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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: 8f75d045a2914a7⋯.jpeg (97.83 KB, 1080x477, 120:53, survey.jpeg)

101317  No.239794


Hello /pol/

Despite appearances, it is certainly the case that there are many posters here who are LGBTQIA2S+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer/Questioning, Intersex, Asexual, Two-Spirit, and other identities).

While we don't condone fascist view points, we care about the life and well being of LGBTQIA2S+ people from all walks of life and political persuasions.

That's why we want to hear from you.

We hope to better understand the community's needs and strengths, as well as improve services to the community through the information gathered here. We appreciate you helping shape this important work.

!!! ATTN !!!: At this time, we are only seeking responses from self-identified LGBTQIA2S+ individuals. If you are a straight ally, we would appreciate you passing this survey along to your networks, family or friends who identify as LGBTQIA2S+ to include more respondents.

Thank you for your time.


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3a0ee6  No.239797



You dun goofed. Delete this and try again. LGBT are BORN that way. It's not "self-identified". If you want to troll, do it smarter.

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101317  No.239804


This inclusive survey is designed to helped those who are in the most need, we don’t need mansplaining from straight White Males to silence those who self identify or were born with their gay disabilities

Silencing our voices IS VIOLENCE

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d1ec77  No.239807



First off….. what the hell is that supposed to mean anyway? I know it's something to do with 59 genders, so nevermind….

Here is the real point: when SHTF and things get really bad in this country, all you people who focus on this crap are going to end up food for the maggots, or food for starving urban zombie masses that will literally cannibalize you during the economic collapse!

I'm not making a threat or judging you, honestly I am better than that! I'm stating 100% FACT that if you desire any hope of survival, you better have guns and know how to use them, and soon!

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101317  No.239811


Your weaponized whiteness and alt-right nazi rhetoric is dismissive of the lived experiences that minorities and LGBT community deal with everyday.

This survey is meant to help survivors of hate crimes, like the one you just committed, and to feel secure with permanent housing and community resources.

Trump lost! Get over it

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3a0ee6  No.239812


No … you fucked up. Show me one instance where "LGBT" believes it's "self actualizing". They don't "indentify", they "are", you idiot.

Try again. Your trolling has failed.

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d1ec77  No.239813


If I would have committed a "hate crime" against you, you'd be dead and you wouldn't know it by now.


It does look like a troll, or maybe some 'woke' AI bot that was programmed? I'm just responding for a rare case we might actually be wrong lol.

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d1ec77  No.239814

Ahhhhhh, "Intersex"…. that's interesting, I get it, "intersex" must mean even the most degenerate of the bunch don't want to fuck that shit so it only fucks itself lol!

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d1ec77  No.239815

"Two-Spirit" must mean no degenerates want to touch that thing either, so the thing creates an imaginary soulmate to supposedly fuck!

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d1ec77  No.239816

>other identities

Now this one stumps me….. what kinds of "other identities" lurk on this here crazy planet?

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e7f59f  No.239817

File: e2c4bb1db2173be⋯.png (682.15 KB, 1733x2048, 1733:2048, Screenshot_20210610_212737.png)

Am I doing this right?

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d1ec77  No.239818


I think I have a new gender you can tell your class……. it's called "straight white gun-toting Bible-thumping boomer gloomer doomer rural prepper nuclear-neutral" and this here fellow has some redneck blood cells that can be found in both penis and coyote!

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d1ec77  No.239819

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a40657  No.239820


Can we meme Trans Nigger Faggot into an actual gender?

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101317  No.239821


This is a teaching moment!

This survey is merely asking those who are ready to share their sexual preferences in context of the survey. Self identified or self attestation is much different than self actualization!

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101317  No.239822



as I am not intersex myself, and don’t want to stop those who are from sharing their experiences and trauma, I want to provide the following resource for greater understanding


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101317  No.239823


and also if you would like more information on two spirit please visit https://www.ihs.gov/lgbt/health/twospirit/

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101317  No.239825


This survey is designed to help those who are most vulnerable and answers like that could cause hundreds of thousands of dollars to be misused in populations that are historically underrepresented and need these funds and services to have an equitable chance at safety and permanent housing.

We are only seeking responses from self-identified LGBTQIA2S+ individuals. Please do NOT submit this survey otherwise.

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d1ec77  No.239826


So I can't fill out "straight white gun-toting Bible-thumping boomer gloomer doomer rural prepper nuclear-neutral" to identify with on the survey? Why not? Everyone else seems to have their own unique gender!!!

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d1ec77  No.239829

Johnny Neptune is asleep right now, but I can guarantee he'll want a gender too! I think I came up with another gender for him, he's a "lady chasing human-bashing white vegan-worshiping former meth smoking atomic-aged extrovert" , YES, I am definitely going to tell him to add that to the survey tomorrow, he'll agree with that one!

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d1ec77  No.239834




Killcen and Johnny Neptune have now officially added TWO more genders to LGBTQIA2S+ which will now forever be known as……….


It is OFFICIAL, two new genders…..

"straight white gun-toting Bible-thumping boomer gloomer doomer rural prepper nuclear-neutral"


"lady chasing human-bashing white vegan-worshiping former meth smoking atomic-aged extrovert"

I am notifying Harvard University tomorrow morning!

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d1ec77  No.239837

OH MY GOD…. I forgot to add the word Drunken to my new gender!

Nevermind, it is now officially


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e7f59f  No.239840


Are you saying that Trans Nigger Faggot isn't a real and valid identity bigot?

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c8823b  No.239841


Identifying yourself as Trans Nigger Faggot is transwhiteophobic to white people, otherwise whites would have the right too to identify themselves as Mentally Ill White Faggots, you bigot!

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101317  No.240365







AGAIN, hateful answers or false answers could cause tax dollars to incorrectly be funneled.

This survey is designed to help those who are most vulnerable. We are trying to help populations that are historically underrepresented and need these funds and services to have an equitable chance at safety and permanent housing.

Cishet white straight populations are NOT marginalized. Let alone "gloomer doomer boomer coomer bible redneck trump voter" or whatever sort of outlandish hateful non-marginalized identities you might come up with.

We are only seeking responses from self-identified LGBTQIA2S+ individuals. Please do NOT submit this survey otherwise.

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