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File: 2369a13332d80c3⋯.jpg (394.62 KB, 2600x1914, 1300:957, How_to_End_Communism.jpg)

b04276  No.237964

Since I have your attention:

The aorta of the enemy is the I-5 corridor.

The heart of the enemy is several hearts along I-5, like an earthworm.

You know, Portland, Seattle, San Francisco… do I really have to explain that?

Uh, "yes" apparently. That was easy. Moving on…

We can easily dice up said earthworm by greatly increasing the population of Tri-Cities, Washington (and surrounding areas).

With Capitalists, specifically.

We have essentially infinite food, water, and electricity here. This place is an EDEN.

This would paint both Oregon and Washington red, in a single master stroke.

This is how to end Communism. We strike the earthworm at its weak point.

Which is, of course, Tri-Cities, WA. Namely, Kennewick, Pasco, and Richland, WA. Benton and Franklin Counties. Best to be *clear* about these "orders", I suppose.

Do this, and Communism will die.

You all got any better ideas?

Let's end this fight, once and for all.

Donald Trump is President of the United States.

God Bless America.


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2bbcef  No.237965

get ready for war, kiddo.

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b04276  No.237967


You have served your purpose, Shit-for-Hands. I have no more use for you. Go away.

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b04276  No.237968

Dealing with you has been the most exhausting experience of my entire life, Shit-for-Hands. I'm gonna get some sleep, if this pleases your august person. You have the floor. Why don't you see if you can bump this off the end of the board while I'm away?

Good night.

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f29b23  No.237975


your translator sucks

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b04276  No.238005

dis oNe miNe q

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29217d  No.238007

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