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0c9674  No.238506

This morning at 6:45 AM I woke up and couldn't see. An ambulance drove me here to the Emergency Room. I've been getting diagnostic tests run for the past 2 hours.

Dr. Welch just informed me that I am permanently blind, and there's nothing he can do to restore my vision.

tough break. I enjoyed being able to see. this will take some getting used to. I'm having a nurse create this post for me.

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cfe054  No.238508


man that's horrible news, but at least you've got a nurse there who's cool enough to post for you. let me guess: she's going to read the replies out loud, then you'll tell her what to type in response?

pretty sweet.

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474b22  No.238509


dr. welch is a very good doctor. he specializes in telling patients that they've permanently lost one of their natural abilities, and not just limited to our 5 senses. he's the same doctor that first informed me that I would never be able to tell the difference between a mirror and reality again , and he was correct.

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c487b6  No.238510

the first time I ever saw Dr. Welch, he informed me that I had lost the ability to detect sarcasm, and although I believed him, it turns out he was incorrect

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ca5132  No.238525

I tried hiring Morgan Freeman to narrate this thread for me, but I couldn't see his phone number

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ca5132  No.238531


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