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651d08  No.237565

Pride exists because of a black, bisexual trans woman, who was a sex worker, that threw a brick at a cop and started a riot against the state.

How does it feel knowing this person will do more than you ever will?

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b613eb  No.237583


It feels like Communists are so out of allies that they're teaming up with black trannies.

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8d8fec  No.237635


It has nothing to do with "communists". None of these labels; "communist", "fascist", "national socialist" make any sense at all within the context of Anglo/niggerjew liberalism. None of them have any relation to any kind of power structure in the country at all outside of being harvested and amalgamated by liberalism for symbolic/strategic corralling.

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b613eb  No.237638


>None of these labels; "communist", "fascist", "national socialist" make any sense at all within the context of Anglo/niggerjew liberalism

"Useful Idiot" is a real thing. It's always Zio-Bolshevism. Whether a tranny or a based right-wing nazbol. It's always Jewish garbage.

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