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File: 7af335b4f83c975⋯.jpg (370.5 KB, 900x593, 900:593, 1487691559737.jpg)

7dcfca  No.237392

Hated kikes, kicked feminists out of the First Internationale, saw the fraud behind unsustainable mass immigration and called dumb believers in scientism "vulgar materialists". Even in his day, his worst enemies were fellow leftists like Young Hegelians, Proudhon and Jewish niggers like Hess and Lassalle, not conservatives.

Nothing going on is Marxist.

Karl wanted nothing else but to see the working class rev up the ovens for the people up there.

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3f26c8  No.237455

File: 7b5ca10d634d259⋯.jpg (378.4 KB, 829x1475, 829:1475, _Marx_.jpg)


>Hated kikes

LMAO you're as fucking stupid as the Neo-Nazis who believe Hitler hated kikes while employing 100k+ in his elite SS.

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7dcfca  No.237566

Absolutely irrelevant, his parents had converted to Christianity and not a iota of Jewish culture made it into Karl's upbringing.

As German as a spaghetti nigger or a paddy who emigrates to America becomes American.

Whether it's Jesus, this guy, the Jews who helped out with the October or more contemporary examples like Gilad Atzmon or Israel Shahak and Israel Shamir, self-hating Jews exist.

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3f26c8  No.237569

File: 3b8c284907439ee⋯.jpg (46.43 KB, 850x400, 17:8, _marxism_.jpg)


stay defeated.

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9d2793  No.237603


>what is subversion?

Smooth brain.

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7dcfca  No.237686

File: 9471ac0b9af98b7⋯.jpg (72.98 KB, 850x400, 17:8, 3b8c284907439eefb3f4c8f5b5….jpg)


Oh right I forgot this place is full of idiots who get their informations on the world from unsourced quotes on the internet.


>subversion is when you give tools to analyse human history and society

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