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File: 6157427a11073f7⋯.jpg (26.49 KB, 360x640, 9:16, PicsArt_10_29_06_27_07.jpg)

dcb9d3  No.238628

Big tits are exclusively desired bysexually inexperienced men with mommy issues, whereas men who get tons of pussy ALWAYS prefer tiny little tits….

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dcb9d3  No.238629

/PND/ = TWO men who like big tits

and ONE man who pretends no woman is good enough for him to be sexually attracted to

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dcb9d3  No.238630

Killcen's wife had medium/small tits

(before he murdered her in 2003)

Jerry's girlfriend Nancy has small tits…..

Wendy's got small tits……..


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dcb9d3  No.238632



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d239c2  No.238637

File: 9341aab1e06abe9⋯.jpg (1.12 MB, 1060x1882, 530:941, 1575798990592.jpg)

Based and breastpilled.

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e881a3  No.238649

Mmm… petites

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e3f142  No.239476


Why do you hate the white race so much?

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9d1a3e  No.239986

small tits r only desirable for pedophiles, big tiddies mean healthiness and milk for ur brethren, also wide hips! only mate with real women and not retarded childs that never hit the puberty even if their in their 30s

disgusting pedos, go fuck some dudes if u like small tits

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d74bc0  No.239991





All documents and emails now public!

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0336cd  No.240002


I'd bet money you have bigger tits than most women.

Unless you show us a timestamped shirtless selfie proving otherwise, we will know you are just another testosterone-free fat virgin with giant man-boobs who's never touched any woman.

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09e4ec  No.240056


Well, I like tomboys with short hair and small tits so I can exclusively do anal. I'm also only bisexual with children. I'm a Biped.

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275246  No.240081


Oh so you like to stuff your cock in men's asses? Do you play with their nipples and jerk them off while you're at it? fucking faggots

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09e4ec  No.240091


Old people have no idea how the world works.

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145e32  No.240093

File: 932b7070a7fc7ce⋯.jpg (110.24 KB, 936x936, 1:1, 1482501_0.jpg)


Please tell us more about "real women", dahling. We're sure you have vast experience.

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f0b789  No.240153


Look here son, just cuz I nailed yer mom that doesn't make me old. You've got a new little brother on the way, BTW.

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f0b789  No.240154


my oh my, was there ever any more delightful creature under heaven or on earth? Makes you just want to stretch that tight pussy out all over my average sized cock.

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f0b789  No.240155


Holly Golightly, apex puntang right there

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d239c2  No.240160

File: 7d8a8f4a88bd5d3⋯.jpg (19.51 KB, 289x373, 289:373, 1353463206846.jpg)


That fat anime fapper wouldn't know a quality woman if she sat on his face.

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66b28e  No.242090


im married with kids and im an amateur cruiserweight boxer so no im not ur typical 4chan soyboy neckbeard. go and try to impregnate ur girls with small tits n hips if theyre able to get preggo in the first place and if they can then make a flatrate for milk powder cuz ur babymommy cant feed yo brethren wit mothersmilk cuz of the underdeveloped mammaries that cant produce milk and if so then way to less to feed an infant! so wander around with ur poor choice and fuck ur reatarded or disabled flat chesters or finally admit it that u r gay

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2dad93  No.242166


>quality woman

That's a serious oxymoron. You're a cumbrained idiot who can't see that women are stupid and destructive. You just need to have sex don't you? You just can't stand to be alone

Can't stand yourself. You're fucking pathetic to put any woman on a pedestal. I'd bet you simp for "quality" woman.

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f3f060  No.242256

File: 6740fc9e10feddc⋯.jpg (39.23 KB, 500x750, 2:3, Danes39.jpg)

I would say that preferring enormous breasts and buttocks is a sign that you have nigger genes.

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3818d2  No.242305

File: af4c1bf56006775⋯.jpg (60.13 KB, 415x750, 83:150, c2cf8e91b946dcbe2506581398….jpg)

Petites are better. More mobile. More mailable. Who wants a fat cow that will eat you out of house and home.

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2dad93  No.242367


It's disgusting how you worship whores. Teenage simp behavior. Sex addict. Cumbrain. You're not a man at all. Just a degenerate

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38fc7b  No.242396



Small tits will never become droopy!

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366d54  No.242402


until you impreg them and their tits get fucking huge and don't shrink after breast feeding age. then it's game over.

honest advice, girls with firm medium tits are the best. flat girls also seem to have less sex drive with the several i've been with, big titty girls are horny as fuck but long-term liabilities.

so, yeah, classical America C titties are best.

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3834e9  No.242486



You got nothing, nigger.

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