EPIC MUSIC = the only thing I like more than cinematic music
HOWEVER, I always enjoy epic cinematic music
Not to be confused with CINEMATIC EPIC MUSIC
Cinematic epic music that is more cinematic than epic is always epic in its cinematic scope, while epic cinematic music that is more epic than cinematic is always epic, much more epic than just regular epic music without the cinematic attribute.
When I am in the market for epic music, there are always four choices to consider :
"Epic cinematic"
"Cinematic epic"
or "cinematic AND epic"
It seems like epic music would be a lot less complicated, but once you introduce "cinematic" into the epic music mix, it mitigates the epic nature, and modifies the Cinematic Dynamics…
I've always found it quite epic to be listening to epic cinematic epic music that is slightly cinematic, but much more epic, while still retaining just the right amount of cinematic without obscuring the epic part…
Cinematic music is fine and dandy on its own, but it's always a little bit more epic when you mix a little bit of epic music into the cinematic music, making it cinematic yet epic in its scope…
ALSO : Scott Buckley sucks my balls while I hum completely original epic cinematic compositions I sync up in my head while having fellatio performed on me…