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038ec1  No.240415

hi all do you guys like epic music or cinematic music orchestra?i know that is wrong post in this board but i wonder if you like this music

here some music from Scott Buckley free copyright :his youtube channel:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nvz0avKwSsM

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10ad0f  No.240419

bretty gud

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4d4896  No.240430

File: 15b59d6f359b22c⋯.png (45.86 KB, 1761x1080, 587:360, PicsArt_06_14_01_45_26.png)


EPIC MUSIC = the only thing I like more than cinematic music

HOWEVER, I always enjoy epic cinematic music

Not to be confused with CINEMATIC EPIC MUSIC

Cinematic epic music that is more cinematic than epic is always epic in its cinematic scope, while epic cinematic music that is more epic than cinematic is always epic, much more epic than just regular epic music without the cinematic attribute.

When I am in the market for epic music, there are always four choices to consider :


"Epic cinematic"

"Cinematic epic"

or "cinematic AND epic"

It seems like epic music would be a lot less complicated, but once you introduce "cinematic" into the epic music mix, it mitigates the epic nature, and modifies the Cinematic Dynamics…

I've always found it quite epic to be listening to epic cinematic epic music that is slightly cinematic, but much more epic, while still retaining just the right amount of cinematic without obscuring the epic part…

Cinematic music is fine and dandy on its own, but it's always a little bit more epic when you mix a little bit of epic music into the cinematic music, making it cinematic yet epic in its scope…

ALSO : Scott Buckley sucks my balls while I hum completely original epic cinematic compositions I sync up in my head while having fellatio performed on me…

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4d4896  No.240431

File: b8d227c8ea3aba9⋯.png (46.58 KB, 1761x1080, 587:360, PicsArt_06_14_01_55_49.png)

File: f77c15f7650871f⋯.png (58.4 KB, 1761x1080, 587:360, PicsArt_06_14_01_56_51.png)

File: 130888aab11220a⋯.png (51.3 KB, 1761x1080, 587:360, PicsArt_06_14_01_57_27.png)

File: 3cef4149cdd94fd⋯.png (50.96 KB, 1761x1080, 587:360, PicsArt_06_14_01_58_23.png)

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40656c  No.240432


Don't pay any attention to schizo >>240430

I actually liked the music.

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40656c  No.240433


I thought it was epic. Extremely epic. Extremely extremely epic. Very very very very epic. And if music isn't epic, you'll never catch me saying it's extremely extremely epic.

If you see me describing music as epic, or extremely epic, very very very epic, or extremely extremely very very extremely very very epic, there's a good chance that music will be epic.

But these days, the term "epic" doesn't really have a lot of meaning anymore…

Not unless you're talking about epic cinematic music…

Epic cinematic music is both epic and cinematic, meaning it's not just cinematic, and it's not just epic, but it's actually epic cinematic music, which increases the epicness….

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40656c  No.240434


Scott Buckley simply doesn't have any talent when it comes to writing catchy melodies, clever hooks, familiar refrains, or intelligent lyrics…

Scott Buckley learned how to read sheet music

But Scott Buckley doesn't have an original creative bone in his entire body…

This is the type of drivel produced by 65-year-old flamboyantly homosexual church organists

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4f94aa  No.240435


I'm confused. Are you saying Scott Buckley's music is epic, or his music is cinematic?

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4f94aa  No.240436


Because when I approach his music with a predetermined idea that it's going to be 'epic', it ends up sounding more cinematic to me, and leaves something to be desired…

However, when I approach Scott Buckley music with the preconceived notion it's going to be 'cinematic', somehow it feels too epic, and is no longer enjoyable.

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4f94aa  No.240437

File: 91ca70a3ee54767⋯.png (1016.09 KB, 1080x2300, 54:115, Screenshot_20210614_141811.png)


I left my comment…..

Which one of those douchebag comments is yours?

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4f94aa  No.240438



I doubt you sequence digital music, so you probably won't be familiar with the term "PADS"…

Scott Buckley is simply sequencing long winded go nowhere monotone garbage, constructed primarily out of preexisting PADS and some cheap cheesy 'string' samples…..

Any 11-year old with a smartphone can easily for juice almost identical garbage using nothing more than CAUSTIC3 available and the Google play store…

You don't need a computer or a keyboard to make this type of garbage 'music'….

Are you needed a smartphone and an 11-year old child…

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4f94aa  No.240439

File: 85dc95dcb74da27⋯.png (706.35 KB, 1080x2300, 54:115, Screenshot_20210614_142502.png)


There are two reasons why you're impressed with Scott Buckley's garbage music :

1 : you're easily impressed

2 : you've never created your own music using digital sequencing

It's really that simple…

You tend to try to look at the bright side of things, so you see something positive in ANYTHING, no matter how bland & boring it might be…

And if downloaded CAUSTIC 3 onto your smartphone, within 10 minutes you would be making your own original compositions that demonstrate much greater skill than anything Scott Buckley has created yet…

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4f94aa  No.240440

File: 54f86d6d68ee9e4⋯.png (365.5 KB, 1080x2300, 54:115, Screenshot_20210614_142541.png)


CAUSTIC 3 comes with lots of plugins, VST instruments ranging anywhere from strings to dubstep samples, to realistic guitar or organic sound effects…

You'd be surprised how easy it is…..

You'll also be surprised how quickly you realised how limited Scott Buckley's range of talent truly is…

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4f94aa  No.240441


I also think you'd be quite literally AMAZED to discover the majority of Scott Buckley's 'epic music' is nothing more than him holding down ONE NOTE….

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4f94aa  No.240442

File: 788de0a148e25ad⋯.png (561.59 KB, 1080x2300, 54:115, Screenshot_20210614_142517.png)

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4f94aa  No.240443

File: 4a81b8698319989⋯.png (57.7 KB, 1761x1080, 587:360, PicsArt_06_14_02_39_44.png)

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