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File: cbc42f713d2b431⋯.png (115.34 KB, 889x759, 889:759, blackrock.PNG)

d90a60  No.239744[Last 50 Posts]

Why do Communist confuse Vulture Capitalism with Capitalism? They pretend our money is the problem when the problem is a lack of common sense regulation regarding corporations and foreign interest groups.

Of course people can manipulate and weaponize Capitalism, same as any other system, but Communists basically shit on everything and then complain that there's shit on everything. They purposely create a problem to sell you their solution. I'm not sure if Communists are naturally retarded or intentionally malicious.

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bc90c6  No.239745

What's the attachment to capitalism for you?

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d90a60  No.239746


There's no real attachment. But I haven't heard a real critique either.

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bfa570  No.239749

The problem with communism is that the ruling class owns the means of production.

The problem with capitalism is that those who own the means of production buy the government.

The answer is National Socialism.

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d90a60  No.239754


I have the understanding that in Communism the government and intellectual class are the rulers. While in Capitalism the citizens of all classes possess a natural amount of influence over politics/society.

National Socialism then is like a soft bed to fall upon when Capitalism comes under Communist attack.

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bfa570  No.239761


In almost every case, the rulers in a communist government are jews.

In capitalism, the rulers are.. jews because of the fraud of fractional reserve banking with a debt based fiat currency.

In National socialism, you remove the jews, their banks, and their communism. The people are left to rule themselves.

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b28154  No.239765


We had a free market without central banks for nearly a century in America anon. It worked fine. The silver dollar never lost value when in was issued and circulated for decades.

Capitalism is not what we have today, we don't have "free markets" we have government-controlled heavily subsidized markets and a rigged stock market. The only semblance of a free market left is pretty much local flea market s, yard sales and farmers markets. But we still have the fiat dollar which is controlled by the Federal Reserve system, which they have significantly devalued due to endless money printing, wasteful spending and outright fraud so even those small local markets are compromised by the federal insolvency.

However, I can agree with you on one thing, whether you call it socialism or not…. remove the Jews and their central banking system and their communism and everything works out OK.

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b28154  No.239767


>I have the understanding that in Communism the government and intellectual class are the rulers.

They always always claim they are "intellectuals" but what they really are is a bunch of spoiled, pampered control freak despots who like to boss people around, bark orders, harass and kill people who don't conform, etc. And they exploit the thugs in the government to enforce their embarrassing draconian bullshit.

And if you think America is bad now…… you have no idea the HELL they'd give us if Americans were to ever give up those guns! The reason I'll likely die warning you all before I ever give up mine.

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d90a60  No.239768

File: 9f5a4311ec169b9⋯.png (160.12 KB, 466x359, 466:359, judaism_is_communism.PNG)


Has anyone presented a legitimate way to remove the Jews?


>we don't have "free markets" we have government-controlled heavily subsidized markets and a rigged stock market

I think this is true. What we have is essentially crypto-Communism: Government control of markets and the (((Intellectual Class))) rigging markets in their favor at the detriment of proletariats. That has always been the goal of Communism.

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d90a60  No.239769


Agreed. What peaceful things can e do against their agenda which are also effective?

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b28154  No.239776


If you can afford to or manage the effort, you could homestead to become more self-sufficient or at the very least, become a prepper. You can do more to support local, small independent businesses and alternatives such as local farmers markets. You can learn to garden, hunt, fish and raise livestock for food security. Currently I live in rural Missouri and it's a great state for that kind of culture. Other preppers tend to prefer Utah, Texas and Montana. I wouldn't flee to Florida even though they have more freedom-minded policy just because that State is very populated and you'll see more control freaks and crazies in heavily populated areas. That's why homesteaders and doomsday preppers prefer more rural areas.

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d90a60  No.239777


Very good advice. Homesteading/prepping is the way to go whenever possible. I feel though that even this lifestyle leaves something wanting, like yeah you're good to go if SHTF but you're also just passively waiting for the event. Does it ever seem like this?

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b28154  No.239782


For those interested in homesteading in rural areas, I might as well "red pill" you on some things you will have to get used to:

1) You'll likely have to burn your trash in a fire pit as many rural areas do not have trash service.

2) Slow internet, satellite speed can suck! My average speed is around 30 kbps, sometimes up to 50 kbps on a good day. Weather will dictate how good or bad it is.

3) If you have a septic system, make sure it's a run-off septic system or you will be paying a monthly fee for service maintenance which sucks! Never keep the aerator pump going for too long either lol, it can blow it.

4) Long commutes which means more money has to be spent on gas. Plus utilities are much bigger and heavier when you get rural. You'll be buying a 60" bladed Dixie Chopper for that 5 acre lawn to mow lol!

5) When you do go shopping, due to longer commutes, you do it much less often but you stock up on a whole lot more to get you by every month or so.

6) Be careful if you have chickens, wildlife loves to catch them if they can and will kill/eat them alive. You'll have to keep an eye out for them when you let them out.

7) Lots of weed killer for the gravel driveways lol. Those weeds if not kept under control will eventually turn those gravel driveways into a lawn of it's own! Get gallons of the stuff with a sprayer system, and load up on some cheap vinegar to mix it with to save money.

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b28154  No.239783


>you're good to go if SHTF but you're also just passively waiting for the event. Does it ever seem like this?

The thing is, it's a TON of work. This will keep you busy maintaining the property, the livestock and homestead itself. You cannot be lazy and do something like this. It takes work ethic and dedication.

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d90a60  No.239785


For sure, no doubt. I partly grew-up in the South with chickens and all of that. Very hard work every day. Without giving up too many details what is your plan if Red Dawn happens? Will you wait it out on the homestead?

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b28154  No.239788


Yes I'll be around the homestead and local area to wait it out and if need be, help with some local armed resistance with other farmers/homesteaders. The major indication of SHTF will be if the internet and/or power grid goes down and does not return for an extended period of time. At that point, be prepared for war, anything could happen. It won't be BLM or Antifa at your property, it will be hardcore trained marauders who intend to identify those who have prepped in advance.

Also, a well worthy prepping investment of grid-down scenarios: wood burning stove with lots of stacked wood racks nearby. This alone is enough to keep your home from freezing and pipes bursting, and is actually a good source for warmth nearby.

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d90a60  No.239789


>if the internet and/or power grid goes down

I heard someone say the same thing yesterday. Spooky.

>Be prepared for war

Too few of our decent people are prepared for anything much less war, including myself. This must change.

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b28154  No.239791


It's going to have to change if we want our countries, or even small pockets of land, to survive and not be taken over. The reason the enemy will knock out our internet & likely power grid too is to stifle warning systems and communications, as well as to start starving people out and creating enough deadly chaos from it…. all BEFORE they start to invade. It will be an attack to weaken and cull the masses in a waiting game, then to invade at just the right opportunity as people have already fought one another over draining resources.

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b28154  No.239792

Here is a copypasta from a while back ago, well worth the read today!

Do get prepped for this anons!


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d90a60  No.239793

File: 8bda817968f8af9⋯.jpg (458.6 KB, 890x887, 890:887, chaos_is_king.jpg)


i just want to survive the zombie hoards and then fight commies

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698abc  No.239798


You will do neither.

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d90a60  No.239800

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a4dc11  No.239801


Most people have no clue how bad this gets, it will not be a video game when this plays out, and you have ONE chance to live or be killed.


As I stated above, this is a very plausible scenario and if you are not 100% ready for it, and 100% ready to kill to survive you will be a dead man (remember, for each fight your chances of survival itself go exponentially down each time, just like any war in real life!). Not only will you have to defend yourself and property, but you'll be facing threats 24/7, even when you need sleep. This is no game.

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a4dc11  No.239802


If you are in a city, your chances of surviving mob rule are slim if you are not among a starving crowd. That is why doomsday preppers do not live in urban environments and many consider the suburbs to be the "buffer zones" during war.

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a4dc11  No.239803

When people are starving and find out you have food, holding back on them, conserving it for yourself…. you are their #1 target in mob rule. Remember this folks, it is NOT a video game. Ask citizens who have survived economic collapses, stories are horrid.

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a4dc11  No.239805


The defense you'll need for mob rule: 12G shotgun (think the Bulldog American Tactical w/ dozens of 10 round magazines for the shells), loaded with 00 buckshots. This will be of use to evade mobs as you don't need good aim and it can hit multiple targets per shot.

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35a8b8  No.239828

>Why do Communist confuse Vulture Capitalism with Capitalism

because non-vulture capitalism does not exist in the kiked 21st century

by definition, a kike-infested nation can only practice vulture forms of economic ideologies. hence, all current so-called "capitalist" states that are not also communist are vulture capitalist states.

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35a8b8  No.239830


The Soviet Union fell because it was infested with Jews, which means that it practices Vulture Communism rather than real Communism.

The PRC learnt from that mistake and immediately lined up all the kike puppets in Tiananmen Square in order to run them over with tanks

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35a8b8  No.239831


>Has anyone presented a legitimate way to remove the Jews?

Being Chinese is a legitimate way to remove the Jews automatically by doing nothing

If you need to do it faster, just run over a bunch of college libtards over with Dengist Tanks

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35a8b8  No.239832


US is already worse than the Soviet Union. A Romanian math professor outright said that 2+2=5 is worse than anything the Soviets could have came up with.

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35a8b8  No.239833


>shotgun instead of QBZ-191

>garbage fucking bunch of guns that can be stopped by simple fucking vests

>literally used by the police because it does no property damage

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b28154  No.239866


The average mob is not going to have bullet-proof vests because they never bothered prepping in the first place, thus them tying to loot and kill from those who have basic necessities. And you can still aim for legs, or toward their necks/heads which still would render them disabled. However, by all means, if you know of something more heavy duty and more equipped for mob control, might as well use that if you have it.

Not trying to shill here, just my humble opinion. The thing I like about the 12G Bulldog Shotgun from ATI is it is lightweight (even for a 12G that is), less recoil than the average 12G too, short and comfy, very easy to re-load quickly (all you need are some 10 round mags for the shells), you can easily mount a strap for it and carry it around, it's got plenty of rails so think of installing a flashlight to see in the dark…. it's just light, easy to use, less recoil, tactical advantages included and hell, it's still deadly and good enough for mob defense.

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d90a60  No.239867

File: 04947af2e04e384⋯.png (639.15 KB, 1145x742, 1145:742, china_is_pozzed_2.PNG)

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b28154  No.239868


Remember what Yuri Bezmenov said after he defected from the KGB. The Soviet Union also had a lot of subversion that was in many ways, similar to the US today. Instead of attacking math and science like the US does, they would outlaw things like racism, any form of dissent against the communist party / free speech, rights to bear arms / self-defense, property ownership, religion was banned…. anything that empowered the average pleb in any way or contradicted the Soviet Union's regime was outlawed and they had their gulags to rape, torture and kill those who did not conform. And they did use class warfare too to divide and conquer the masses, they were a very insolvent nation much like the US is today. They had their corrupt politicians, like in the US that destabilized their cities too! The USSR inevitably collapsed due to debt insolvency and a breakup of public trust. I could totally see the US headed towards that direction today.

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b28154  No.239871


I'm pretty damn sure there are a lot of Jewish banking and corporate relations with China as much as the US. It would be of no loss to these oligarchs if the US were to collapse as they would have China in their back pocket, after all they do exploit China for slave labor already, and whatever works for the CCP is OK by them as long as they have political power and heavy influence. Now if those Bolshevik Jews were to ever try to dismantle the CCP? Well THEN they'd have their asses handed to them!

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bfa570  No.239876


>The PRC learnt from that mistake and immediately lined up all the kike puppets in Tiananmen Square in order to run them over with tanks

Of course. And then they invited all kinds of business in and created corrupt billionaires, because the Chinese are pure communist with ethics. Humm, maybe your thesis is utterly wrong and doesn't explain either past or present events.

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35a8b8  No.239889


>because the Chinese are pure communist with ethics.

Funny how you literally post on a free speech site and don't know that the easiest way to prevent communism from rising is to call yourself communist

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35a8b8  No.239892


>I'm pretty damn sure there are a lot of Jewish banking and corporate relations with China as much as the US.

Such a statement makes absolutely no sense biologically, since kikes cannot exploit Kirbyan Mimicry (((fellow white man))) when trying to infest PRC, which means they get outed immediately.

Everything I've seen from modern PRC points towards no subversion originating from Azhkenazim. Any and all subversion came from the Jews of the eastern island with a rising sun flag


>Now if those Bolshevik Jews were to ever try to dismantle the CCP?

Sino-Soviet split happened for a very good reason


> they would outlaw things like racism, any form of dissent against the communist party / free speech, rights to bear arms / self-defense, property ownership, religion was banned

All banned in the US. In case you didn't notice, we had to use a fucking Nipkike website to post our views. Also, every legal US religion is a kike religion (you can't be part of an antisemitic religion). Commiefornia has confiscated white guns and Alabama confiscated black guns by shoving them into prison on made-up charges. You don't actually own anything in the US - the government can forcibly sell your property at a rate worse than what the PRC would give you.

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35a8b8  No.239895


>any form of dissent against the communist party

Don't forget that antisemitism is effectively illegal in the US. Try to say something antisemitic and a million CIA niggers will ship you to Guantanamo Bay.

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35a8b8  No.239896


why would they inspect the harbor? a jew's existence is only guaranteed if they don't piss off random goyim for no reason, let alone side with other random goyim

You can bet that Mossad actually inspected the harbor even though Pissraeli news said otherwise. 100%.

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35a8b8  No.239897


You are relying on the assumption that you will face mere niggers who don't even have NED funding.

I guarantee you that the NED will arm the niggers in order to maximize the chances for regime change in the US

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42928b  No.239904


There is no such thing as the "free market".

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42928b  No.239907


The Soviets had a basic respect for classical education. For all of their issues, they weren't actively seeking to create an idiotic population.

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35a8b8  No.240080


In the Soviet system, everyone knows that workings should be done in 4sf and answers in 3sf so that 2+2 would not even be considered, since the rounded answer (1sf) would have a margin of error of 1.

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d90a60  No.240084

File: c4ce3ff5bae3631⋯.jpg (121.06 KB, 1096x1007, 1096:1007, china_is_pozzed.JPG)


Israel and China conspire against the U.S.. It's literally the same Jews everywhere.

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aa16ed  No.240144



That is not only defeatist attitude but it is pure hyperbole. The way you anons think is actually making you very counter-productive in life, no wonder why so many simply give up rather than doing something to better themselves!

No, America overall - besides a few shitty states and cities - has not disarmed civilians (we have the biggest percentage of armed citizenry in US history today, and as far as Commiefornia they just LOST their gun control law in federal court a week ago!), we have rare occasions of land grabbing (which tend to go noticed as there is often confrontation and media frenzy about it) 60+ million Americans live rural today and growing, we do have the right to free speech (I've told the guberment to go fuck themselves many times before, including to employee staff, and they can only issue warrants for arrest if we make direct death threats!), and religion is far from being banned here.

Now on the other hand, what you currently warned about could happen en mass, if communism is allowed to take over America and we voluntarily disarm ourselves, and if that day were to come you'd find out what real tyranny is quickly! If you think it's bad now, you have no clue about the history of tyrannical governments or how they really treat the plebs and those who speak out. Look into democide.

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598a20  No.240146


They want America destroyed because today we are the LAST free beacon on Earth (despite all our struggles and woes).

If you doubt that, ask anyone based living outside the US how bad it is in their countries. I've talked to people who live in Europe before and I've had some tell me how unbelievably LUCKY I am for being born in America, a man who can own a gun for self-defense and have his right to talk such shit about the corrupted system!? In most countries that rarely happens and when it does it is STOMPED OUT HARD.

So before everyone gives up like a bunch of pussies, you all better respect what little freedoms you still do have and do your best to practice and protect them at all cost!

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35a8b8  No.240276



>Free Beacon

Is "Free" the new Kike Puppet codeword for "being a kike puppet"?

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d90a60  No.240282


Our rights have certainly withstood Communist attack far better than European rights. This is soley due to the People as both sides of the political aisle have attacked our rights.

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bc90c6  No.240304


Uh.. no they haven't.

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d90a60  No.240310


Holocaust denial is illegal in Germany but not in the USA.

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35a8b8  No.240311


Lol "far better than"

Guess you forgot the Mossad death squads who hide in plainclothes everywhere?


US don't even use their government to enforce the shadow cabal's laws. They outright let Mossad in to enact the kikes' will and call all dissenters antisemites.

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35a8b8  No.240312


>has not disarmed civilians

They haven't disarmed WHITES. Their garbage gun regulations preventing felons from having guns basically just barred every PoC from having guns, since the prison system is designed to incarcerate everyone they don't like.

It's the same issue with voting

>I've told the guberment to go fuck themselves many times before

Did you call them kikes? No. The US government only care if you call them kikes.

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d90a60  No.240313


Holocaust denial is also illegal in Russia.

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35a8b8  No.240316


….but not in the PRC!


The state media outright lays out the JQ right in front of your eyes

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d90a60  No.240318

File: 457af5ad8b6e51a⋯.png (2.83 MB, 2562x1950, 427:325, _china_2.png)


you have got to be the dumbest shill. every day it's always the same garbage about

>muh china

fuck off zhang

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35a8b8  No.240320









Nobody gives a shit about Manchu territory

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d90a60  No.240321

File: 921ba04c1928996⋯.jpg (214.01 KB, 1209x917, 1209:917, china_pozzed.JPG)


bro no one likes china. literally nobody. every place is pozzed. everyone knows this. have you tried reaching out to boomers on Gab?

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bc90c6  No.240322


You're picking at low-hanging fruit and it is not an accident. You're a military shill.

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bc90c6  No.240323


You go fight China, nigger lover.

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d90a60  No.240324


You can't claim China isn't pozzed. All you can do is project, military shill.

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bc90c6  No.240325

File: fa57e4ce8d71efa⋯.jpg (23.09 KB, 300x300, 1:1, ethnonationalismthatsforlo….jpg)

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d90a60  No.240326

File: 5bc68c5a46ef89b⋯.png (795.72 KB, 1145x858, 1145:858, _bannon_3.PNG)

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bc90c6  No.240327


Yeah, that's the guy who writes your scripts.

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d90a60  No.240328

File: bac9b1a7270da9b⋯.png (932.38 KB, 1190x969, 70:57, _bannon_.PNG)


deflecting to (((steve bannon))) isn't an argument. china is pozzed. america is pozzed. everywhere is pozzed. you would admit to this fact and discuss the topic but that's not what you're being paid to do, is it?

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bc90c6  No.240329


>durr everywhere is pozzed

>run around like a headless chicken goyim


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d90a60  No.240330

File: 4687595cd2ca851⋯.jpg (116.56 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, soyjack_10.jpg)



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