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File: 98bb02de61828ce⋯.jpg (50.73 KB, 1242x650, 621:325, e0z6r1yusn761.jpg)

350113  No.238812

what causes it? why do they feel the need to communicate like cavemen? and their excuses suck too. "its just an accent" accents don't change the way the entire linguistic system works. just the annunciation. "its slang" slang means shortened language. not "deeaaaaaam shawty goin up n sheit fr fr hell naw dis sheit whack ah fuh nigga". "its a dialect" dialect is just a fancy word for language. so is it English or not? please someone just explain this to me. i will debate this with anyone.

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cfb3fb  No.238813

File: 86b28abec7f23ec⋯.jpg (121.16 KB, 1023x575, 1023:575, blacks_then_and_now_2.jpg)


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e566b3  No.238828


no one likes the sleazy dicks enforcing rigid conservative suitism either. mainstream conservative white culture is disgusting and degenerate,

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cfb3fb  No.238831


what's degenerate about not being a degenerate?

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917384  No.238844

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614433  No.239145

File: 9c9e8000e83178c⋯.png (735.39 KB, 620x754, 310:377, ClipboardImage.png)


>no one likes the sleazy dicks enforcing rigid conservative suitism either.

>no one

Why are you shilling degeneracy? You know what a t-shirt is? It's underwear from the 19th century. People in the 21st century literally go around in their underwear like it's normal.

We should never have given up powdered wigs.

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f4f783  No.239147


You're just angry that they can talk shit about you right in front of you and you have no fucking clue because you're ignorant.

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f4f783  No.239148


>the way the wealthy ruling class dressed was the way everyone dressed

lol, god damn you people are ignorant as fuuuuuuuck. No wonder you'll never accomplish anything with your lives.

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614433  No.239153


Educate me as to how "ordinary" people dressed in the 18th century, as you are such an expert on the topic.

Explain to me who wore a wig and who didn't.

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c4fb42  No.239156


niggers were the same back then. don't let dress standards fool you. this meme gets pushed by niggers who don't actually want a dissolution of the United States and want to stymie White nationalism so they can maintain proximity to White society.

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18159c  No.239161


>deeaaaaaam shawty goin up n sheit fr fr hell naw dis sheit whack ah fuh nigga

I don't speak enough AAVE (African American Vernacular English) to tell if this is ACTUALLY a comprehensible sentence. However, let's break it down a bit:


"Damn", stretched out for emphasis.


I checked this in Google. "Shorty", which is apparently normally slang for a hot chick, a fine broad, or an attractive woman. That seems to match where I've heard 'shawty' ised.

> goin up

Going up. Urban Dictionary says it's licking starting from the toes, but UD is often weird.

> n sheit

'And shit'. This is figurative, meaning 'and assorted things related to the subject'.

> fr fr

Fucked if I know. (This is either Anglo-Saxon for "If I knew, I would be being sodomized right now" or "I don't know.". Figuring out which of those two is the idomatic meaning in use here is 1% of your grade in the next exam.)

>hell naw dis sheit whack ah fuh nigga

THIS part is mostly accent.

"Hell no, this shit [is] whack as fuck nigger"

'whack' is from 'whacked out' - crazy. 'as fuck' is an amplifier. 'nigga/nigger', in AAVE, is like 'guy' or 'dude'.

In channer dialect,

>deeaaaaaam shawty

waifu material

>goin up n sheit fr fr

I don't know.

>hell naw dis sheit whack ah fuh nigga

fuck no this is schizo shit nigger.

In standard English, the parts I understand are

>deeaaaaaam shawty

"You're a beautiful woman!" or "What a beautiful woman!", depending on who it's directed to.

>hell naw dis sheit whack ah fuh nigga

I shall bow out as this doesn't make any sense, my good man.

Weird dialects do not themselves indicate intellectual inferiority. They CAN indicate intellectual superiority: someone who can speak both AAVE and standard english obviously has greater linguistic skill than someone who only knows one.

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502c82  No.239418

are you really surprised that negro language is different from human?

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f4f783  No.239422


Google, you dumb nigger.

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bef7f3  No.239431


Skull structure.

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cfb3fb  No.239434


>niggers were the same back then.

post examples.

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c4fb42  No.239436


There are too many examples to list.

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cfb3fb  No.239437


i'll settle for just one.

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c4fb42  No.239438


Ultimately, your goal is you want to be a nigger around White people. You want access to White people and White civilization. You want people to think a little tweak and everything is a-okay. Dem niggas didn't really mean it. Dem jews just made dem do it.

You are a non-compatible species. That doesn't change if jews are removed from the equation. Niggers and jews can't even be separated in terms of their occupation of White civilization. I don't care about your petty squabbles over the size of your cut.

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cfb3fb  No.239439


you and I are here: >>239437

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c4fb42  No.239441


The track record of niggers is clear. You are a nigger who wants to promote false history to continue nigger parasitism.

I am rejecting it outright and filtering you. Nigger.

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cfb3fb  No.239442


You can't provide a ''single' example supporting your claim. The world-view you're promoting is weak and unjustified. In the end Jews are still to blame. Jews are the single cancerous anti-race who perverts and corrupts all races. And problems within each respective race are manageable or even solvable without the Jew interfering. That's what different races are learning right now as they watch FOX, CNN, or their Twitter feed. And you're stuck here running damage control for 3 anons lmao

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5da4b6  No.239445

It's the low iq. You can archive this thread now.

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d8ba35  No.239447


This. I think their brains have smoother language centers.

You don't see this in all black people, but that could be due to a large Caucasian admixture.

Or it could be part of the black sub culture and a way for cultural identification.

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17d2e3  No.239452

File: 7623f2360b1786d⋯.jpg (64.42 KB, 735x571, 735:571, jew_girls_98910.jpg)


Well blacks are stupid, but half of them do it on purpose too seem more black especially around other blacks because they think they made up their "own language". However Ebonics is mostly from Southern Draw with a tinge of their stupidity on not understanding words. Southern Draw is from Irish immigrants. All of "black culture" is Irish culture from the past 400 years.

Just like asian men together try to act more asian boater around each other while the asian women brag about how many Big White Cocks they fucked and sucked.

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917384  No.239453


funny man with no examples lol

I'll give you an example to start with:

MLK, but then again MLK is a Jewish Bolshevik, so he kinda don't count.

Malcolm X, except that every allegation of him acting like an uncivilized brute is just Jewish defamation

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917384  No.239454


>All of "black culture" is Irish culture from the past 400 years.

All I read was "all of nigger culture is nigger culture"

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babf34  No.239457


iq maybe?

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