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Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: 37926d1b5344750⋯.jpg (15.84 KB, 474x266, 237:133, China_America_Complicity_O….jpg)

dc9f63  No.237395

China-America Complicity Of Covid Bioweapon Funding Causes A Rift Of Global Defection

An astounding new national security report from groundbreaking intel leaks which continue to unravel further details from previous reports titled “State Covid Propaganda Collapses As The World Starts Pointing Fingers At State Corruption” and “War Criminals Shut Down Probes Into War Crime As Propagandists Scream Into Abyss Of Dysfunction” suggests not only is the world waking up to extreme corruption and treason involving the National Institute of Health (NIH) funding and collusion into "gain of function" bioweapons research in Wuhan, China but also has the world pondering the risks of allowing such corruption to continue without major reform and perhaps intervention that could lead to - or perhaps prevent - another world war.

According to new leaked emails, it becomes much more evident and clear that a pre-planned bioweapons release across the globe to destabilize nations was intentional and that corrupted entities were struggling to cover up these war crimes:





Shortly after this revelation broke out across the globe, sending seismic bombshells among national intelligence rings, Russia has declared the United States both untrustworthy and unstable, to which Russia's sovereign wealth fund (officially the National Wellbeing Fund) decided to dump all of its dollars and dollar-denominated assets in favor of those denominated in euros, yuan and physical gold reserve:


And if that was not a blow for an already collapsing Western Empire, defection from an agenda called "ID 2020" that was to prelude the "The Great Reset" in which both (((Bill Gates))) and (((Dr. Anthony Fauci))) were both intricate in orchestrating with the World Economic Forum (WEF) has come home to roost with 83% of American-run businesses openly saying they will no longer partake in a mandatory vaccine passport agenda!


Nearing the same time as the decision made by Russia, China has also threatened the US White House and American diplomats that if this truth about the collusion of creating a bioweapon to destabilize and subjugate populations around the world were to ever were to come out resulting in UN criminal investigations and interventions into war crimes, that China would not hesitate to declare full blown nuclear war against America to cover it back up:


This absolute blow being reported by the likes of media across the globe has made the US White House scramble for solutions, in which one solution may be to (1) dump (((Dr. Anthony Fauci))) and perhaps, as hinted by Fox News host Tucker Carlson, (2) throw him under the bus and charge him for criminal conduct in NIH funding to Wuhan, without directly implicating China….

(1) https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/06/02/report-white-house-actively-looking-to-dump-anthony-fauci-amid-revealed-emails-and-flip-flopping/

(2) https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/tucker-carlson-is-dr-fauci-under-criminal-investigation

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dc9f63  No.237403

My conclusion is that they'll throw Dr. Fauci under the bus, maybe even charge him for criminal financing with a foreign entity if pressured enough to do so. I doubt the US govt will want to break off financial relations with China or cause another world war by putting all the blame on the CCP. One thing is for sure, the CCP would not care if one or two US entities like Dr. Fauci were to take the blame for this damning leaked evidence. We'll soon see what happens….

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0e178a  No.237406


As predicted, he will become the scapegoat…..

The pressure is on, and neither China nor the US govt want blame placed upon them on the global stage. Fauci risked playing with fire.

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6f0a6e  No.237689

As predicted, they REALLY did not want all this info coming out….



Folks, this wasn't just China, remember, the NIH was funding and aiding the corona virus research in Wuhan! Gates, Fauci and the Rockefellers had an intricate alliance and plan called "ID 2020" for this bioweapons release, and the Pirbright Institute had it patented November 20th, 2018! The Pirbright Institute's primary funder was the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation! Who was the head of the NIH while they funded the Wuhan covid research? Dr. Anthony Fauci! Who was with the Leadership Council for the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation? Again, Dr. Anthony Fauci! As well all the other rats behind ID 2020. If you want to find the root of Chinese espionage and infiltration into the US, you start there! This was NOT just China! It was also treason from within by (((criminals))) attempting to subjugate Western populations into a medical police state where forced vaccinations and depopulation were their final goal! This is why the US and China are in panic mode pointing fingers at one another! Don't forget the real treason behind all this, I know for a fact they are scared the world finding out about this and their plan.

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6f0a6e  No.237695

The Wuhan biowarfare lab was actually funded by US taxpayers (thank the NIH for investing in Chink bioweapons like Covid-19)

http://archive.md/gK4i4 = naturalnews.com

http://archive.md/olHCK = dailymail.co.uk

http://archive.md/Snz0N = newsweek.com

http://archive.md/dN38X = infowars.com

https://archive.md/DgXWn = thegatewaypundit.com

https://archive.md/MZGtL = thenationalpulse.com

https://archive.md/SMhEV = zerohedge.com








In fact, The US State Department was also tipped off back in 2018 and refused to do anything about it:

http://archive.md/oAN9A = zerohedge.com

http://archive.md/FWaWH = washingtonpost.com

https://archive.md/06BTD = thegatewaypundit.com




Virologists Say 'Genetic Fingerprints' Prove COVID-19 Man-Made:



Funny how all the players involved, such as Dr. Fauci of the NIH, support ID 2020 ironically:

http://archive.md/JvD9g = zerohedge.com

http://archive.md/Y13B7 = washingtontimes.com



And we all know Gates is behind it already:

http://archive.md/g0cXA = nationalfile.com

http://archive.md/nMtmy = vigilantcitizen.com

http://archive.md/qNrrx = newswars.com




Their official agenda website: https://id2020.org/alliance [http://archive.md/ZNRGI]

BUSTED: NIH Owns Financial Stake In Gates-Funded Coronavirus Vaccine:

http://archive.md/LdgQZ = nationalfile.com


BUSTED: Leaked Fauci Emails Discuss Covid ‘Gain Of Function’ Lab Experiments:

https://archive.md/jB2uA = citizenfreepress.com

https://archive.md/GZNBP = zerohedge.com

https://archive.md/suwW7 = zerohedge.com






Here are some of the documents that were stolen during the hack: https://archive.is/slBtQ


Note we can clearly see in a couple pics they KNEW this was bio-engineered, with HIV RNA transmission sequences.

Wuhan Bioweapon Lab Email Passwords:


WHO Email Passwords:


Gates Foundation Email Passwords:


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6f0a6e  No.237696


As predicted, they REALLY did not want all this info coming out….


Fauci emails expose they KNEW full well the covid vaccine was deadly and it had potential to enhance diseases like SARS!

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6f0a6e  No.237698


HA! Even the niggers are smart enough to take advantage of this huge email dump from (((Fauci))) to discover what really happened!

What has /pnd/ been up to?




Don't worry, I'm keeping track and archiving what else comes out!

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e27f91  No.237837


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89962c  No.237999

The most important thing is they're going to fail with this vaccine passport agenda in the end. So far no company or store has ever asked me for a vaccine ID, not even Costco bothers with that bullshit. Businesses are at least smart enough to know they'll lose a lot of customers if they decide to become total jerks to appease a minority of control freaks.

As for Trump, blame him all you want, at least he didn't enforce nationwide lockdowns, mask mandates or mandatory vaccines like Bill Gates or Anthony Fauci wanted and suggested. If this were up to them this whole country would have been fucked.

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c97ddf  No.238001

File: bb73f4ffa9ef30d⋯.pdf (197.67 KB, Globalists_Unable_to_Hide_….pdf)


Trips of TRUTH.



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87b4a9  No.238023

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


> …Back to the Top of the Slide…

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388207  No.238066

anti-spam bump eer353

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388207  No.238101

anti-slide bump 4234 44 44

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90bf94  No.238226

File: c9bfdc2e3b64811⋯.png (1.62 MB, 1366x663, 1366:663, 2021_06_05_WINNING_Is_Nice….png)

One should not spend their life in a Reactionary Stance to "The 'They'" any more than one should leave everything up to "The 'They'".

I speak from Experience.

There is a Healthy Balance between Conformity & Authenticity. Each of us must find that Healthy Balance for ourselves, without losing our Integrity in the process.

As part of her home school lessons, I asked my daughter to READ the following short Essay and WRITE a brief Synopsis of it.

Working for das Man: Heidegger’s Theory of Existence by Nick Holt


Including it here, not only because it's some damn good shit; but it may prove useful to someone interested in understanding the Nature of "Being" (in relation to "The 'They'".)

It also delves into how one finds Balance between Conformity & Authenticity.

Highly Recommend.

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3c7c33  No.238822



That's a funny way of saying "baseless slanders against the PRC"

We all know it's the Fort Detrick Jew Flu lab. That particular lab uses Azhkenazi and Jewpanese scientists who had experience in creating bioweapons, like the one Pissrael used to kill arabs before being worried about their own genetically-similar mizrahim population

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d53d3f  No.238824


Why do you ever think anyone would ever be punished for anything instead of them just getting away with it? Governments don't face pressure from plebs who refuse to fight back.

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d53d3f  No.238825


Nobody cares, Jim. Better go corral your wayward QickFlip before he damages your QLARP even more.

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d53d3f  No.238826


Stop cucking out for Orange Man. He works for the same jews Biden does.

You also hope too much.

Ashes and Echoes

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d53d3f  No.239231


Everybody already knows their plan. Nobody is fighting back.

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8b4c39  No.239275


>As for Trump, blame him all you want, at least he didn't enforce nationwide lockdowns, mask mandates or mandatory vaccines like Bill Gates or Anthony Fauci wanted and suggested. If this were up to them this whole country would have been fucked.

You're a fucking retard. It was the perfect excuse to enact a total shutdown of immigration permanently, mobilization for autarky, and expulsion/revocation of citizenship for racial aliens, and the orange nigger pissed his pants howling that Home Depot's China trade would get interrupted. And you dumb conservaniggers wouldn't shut the fuck up about masks even though every shitty brown turd world small business was getting run right out of business. Subhuman.

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