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File: f58c3524aab9bd3⋯.jpg (81.52 KB, 640x960, 2:3, based.jpg)

e5de8c  No.238528

The reason why KMT lost to CCP was because KMT was blue, a dogshit Democrat color, while the CCP is red, a based Republican color

This trend of Blue-Cucked-Red-Based exists everywhere. Israel uses a Blue flag, as they are cucked, while the Third Reich uses a Blood-Red Flag, as they are based.

Red is truly the most based of colors.

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8eb4f6  No.238533


Red = masculine

Blue = feminine

The red directs, the blue follows. This is basic Elementalism.

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30fe09  No.238540


Colors don't mean crap ideology wise, they're just used as political symbolism and identity politics.

I'll agree the Republicans are better than Democrats in modern America (pro 2nd Amendment, don't support vaccine passports or lockdowns, more sympathetic to free speech, don't support 'Green New Deal / Great Reset' bullshit)…. but on the other hand many of these Republicans are corrupted in other ways (pro-ZOG, pro-war, pro-Empire, most of them pro-diversity too [they just don't like to shove it in voters faces])…. so it's a shit show today…. if only we could hold the Dem's feet to the fire like we can the RINOs today. Sadly things are so polar opposite and extremely divided you have to choose between the lesser evil, or the side that makes your life easier.

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17c253  No.238574


>I'll agree the Republicans are better than Democrats in modern America

They aren't. It's a controlled system with structured poles.

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607908  No.238576

File: 9da337178e16124⋯.jpg (38.96 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Zyzz_we_re_all_gonna_make_….jpg)


No Heretic.

Red is the color of blood, the color of communism, the color of the devil. Red is an inferior color. The color that preys on men when they are at their lowest, or in need of help. Red is the color of seduction and the color of hate. Red is not what we strive for, Red is what we are mesmerized by when we're too afraid to seek assistance. If you need help anon, we are here for you.

God Bless.

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bd9acd  No.238626


but you get no pussy………………………..

so nothing you say or think matters

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bd9acd  No.238636

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Silver Lamé is even MORE superior

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bd9acd  No.238638


RED = fades faster than any other color

RED = quickly breaks down to a PINK

PINK = girls

BLUE = boys



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2e34de  No.238639


The devil is the color of the adversary. The enemy of Yahweh, the God of the Jews.

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bd9acd  No.238640


why are YOU concerned about masculinity ?

you're never going to get any pussy, so why not just be the True Queen that you are, andSTART WEARING PURPLE?

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bd9acd  No.238641


lol @ you being so EASILY BRAINWASHED

there is no God and no Satan

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bd9acd  No.238643


why are you SO angry lately ?

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e5de8c  No.238815


That's because they have (((blue))) in they symbols. They use the red, white, and (((blue))). I suggest that the US switch to a red-and-white flag like that of the Third Reich to become more based.

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e5de8c  No.238816


>Red is the color of blood

Based. Blood and soil.

>the color of communism

Commie nations never got browned, which makes them better than you.

>the color of the devil

that would be blue. red devils are jewish propaganda. https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/images/ic/704xn/p03bd6bz.jpg

>The color that preys on men when they are at their lowest, or in need of help

The strong should prey on the weak. Sieg heil.

> the color of hate

more based

>Red is not what we strive for

That's because you are a kike

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e5de8c  No.238817


Jesus is far more of an antisemite than Satan will ever be.

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e339b4  No.238818

File: 237a64c0cac3abf⋯.jpg (52.68 KB, 600x701, 600:701, merchant_chinese.jpg)

>isnt the CP based?

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e5de8c  No.238892


The jew accuses others of what he himself is guilty of. In this case, being a hand-rubbing merchant

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ea455e  No.238897


Projection won't work.

Whites are currently accusing Chinese of genocide, when they genorided native americans.

Whites currently accuse China and Russia of hacking but have the highest government funded hackers in the world and do hacking of others.

Christians accuse China of surveillance and spying while putting backdoors in hardware and software via public legislation.

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e5de8c  No.238992


the amalekite admixture into jewish blood can do that sometimes

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ea455e  No.239010



stop projecting. you can't pretend whites aren't attacking you and others.

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e5de8c  No.239455


Whites are all ethnic kike puppets with little to no free will. The closest a white came to free will is on this board, and, even then, it's not that much.

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21a60c  No.239456

File: cceab937af3457d⋯.png (15.53 KB, 1920x960, 2:1, canadian_flag.png)


Canada has a red and white flag, and they're cucked.

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e339b4  No.239458

File: 01962250b235b36⋯.png (159.93 KB, 1078x1259, 1078:1259, china_anti_white.png)

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e5de8c  No.239467


You forgot that those "detainees" are disgusting drug dealers

If you institute a call to free drug dealers just because they are white, it's the definition of white supremacy

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fe5c65  No.239468


sounds like china has successfully taken canada

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e5de8c  No.239471


Maybe the color white is the reason for their cuckholdry. Needs to be balanced out with some black in the middle, if you know what I mean

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e9290a  No.245443

According to statistics on win ratios. In team games like league of legends blue team always seemed to win more games then red team. It had something to do with color and the subconscious.

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cb1ba8  No.245444


>a call to free drug dealers just because they are white

Source for this being the reason=Your ass

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e5de8c  No.245490


stay mad drug dealer sympathizers


fuck off, dire is clearly the superior side

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c845fa  No.245841

what does german race even mean since whites are whites, there are "german" looking people in east eu and vice versa despite them having no connection to that land. problem with whites is they never unite

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