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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: e1b8ddc0d1610c4⋯.jpg (863.98 KB, 1200x3502, 600:1751, s0a1ij7u7rr61.jpg)

846076  No.239002

Eat shit kikes

The USS Liberty Incident Urban Moving Systems Nano-Thermite Building 7 20 year long war on terror Israeli weapons found among terrorists Rothschild New World Order Hitler was Right Global Warming Climate Change Incompetent republicunt dotards ignoring environmental degradation Greedy jews exploiting capitalism Federal reserve is not federally owned USA is owned by Israel Democracy is a lie Trump is a Kike Puppet Mass deplatforming of Alt-Right Mass assassination of Charlottesville protesters (((Epstien suicided))) Drone strikes Revelations 2:9 Obadiah Whites are Amalek Book of Enoch Jesus is Amalek Betrayal of Watchers Shone Like the Offsprings of the Fallen Sons of God Catholic Church Founded by Demons Stumbling Block Corruption of Church and State Jewish Usury Holocaust was Faked Wooden Doors Non-Lethal Zyklon B Underground Vent Small Ovens Lampshades Soap National Socialist extradition of Kikes to Madagascar Final Solution Leo Skurnik Yellow Vests Blinded Finite Resources The Uniparty Lobbying (((Special Interests))) Endless War Vietnam War Homeless Anti-Homeless Bench Black Sterilization Eugenics MKUltra Mind-Control Tech Employed by Kike Glowniggers in CIA Triads Punching Peaceful National Socialist Protesters Artificial Intelligence Obstruction of Justice Obstruction of Scientific Progress Holocaust Denial Laws Star of Remphan Seal of David 60-Year Cycle Adolf Eichmann Kidnapping Silencing of Right-Wing Voices Despite being 2% of the population kikes own 100% of the JewSA Media

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273f84  No.239037

We already have a thread for China, here: >>238970

And it's a good one, a lot of debate on this issue.

China is not perfect, although what works for them is OK by me. It is their right to decide how they want to run their country, totally agree on that. I want China to stay China, and America to stay America, and leave it at that.


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b3a0ed  No.239093

File: 457af5ad8b6e51a⋯.png (2.83 MB, 2562x1950, 427:325, _china_2.png)

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11a0cd  No.239123


You can't even construct a coherent sentence. You're so manic and unhinged and uneducated didn't, that you don't even understand punctuation anymore..

The IRONIC part ?…….

how you say "eat shit likes", because it's you who's been eating their shit for them, as your white trash trailer park tier imaginary colleagues and you are at the tail end of a laughable downward spiral caused by your own incompetence, and lasting for decades and decades and decades….

You're disenfranchised….

You're weak and disregarded, overlooked and ridiculed…

You've basically become the world's punching bag

So it's completely understandable why you're furious and unhinged…. I'd imagine the frustration of powerlessness must be overwhelming

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11a0cd  No.239132


I'd be furious too, if my people couldn't even play catch up with niggers and Jews …

No wonder you're been out of shape….

This has put you into full-blown bitch mode

A whining pouting temper tantrum bitch

A powerless little insignificant fool

who demands people pretend

like he deserves respect….

You've become a parody of yourself, as the world has relegated you to laughing stock status….

And I noticed how you intentionally avoid the subject of your spineless father bending backwards and jumping through hoops to remain wrapped around the Jewish finger

I guess it really is true what they say about the Apple not falling far from the tree?

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11a0cd  No.239133


Basically you're like a furious little effeminate fruit fly…. Indignant and determined to stomp your foot down…

…. But nobody can hear your tiny little effeminate fruit fly feet…..

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