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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: 61d6de5c2503e1a⋯.png (12.36 KB, 454x516, 227:258, 2c5e421ae180646182b47d066f….png)

2ace31  No.237978








>purple anon



>gun rights

>freedom of speech

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b2bb8f  No.237990

And on your side





>hypocrite tyrants

>pedophilia rights

>post truth

>funko toy pops

>being a fucking loser

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a15c71  No.238003


And if you had your way, no one would talk about any issues at all, and it would become a dead board with maybe 1 user, (You)! Plus, if you have a problem with privacy and freedom of speech then you, sir, should be on Facebook or Twitter as those normie platforms would suit you much better than an anonymous image board that doesn't censor topics of interest! Dig?

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a440c2  No.238087


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a1dea0  No.238186

File: d2d7826f3e3e7cc⋯.jpg (104.46 KB, 501x697, 501:697, 1600431072070.jpg)


>seething because your identity revolves around a bunch of buzzword and some retard made fun of them

Room temperature IQ behavior.

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b2bb8f  No.238231


Buzz words are words that feel appropriate but are used wrongly. Per se is a buzz word. You're the retard

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2abb8b  No.238292

REVEALED: Federal Government Funneled $123 Million and Pentagon Funneled $39 Million to Daszak’s EcoHealth Alliance – Group that Funded Coronavirus Research in Wuhan


The Daily Mail reported on Friday night that the Pentagon funneled almost $39 million to EcoHealth Alliance, a group led by controversial researcher Dr. Peter Daszak,

As The Gateway Pundit reported back in May, Devin Nunes alleged Dr. Peter Daszak and EcoHealth Alliance had taken around $100 million from federal agencies.

And we discovered earlier this week that Dr. Daszak thanked Dr. Tony Fauci in an email in 2020 for insisting the coronavirus was naturally occurring when both men knew it was a product of their research funding.

The Daily Mail reported:

The Pentagon gave $39 million to a charity that funded controversial coronavirus research at a Chinese lab accused of being the source for Covid-19, federal data reveals.

The news comes as the charity’s chief, British-born scientist Dr. Peter Daszak, was exposed in an alleged conflict of interest and back-room campaign to discredit lab leak theories.

The charity, EcoHealth Alliance (EHA), has come under intense scrutiny after it emerged that it had been using federal grants to fund research into coronaviruses at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China.

The U.S. nonprofit, set up to research new diseases, has also partly funded deeply controversial ‘gain of function’ experiments, where dangerous viruses are made more infectious to study their effect on human cells.

A political storm broke when former President Donald Trump canceled a $3.7 million grant to the charity last year amid claims that Covid-19 was created in, or leaked from, the Wuhan lab funded by EHA.

But federal grant data assembled by independent researchers shows that the charity has received more than $123 million from the government – from 2017 to 2020 – and that one of its biggest funders is the Department of Defense, funneling almost $39 million to the organization since 2013.

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2abb8b  No.238293

The Wuhan biowarfare lab was actually funded by US taxpayers (thank the NIH for investing in Chink bioweapons like Covid-19)

http://archive.md/gK4i4 = naturalnews.com

http://archive.md/olHCK = dailymail.co.uk

http://archive.md/Snz0N = newsweek.com

http://archive.md/dN38X = infowars.com

https://archive.md/DgXWn = thegatewaypundit.com

https://archive.md/MZGtL = thenationalpulse.com

https://archive.md/SMhEV = zerohedge.com








In fact, The US State Department was also tipped off back in 2018 and refused to do anything about it:

http://archive.md/oAN9A = zerohedge.com

http://archive.md/FWaWH = washingtonpost.com

https://archive.md/06BTD = thegatewaypundit.com




Virologists Say 'Genetic Fingerprints' Prove COVID-19 Man-Made:



Funny how all the players involved, such as Dr. Fauci of the NIH, support ID 2020 ironically:

http://archive.md/JvD9g = zerohedge.com

http://archive.md/Y13B7 = washingtontimes.com



And we all know Gates is behind it already:

http://archive.md/g0cXA = nationalfile.com

http://archive.md/nMtmy = vigilantcitizen.com

http://archive.md/qNrrx = newswars.com




Their official agenda website: https://id2020.org/alliance [http://archive.md/ZNRGI]

BUSTED: NIH Owns Financial Stake In Gates-Funded Coronavirus Vaccine:

http://archive.md/LdgQZ = nationalfile.com


BUSTED: Leaked Fauci Emails Discuss Covid ‘Gain Of Function’ Lab Experiments:

https://archive.md/jB2uA = citizenfreepress.com

https://archive.md/GZNBP = zerohedge.com

https://archive.md/suwW7 = zerohedge.com






Here are some of the documents that were stolen during the hack: https://archive.is/slBtQ


Note we can clearly see in a couple pics they KNEW this was bio-engineered, with HIV RNA transmission sequences.

Wuhan Bioweapon Lab Email Passwords:


WHO Email Passwords:


Gates Foundation Email Passwords:


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