up.

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871469  No.240570


Shut the fuck up, kike. Filtered.

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7c424d  No.240571


LOL, but it's true! I don't have junkies shitting up in my backyard, I'm not paying $4 + per gallon of gas, I have a homestead in rural Missouri and the taxes are dirt cheap for dozen acred land (you'd pay 5x that just for a suburban home in Illinois, 10x for one in Commiefornia or Oregon), we actually take care and maintain the roads here too unlike in some States! We also have competent firefighters and allow loggers to clear dead wood when in need. You can throw a fit over it, whatever, I'm happy with my conservative State.

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8904bc  No.240572


Name one state that allows Medicaid for all. I'd really like to hear about it.

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871469  No.240573


They didn't vote for Medicaid for all, they voted to raise the income threshold that you qualify at.

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9d9dc8  No.240575


Is this your first day on the internet or something? Who the fuck do you think you’re talking to. We have known this literally for decades.


Literally commit suicide. You’re too stupid to be here and too stupid to be allowed to live anymore. Fuck off. No one will ever believe you. We know you’re a shill. Nothing you say is even remotely true.

The website is dead because it has been physically impossible to post from landline services for over a year. All attempts to post form any non-mobile or non-tor IP is permanently blocked.

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01c318  No.240581


>Literally commit suicide.

HA HA HA, nope! Pound fucking sand for all I care.

>The website is dead because it has been physically impossible to post from landline services for over a year. All attempts to post form any non-mobile or non-tor IP is permanently blocked.

I'm posting just fine over a VPN. No mobile BS. Just over an older computer and OS.

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01c318  No.240583


Well I would say those that really want or need it should leave to another State that has it. Just like many who want less taxation and lower living expenses keep moving to States like ours. There is a trade-off, for better or worse, you just have to find the best State for you.

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01c318  No.240585


>No one will ever believe you. We know you’re a shill.

Not really, it's pretty simple actually. The States that provide more Medicaid and other governmental benefits tend to have higher taxation. If a State decides they rather have lower taxation, they have to cut governmental spending or they'd become insolvent. Thus there is a trade-off: those who want lower taxes and lower prices overall have less governmental expenditure. Those that have more government programs have to pay that cost via taxes. This is one reason people keep moving State to State, some States suit certain families and workers better than others.

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9d62eb  No.240586


>Can you name one state that is not a complete shithole at this point that allows everyone to have Medicaid coverage?

Israel and every other first world country.

Come on dude, don't you see our healthcare system is the mother of all Jewish swindles.

There's routinely Jews making hundreds of millions in our healthcare system. The latest I've read about is Moderna's Chief Medical Officer. He's retired, set for life selling stock.

Instead of leaving your next of kin a inheritance . You spend two or three of your final days in the hospital, boom a couple of hundred thousand dollars owed to the Jew.

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01c318  No.240589


You are correct, it is a crooked system. That's why it is best to not rely on healthcare services at all if you can help it. You can do this by eating better, being more fit, avoiding higher-risk activities. If you want to leave your family money I'd suggest dying naturally without medical aid and instead use booze for the pain in your dying days. It's not considered suicide so your family can inherit your wealth even if you OD from alcohol. That of-course if worse comes to worse you still have that option. Overall try taking care of your immune system, take quality vitamins and health supplements, eat organic non-GMO as much as possible and get fresh air and sunshine. Medicaid is not exactly the solution as they'll just milk you through massive tax increases to pay for it, and they'll have dozens of loopholes to deny you too if the medical services were to lose profits over something.

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9d62eb  No.240591

File: 31837929eaab8b7⋯.gif (161.06 KB, 1327x878, 1327:878, Africaaid.GIF)


Same with college, if you get a degree then you owe the Jew a hundred thousand.

Israel, healthcare is free and so is college. Heck in the USA we pay for the Jews top notch private schools.

You should look in detail on our foreign aid, we're funding to protect turtle habitat in Israel.

But no, we can't afford universal healthcare.

We can donate 500 million doses of the pfizer vaccine to third world shit holes.

You won't believe how much we spend trying to prevent and treat AIDS in Africa.

That's Rochele Walensky and Fauci's claim to fame. Extending the lives of those infected with AIDS.

YOU GUYS BE SURE TO GO EXPLORE. Search around and to get the details click on the number on the left and remember we are borrowing this money so we owe it and interest.

You'll notice a trend, white money going to non whites. Look at the pic, every white country is pitching in to prop up Africa. Ntm Chinese investment.

That's foreign aid but now if you want to get a govt contract in the USA verifying is a important first step. I got that right off the local Chamber of Commerce website.

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9d62eb  No.240592


Do some digging and tell me we shouldn't get affordable healthcare. It's mind boggling how much money we're giving away and spending on Israel's path to Global Hegemony and every other stupid idea under the sun..

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9d62eb  No.240593


>That's foreign aid but now if you want to get a govt contract in the USA verifying is a important first step. I got that right off the local Chamber of Commerce website.

Verifying you're a minority owned business gives you a huge advantage in order to land a contract. Ntm if you want a loan to get a potential business you had better be a minority. It's pretty insane what's happening right now and what's been happening for decades..

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4e276b  No.240797



The only way you are not getting owned by the system is you simply refuse to play their games. Fuck the crooked educational system, the healthcare system and all the rest of the institutions out there. Avoid them like the plague, work hard to become self-sufficient as possible, support local small family-run businesses including farmers markets and flea markets and yard sales as much as you can, become a prepper and get ready for the worst case scenarios. The economic collapse will come, in due time, we are already seeing inflation rise and it will continue as the dollar gets dumped more and more often by more and more countries.

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4e276b  No.240799


You could have all that and UBI if you were to cut out all the wars for Israel and all the other bloated bureaucratic waste…. but the fact is, the crooks will use this to weaponize it against us…. for example….

You rely on UBI? OK goyim, you can have it, but you must turn in those guns to receive the next payment (newest fiat regulation!), and you'll have a monthly mental health background check to make sure you are safe…. and to do that, you'll need to take the routine updated chemical concoction of vaccines!! Oh and btw, next year cameras will be mandated in every room hooked up to Facebook and Amazon servers for those receiving UBI!!!

I'm saying right here and now…. HELL NO! Fuck off. I don't need that shit and won't stand for that shit!

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9d62eb  No.240947

Well kiss Vermont goodbye, they elected a Republican Governor. That's right, Bernie Sander's home state is one of the whitest in the country.

Vermont’s Republican Governor Phil Scott who has (according to the AP) asked Harris/Biden for more refugees!

Ethiopian resettlement contractors answered his call.


Right wingers are so dumb, the GOP keeps using this trick. Moan and groan about the border while they're flooding the country with LEGAL third world slave labor.


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310f55  No.248164


wtf i love the gop now! white genocide is essential to the future of the human race.

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