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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

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019c09  No.238633

Where are you ?

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019c09  No.238634

File: 7ca481a4de0196a⋯.png (654.99 KB, 1080x1464, 45:61, PicsArt_06_05_02_32_56.png)

did the Purple Panzer REALLY kill his mother, then kill himself ?

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019c09  No.238635

File: bb344962ac8ed4f⋯.png (1.41 MB, 1080x1464, 45:61, PicsArt_06_05_02_49_07.png)

it seems like he'd be in here FROLICKING

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019c09  No.238644

I guess it really IS true @ killed mom & suicide

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b59948  No.238655

All parents deserve and need to be killed by the children, ad infinitum. After the parent has done their duty of serving the next generation, and their body and brain are no longer sufficient for their own solitary survival, then they should be dispatched and disposed.

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d75ff3  No.238666


lol @ your mother not loving you enough

awwwwwwww baby biopsie mad at mommy

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6b8ee0  No.238672


1) that's not going to happen, ever.

2) you are clearly a loser.

3) you should actually get out of the basement and go talk to your parents sometime, maybe they can teach you a thing or two about the real world and how to better yourself.

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da4507  No.238674


He realized that every time he posted here with a link to his garbage, I would fire up the report bot and get his channels shitcanned and his videos deleted. Next step: FBI.

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