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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: d2e9780b739dba9⋯.png (204.25 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, 1200px_Black_Sun_White.png)

bbaa41  No.238820



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d30e49  No.238829

Is op talking about native americans?

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4f8c6a  No.238832

File: c74b893052dbaee⋯.png (23.61 KB, 200x200, 1:1, actually.png)

File: c7616f6f0e09669⋯.jpg (205.52 KB, 962x870, 481:435, here_first.JPG)


"Native Americans" are actually migrants who came from Siberia and destroyed the actual native European-Americans who colonized the region some 10,000 years prior to their arrival.

That seems to be the process. Non-European group first takes from Europeans: Culture, technology, religion, and so forth. When the scoundrel race believes he has everything the European can offer he attacks the European group and attempts to replace it with his own.

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183f03  No.238833


So you admit humans come from Africa then

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4f8c6a  No.238834

File: 9e522d7c8cc8de2⋯.png (555.19 KB, 1113x979, 1113:979, europe_not_africa.PNG)


>humans come from Africa

Oh my. Is that what's being taught in American universities? How rattling.

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bbaa41  No.238839


They were basically mutts between Mongols and Siberians anyway in 3/4 to 1/4 admixture. It's for the same reason as to why South American nations are notoriously more resistant to Jewish Tricks in its rawest form (libtards)

Also, don't lump yourself in with Siberians. Siberians, unlike you disgusting Irish niggers, are not degenerate filth who go out being a nigger everywhere in the world. Disgusting Irish scum like you is one of the many reasons why the USA is falling.


In the US's case, it's Native Americans. In France's, Jewry's, Poland's, and Rome's case, it's the Germans. In the British's case, it's the rest of the world. In Japan's, Mongolia's, and Manchuria's case, it's the Chinese.

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bbaa41  No.238840

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323cd5  No.238846

u fkrs need to focus on actual problems

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bbaa41  No.238851


you can focus on them all you want - you will still fall like rome, because you are rome

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4f8c6a  No.238852


>They were basically mutts

10,000 years prior to the Siberian's arrival Europeans had colonized American land. America has always been European.


I love how a year after they show mankind started in Europe suddenly there wasn't one specific birthplace. Why are they so envious?

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bbaa41  No.238873


im not a fucking JEW-S-A citizen retard, learn some fucking time zones


Anti-Imperialism is something I will do regardless of what the DNA test shows. Jewish civilizations are notoriously racist against both whites and especially peoples of color, and I will fight against the kikes to the very end.

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bbaa41  No.238874



I know where my path as an anti-semite will end up. Having to share the pain with a woman is not a moral thing to do.

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bbaa41  No.238882


Your imperialist tricks won't work on me. I've seen how you degrade Indians, how you label Native Americans and Han Chinese as "effeminate", how you claim that the Irish has small dicks, and the African is an irreconcilable savage. On how Middle-Easterners are genetic terrorists who squatted on supposedly-kike land. You make these claims of me to maintain your imperialist hold onto the world. Well, I say, that there are millions of us. Incels with happy families, ready to overthrow you and your disgusting Jew World Order.

Also, do you CIA niggers even have wives?

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bbaa41  No.238886


Dumb fuck Mossad, all you can do is whine and whine while we retake our lands from the Kike Man.

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bbaa41  No.238891


man you are really a no life garbage person who sees white supremacists everywhere

i'm not a white supremacist. for god's sake, i'm not even white!

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183f03  No.238895



not a source. Everyone already knows humans came from Africa

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d30e49  No.238908


Watkins had potential. They always cuck and sissy out. There is literal murder non stop in every country and it's ok. But cp is "illegal". Then where is tha anti-state advocacy to counter the fucktards in the government?

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d30e49  No.238916



>) you can absolutely guarantee that I'll report it to the FBI, then DHS, and finally to RON… in that order…

you don't seem clued in on what you need to be. calling ron dumb when you have hangups about an artificially arbitrary concept that was made up and also seloctively recognised is not going to hold water any longer. there isn't one single argument against cp of ANY kind. so you are just moralfagging.

MOST normal people actually LIKE cp. CP used to be on Facebook and hundreds of thousands Liked it. You are a freak to be pro-state reporter and snitcher. No one contacts police or the niggers in the fbi. That is ABNORMAL. So you have to recant or just come out as a normienigger. You have no choice. High IQ has engaged this topic and the entire worldwide elite are larping faggots moralfagging. Don't be a part of taht.

>of course I will… EVERY TIME… you can bank on it… definitely… immediately

Again, don't. It's inadvisable to assist the communist police force like that and expose yourself to be a cuck. NEVER do it.

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d30e49  No.238917


You NEVER have credibility if you are emotionally conflicted as someone "who has children". There are plenty of voluntarist parents who accept the universal empirical truth about there being no asinine age of consent that is changeable in the moment from government to government, yet they are ATTACKED and PERSECUTED by state scumoids and useful idiot goons. DON'T do it and DON'T moralfag over asinine, baseless concepts that are arbitrary and not even respected.

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13fa6c  No.238918


>There is literal murder non stop in every country and it's ok.

Uh, no … murder is illegal too, moron.

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13fa6c  No.238919


>and finally to RON

Ron has nothing to do with this website anymore, you fucking 'tard.

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13fa6c  No.238924


>it's real in my head, so it's true

Nobody here believes your LARP. I literally run AlienLeaks with Ron and he has nothing to do with 8kun anymore and deletes all emails related to it. He got his fame creating Q. Now he's bored of Q and moved on to other things. It's time for you to move on, too.

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d30e49  No.238925

PS the "FBI" aren't clean. They are sinners. As you know they have the freedom and capability to investigate murders by other factions of the government, or other states, and not lifted a finger. They have not investigated government crime or any coordinated effort by the judiciary to legalise government crime over decades. All the lawyers and celebs are drug dealers. FBI hasn't done a thing.

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2f63a0  No.238926

I'll be honest here…. as much as I loath the corrupt FBI goons…… and treacherous governmental alphabet gangs…. and even snitches (yah, fuck them too!)…..

There is ONE thing I can still agree with ALL of them on, and that's the CP issue! Fuck these degenerate fat ugly low-life pedophile basement dwellers! If you are into kids, buy a fucking toy doll and keep it to yourself sickos!

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d30e49  No.238928


Your stupid irrationality is totally unconvincing. Do you realise the ENTIRE STATE OF FRANCE TO 2020 are pedophiles according to angloscum states? Even amongst US states it's changeable and arbitrary. There is NO ISSUE. This is a universal, empirical FACT. It's all made up bullshit by moralfags.

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d30e49  No.238929


>That would be a real hoot !!!

I saw people talking about it on facebook. Many said it had hundreds of thousands of Likes. This is a FACT.

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13fa6c  No.238931


>CP used to be on Facebook and hundreds of thousands Liked it.

You realize that someone posting a pic of their kid at a birthday party and people liking it isn't people liking CP, right? Because that's not CP.

Do you think the P stands for "Pictures"?

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13fa6c  No.238932


Nobody believes you. It's time for you to move on, Fred.

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d30e49  No.238933

How did you before 2020 and government reps in the judiciary or media talk about France up to 2020? Not a word of controversy about a nation of pedophiles. You have zero credibility and angloscum are going to pay for it.

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0b6eaf  No.238934


I highly doubt the entire State of France are a bunch of pedos, maybe a bigger percentage are, but much of France today are inbred Muslims mixed in who fuck 12 year olds! France is becoming a SHIT HOLE…. much like much of America has too (thankfully not all of it, as we have a lot more land and are far more spread out).

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d30e49  No.238936


it was CP it was deleted by facebook. They know how popular it was. Go ask them unofficially.

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13fa6c  No.238937


I know exactly who I'm talking to. Your posting style is unmistakable and it's time for you to move on. Nobody here will ever believe you.

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d30e49  No.238938


They are. They had a law saying the age of consent was 13. By definition that is pedophile, by democracy, that's majority. Suck your moronic position you hold down, this is fact. Even angloscum states say undurage consent for muslims. It's totally made up, psyop and only low iq and antipedo scum moralfagging defend it. To anyone with any IQ and sense of dignity, you are mindless normiescum. Everyone can see how dipllomats weren't calling fronce pedos and trading with the child rapist country (by sTaTyuTe) The judiciary are full of low IQ larping scum too. Every one of them are larping faggots playing the charade like clowns.

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13fa6c  No.238941


The log is public. We see exactly who removes things. It's the Global Volunteers who remove things, not Ron. I do find it funny that you think you're the ONLY person reporting anything. Every time CP gets posted, within minutes there are ~100 global reports.

>I was talking about Jim

You don't know Jim, either. You think he still lives in Manila, where he hasn't been for a year and a half. It's time for you to move on.

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13fa6c  No.238945


>being a rat makes me special

Stay delusional, kid.

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13fa6c  No.238952



>source: my anal cavity

Not everyone spam posts every thread like you do, son.

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13fa6c  No.238956


Of course you would think so because you can't imagine there being more than 3 or 4 people here and you being the only one of merit. Purple posts in purpletext and includes a signature with code to prove it's him because he is an attention whore. You use strange spacing, lots of "….", sexual insults, and a lot of redtext in pretty much every post. It's your signature style because you are an attention whore.

How sad is your life that you seek recognition in an anonymous space?

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bbaa41  No.238984


>10,000 years prior to the Siberian's arrival Europeans had colonized American land. America has always been European.


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bbaa41  No.238987


I don't fucking relate to it, dipshit. I only hope that the imperialists fall faster so you kikes can get crushed under the rubble and we can re-establish an ethnonationalist multipolar world.

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bbaa41  No.238988


Are your absurd number of posts supposed to be compensating for something?

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bbaa41  No.238990


>I have been voluntarily assisting Federal and local law enforcement with information since I was 17 years old… When I was 17 I befriended a guy who was a gbi agent in Atlanta, and there's nothing confidential about it because I never kept it a secret.. I would tell people directly to their face that I was going to report them to the DEA or to the FBI or to the FBI or simply to the local County sheriff's Department..

>literally serving a corrupt organization that's hated by even normies

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13fa6c  No.238997


We did retake what's ours by successfully trapping you in this one thread by careful use of strategic keywords that we knew would make you bleat continuously and forget the rest of the board and the whole website exists.

We're enjoying other conversations in other threads and other boards. You're a rat in a cage and you're too dumb to know it.

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d30e49  No.239001

We are not mindless drones like drones/normies. We have the taste of angloscum blood and it's not going away. We know how evil they are and what they did to us.

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af0be0  No.239141


At least I've got a female in the cage with me

Which is something you've never been able to honestly say before

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d30e49  No.239224


I'm going to have to samefag that. Can't be understated.

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bf9eca  No.241107



This is what people said to refer to genetics before we knew what DNA was.

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bf9192  No.241109



That's old news, the gist of it was in school textbooks.

Your comment however is lame, with no link. The enemy first is the kike and then the nigger, keep that in focus.

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c433d6  No.241111

File: 37449b9942c758f⋯.jpg (36.93 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, 1603603036171.jpg)



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4f8c6a  No.241113



Source given with original claim here


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