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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

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aae30d  No.238534

Cuando el sol brilla en la montaña

Y la noche huye Es un nuevo día

Es una nueva forma

Y vuelo hacia el sol

Puedo sentir la luz del sol de la mañana

Puedo oler el heno recién cortado

Puedo escuchar la voz de Dios llamando

Por mi camino de luz dorada del cielo


Soy solo un pájaro en el cielo


Sobre las montañas vuelo

Nadie puede quitarme la libertad

Una vez que tuve mi parte de perder

Porque me encerraron en una cadena

Sí, lo intentaron para romper mi poder

Oh, todavía puedo sentir el dolor


Solo soy un pájaro en el cielo


Sobre las montañas vuelo

Nadie puede quitarme la libertad

Una paloma blanca

Solo soy un pájaro en el cielo

Una paloma blanca

Sobre las montañas vuelo

Nadie puede quitarme la libertad

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aae30d  No.238538

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GEORGE BAKER odd name for a man from Denmark, who wrote songs in SPANISH

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aae30d  No.238539

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aae30d  No.238541

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aae30d  No.238542

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aae30d  No.238543

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aae30d  No.238544

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aae30d  No.238545

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bc9993  No.238549

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bc9993  No.238550



What this faggot meant to say


you sexy son of a bitch, you!

Love Slim Whitman, what a classic!

Link up some of the classics he sung, "North Wind", "Cool Water", "Ramblin' Rose", "Ghost Riders in the Sky", "Twilla Lee", "Sioux City Sue", "Indian Love Call", "I Never See Maggie Alone" etc.

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aae30d  No.238551

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aae30d  No.238552


less you, more una paloma blanca

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bc9993  No.238553


Hold up, I actually made a CD of my favorites from Slim Whitman….

FUCK! I can't find it, I must have it on another drive somewhere!

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aae30d  No.238554

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aae30d  No.238555

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aae30d  No.238556

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less slim whitman - more LONE WHITE DOVE

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bc9993  No.238557

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aae30d  No.238558

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a lot less you and slim


and a lot MORE una paloma blanca

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aae30d  No.238559

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aae30d  No.238560

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bc9993  No.238561

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Here's Sioux City Sue by Slim, this one is a classic!

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aae30d  No.238562

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aae30d  No.238563

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bc9993  No.238564

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Here's George Baker's rendition…..

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aae30d  No.238565

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nobody does it better thanLOS DIABLOS👹

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bc9993  No.238566


Wrong. Slim Whitman does it best!

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aae30d  No.238567

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aae30d  No.238568

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from George Baker's ""I need funeral money" tour

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aae30d  No.238570

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aae30d  No.238571

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aae30d  No.238572

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One White Dove

Two White Dogs…

Whatever, right?

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aae30d  No.238573

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Australia specializes in Mexicano

It's their 'jam'

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aae30d  No.238594

File: bb344962ac8ed4f⋯.png (1.41 MB, 1080x1464, 45:61, PicsArt_06_05_02_49_07.png)

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aae30d  No.238595

File: 7ca481a4de0196a⋯.png (654.99 KB, 1080x1464, 45:61, PicsArt_06_05_02_32_56.png)

He lost the election on the 4th

and by the 5th he was gone forever

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