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54b5ca  No.238769

Fascists are the only true inheritors of Socialism.

Capitalism is stupid and Jewish and if you think it's good, you are an idiot.


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6e59c6  No.238770

>(((censored anon)))

fuck socialism, fuck communism, fuck op.

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29d43c  No.238771


I have a hard time understanding how the working class have made the most gains under conservative capitalists.

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f50687  No.238803

Yes. However, Benito Mussolini's Fascism should not be equated to the far superior National Socialism, which is the most based thing which ever existed.

So called "Western Capitalism" is not Capitalist at all - true Capitalism, like true Communism, has never been tried. What has been tried, however, is kike-puppet imperialism, which is what is commonly mislabeled as Capitalism.

Kike-puppet imperialism is the combination of a relatively free market in the homeland which extracts resources from colonies to fuel stupid bullshit. This is inherently damaging to the psyche of the volk, as Imperialism removes the connection between Blood and Soil, and Slavery removes the connection between Blood and Blood, forcing the nation to commit precious military might to maintaining slavery, or risk browning.

Slavery, as an institution, is notoriously weak against kikes. This weakness is not a uniquely American phenomenon, as the kike-on-a-stick Jesus greatly weakened the institution of Roman slavery, causing slaves to not care about work as they would be saved in the next life anyway - so they simply became indolent for a significant period of time, until Paul fixed the issue - but by then, it was too late. Additionally, we all know how easily Rhodesia fell to the communists. Too easily, in fact.

Kike-puppet imperialism, like all imperialisms, always ends in ethnic replacement and libshits: two things all too common in the Roman Empire. The presence of these two forces, ethnic replacement and libshits, often lead to a form of fascism which arises in the government.

However, as I stated before, Fascism is NOT National Socialism. National Socialism does not arise out of "ethnic replacement" or "libshits". National Socialism arises when a COLONIZED, BROKEN nation decides to RISE UP against UNFAIR, 8 NATION ALLIANCE OR OTHER BULLSHIT TREATIES, and aims to RESTORE THE DIGNITY OF THE NATION. Fascism is reactionary, but National Socialism is revolutionary.

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13d0de  No.238805


>So called "Western Capitalism" is not Capitalist at all - true Capitalism, like true Communism, has never been tried. What has been tried, however, is kike-puppet imperialism, which is what is commonly mislabeled as Capitalism.

Stop trying to rehabilitate capitalism in right-wing circles.

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180fb1  No.238836

Fuck off Marx!

Go write another book on why work is slavery.

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f50687  No.238842


arbeit macht frei

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a7a0b3  No.238849

we are Capitalists

we are not "fascists"

the term "fascism", as it is actually used, is very poorly-defined

stick to the basics

run a restore disk on things to get everything back to the most recent functional societal arrangement

this is "Capitalism"

then try out the fancy new stuff

actually, that is a lie

just stick with what works

because it fkn works

kill this fkn stupid fascism meme

it is a fkn waste of time

Unity or Slow Death, patriots

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856b8c  No.238856



Fuck off, faggot.

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54b5ca  No.238864


Fascism is well defined, read books.

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f50687  No.238884


You have never been capitalist. From the start, you have been appropriating the land of (violating the right to property of) Native Americans. After that, you waged a ridiculous war, again, to violate the right to property of Southern slave owners. Then, you planted military bases and Pissrael on foreign land, violating the right to property of the indigenous population who were displaced.

A capitalist would respect a man's right to property.

You never did.

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05c441  No.238940


Nearly every single country on Earth has a history of war over others to appropriate land to make nation states. America is no exception. All Empires - including the modern American Empire - inevitably collapse from fiscal insolvency and bad suicidal policy. America is no exception in such case either. This is merely human nature and the cycle of civilization. Booms, busts. Wars, peace. Stability, unrest…..

If you want to find the root of the problem, start with central banking and 'fractional reserve' banking. Corruption at it's finest and most raw pure form, and the corruption trickles down to every facet of society too. Very much the problems we see today is due to this monetary heist.

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39aa14  No.238951


Fractional reserve banking steals wealth from future generations to create artificial economic booms. It creates systemic debt insolvency within a few generations time, which is what we see going on today. The future of-course will inherit hyperinflation and a devalued (near worthless) currency. Also, every country that has adopted fractional reserve banking throughout human history has had economic instability and financial collapses. It doesn't matter whether the country was communist (USSR, China) or fascist (Italy, Germany) or socialist (France, Venezuela) or capitalist (America, Ukraine)…. any country that adopts central banking policies like 'fractional reserve banking' inevitably see economic collapse and civil unrest. The policy enriches a very few influential people at the top, and everyone else gets stuck with the debt (or devalued currency).

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3a3b7c  No.239386


With capitalism, nothing will ever work as it undermines all groups and institutions.

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54b5ca  No.240019


Fuck you faggot.

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3bda6a  No.240036

Fascist is the name of two political parties, one in Spain and the other in Italy. The only things they had in common was a dislike of being murdered or robbed by communist..

The name comes from the ancient Roman symbol for the rule of law outside Rome; an axe with a bundle of sticks tied to it.

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54b5ca  No.240195


I can tell you never read a book.

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