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File: 9a15330c6b66ac6⋯.png (38.13 KB, 623x762, 623:762, 313668.png)

1d414a  No.240070

Good god I fucking hate these godawful niggers. They're fucking animals that have no business being in civilization. I honestly believe the monsters would be happier living in a jungle with whatever lifestyle they're capable of maintaining.

I fucking hate living around them. If only covid19 targeted niggers. Why do they enthusiastically embrace stupidity? Why can't they wear pants around their waste instead of their ankles? Holy sh*t I see why the klan was a thing.

Why cant these dumb fucks speak English?

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ae41ec  No.240132

Op is jelly. You have no place if you can't coexist. You aren't smart enough to capitalize on them either.

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0d3bd4  No.240133


Are you being forced to live with niggers? I mean, golly, I'd consider simply moving out of the damn ghetto already. This self-victimization is kind of like those who expect Nazi Germany to come back…. it's in the past, it's over, that era is long gone. It's time to move to greener pastures and defend some new turf that hasn't been usurped. The sooner you realize this, the less misery you will endure in your lifetime. Move already, and don't look back. If you can't afford a decent home, or even an old fixer-up, consider investing in an RV and living in a cheap RV park outside the city limits for a while, work hard and save some money until you can find a decent trailer or nice small home somewhere outside the city.

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577895  No.240134


Very true, even if OP was living in mostly-white suburbs or a small rural town, he would see a nigger every now and then. The truth is, where they are still minority they tend to keep to themselves and are more well behaved. No nigger wants to stir up shit in a community that is well armed and they are in the minority. The few I met out here in Missouri are actually very polite and hard workers, and I don't mind them that way. But when it comes to welfare queens and gangbangers, that's when you should realize your living in 'tha hood' and you should probably move for your own personal safety because 9 times out of 10 there is no saving that no-go zone.

This also may piss some people off here, but I'd challenge them to drop their bias for a second to do some research for their own sake: please research the political trends of every city that has become a slum and ghetto. If you have any functioning brain and some common sense, you will notice a trend in the politics and leadership ;)

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e70a5d  No.240135


Uhh sweaty, on 8kun we don't promote that kind of racist behavior! Go back to 8chan if you want to keep preaching this sort of hate rethoric!!!


>reddit spacing

You really have to go back, faggot kike

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20a78f  No.240151


Jealous? Of niggers? I grew up around them and used to pray out loud that god would deliver me away from them. Stupid, undisciplined, perverted, wicked, obnoxious ass-clowns nearly all of them. Niggers delight in doing evil, getting something for nothing and taking advantage of any situation. It is intrinsically embarassing to bear the same skin color as these gorillas but that's not my fault.

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1c9c95  No.240165


>Good god I fucking hate these godawful niggers. They're fucking animals that have no business being in civilization.

I don't hate tigers, but when I go to the zoo I don't get into the cage with them because I don't wish to be eaten. Same with animals.

Just saying, each race is what it is. The wickedness was in letting the jews enslave them and sell them here to other jews, not in their being the way God made them. You were told to keep the jews out, but this being a heretical protestant nation, the protestants didn't listen and saw the gleam of the jew's bag of silver and sold out the teachings of Christ for that silver.

Don't kvetch at black people for the wickedness of the jews and protestants who sold you out for silver. Sin begets more sin.

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258f16  No.240212


So……………. lemme make sure I understand this…

You're telling me that you've been

Disenfranchised by black people?

LOL DAMN !!……..

you must be an easy target, huh?

(I wouldn't brag about that if I were you)

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4104fc  No.240213


fuck off nigger lover

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258f16  No.240214


I'm confused. .. How did THEY infringe on you exactly?

how did you allow yourself to reach such a low point that niggers were able to marginalize you?

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258f16  No.240215

File: d98f6c5a657348d⋯.jpg (241.41 KB, 1126x1280, 563:640, PicsArt_06_12_04_49_26.jpg)


"Why can't they wear pants around their waste instead of their ankles?"


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258f16  No.240216

File: 856f56e414d62aa⋯.png (1.36 MB, 1080x1928, 135:241, PicsArt_01_08_02_24_10.png)


if you've somehow managed to become a fully grown adult, but you can't differentiate between waist and waste, then maybe you've got bigger problems than 'black people'?……

perhaps we shouldn't order your 'Superiority Trophy' until AFTER you learn how to master One Syllable Words?

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258f16  No.240218

File: 2a9b08df5eeec36⋯.jpg (383.46 KB, 1200x1600, 3:4, PicsArt_06_12_05_37_17.jpg)


So…… are you trying to tell me



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258f16  No.240219

File: baaccc21f59a2d4⋯.jpg (151.08 KB, 1080x719, 1080:719, r9k_message_11_19_17.jpg)



nobody ever promised you that life was going to be a Disney Movie… The world is FULL of things you don't like .



welcome to planet earth, faggot

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258f16  No.240220

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Stop behaving like a mental midget

This is exactly why

People aren't attracted to you

You behave like a douchebag

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258f16  No.240221

File: 1b643bb36cf0780⋯.jpg (468.89 KB, 782x1280, 391:640, 20210612_180323.jpg)


I'm always AMAZED at guys like you, who bitch and moan about blacks…. or Jews….

why stop there ?…





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258f16  No.240222

why so myopic ?

so small minded?

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1122df  No.240233

File: 53307bc02d4ab5b⋯.png (96.88 KB, 872x431, 872:431, lel.png)

nate higgers

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a01dba  No.240234


I agree.

>You have no place if you can't coexist with viruses, cancers, …, all sort of diseases.

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a01dba  No.240237


if someone shoots you, what would you do to show the size of your mind?

what size of your mind did you show when you made this post?

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