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Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: b9871f16a6b0218⋯.jpeg (598.39 KB, 828x1052, 207:263, 3F9E3D4D_DBB5_465E_82E6_F….jpeg)

cfcf99  No.237271

So Apparently if you get banned from half Chan 60 times. It’s an automatic permanent ban. Doesn’t matter how many years between the bans or anything. This board is obviously very low traffic. Where else are people going these days? It almost seems like a blessing in disguise to get perma banned there but I’d still like to be part of an online community. I was active on voat before it closed. Is Poal with it? Any other suggestions? Thanks lads.

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4d420f  No.237275

why don't you change your IP?

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a63d39  No.237280



White Genocide is real. NWO is real. Imageboards and other social media should be places of employment; you should be working to wake people up, not fapping on /b/.

Reset your router to unbanned. If that doesn't work call your ISP and ask for a new IP address. If you're richfag then buy private proxies.

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ecd452  No.237290


You're going to fit right in here with the other three losers. Stick around a while, and making officially claim FOUR READERS on this shit board.

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e20ea8  No.237291


This is a really simple fix. Firstly, turn off your computer and router, then turn your router upside down, cut the power cord with a pair of snips, then fuck yourself….

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226a42  No.237295


Most smart anons have bailed and are living offline lives now. The smartest ones knew to stop trusting modern society and have moved more rural to homestead and live off-grid. Few of us left who even care enough to pop in from time to time just to glance at the dying pastime of the real internet.

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eb2259  No.237299

File: d21fec6f10661fa⋯.jpg (14.77 KB, 300x300, 1:1, 1593500678543.jpg)


They also sandbox on 4chan so regionally you see different bot post thats more directly targeted, the place is mostly bots too they don't want real users unless you are a retarded brown slave or a normie they want to believe is on the fringe. Now Poal.co is 100% a honeypot and disinfo they ban any user more right than Trump. Lots of subversive memes pushed by admins on Poal.co

The admins also mark you as jew if you say too much against jews on poal.co or when you call out the extreme schizo purity spiraling.

Ruqqus is actually better.

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c531bc  No.237323


If you want to make a difference go to Breitbart and redpill in the comments.

I was just reading some of the comments, holy shit those people are misinformed. They totally buy into the Dem vs Rep narraritive and they come top the defense of Israel. They have no idea that Jews hate their Christians guts etc.

That place is shockingly misinformed.

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ed89aa  No.237331


The only way you can wake those types of people up is if you 'slow-pill' them. If they start seeing people rant about "kikes" that will not only turn them off, it would get you banned pretty quickly. Most people coming here are much too extreme for normfags.

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ed89aa  No.237332



The best way to get normie attention is to question why we are wasting so much taxpayer money fighting in the Middle East, then maybe question if risking American military lives are worth those efforts to fight all those wars, and who really benefits from those wars. Start slow… make them think about it, the smart ones will start to get it, sooner or later.

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70dcc0  No.237345


>using cuckchan

>any year since 2014


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a5e839  No.237375


Would you seriously just want the same four of five people viewing this board? Some would call that a "safe-haven" or a dying board. It's a good thing others are searching for alternatives.

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1dcde6  No.237391


> Where else are people going these days?

good discussion on this at the bottom of the catalog, read it before its gone:


also here:


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1dcde6  No.237393


>read it before its gone

archived here https://archive.ph/Yqyrs

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cddd86  No.237396


Kek and what does that make you, our designated jidf shill? How fucking shitty at your job do you have to be ti get assigned to a dead board? it says 100 active IPs on the front page. 1000 IPs in the Q section. Why is this board so dead?

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2dc51a  No.237733


>Why is this board so dead?

because most of the 8kun traffic is q-related and this board is hostile to it.

Leaving a reply and checking back in a few days is how I remember 8ch being.

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63a0fa  No.237741

File: 54d36bbec2287f6⋯.jpeg (13.3 KB, 225x225, 1:1, images_3_.jpeg)

It's a real slow shit show here. This purple fag and a few other spammers are being quite silly, so no serious discussions. Tbh Smaller communities are better Anyways. You need to start with friends before you cater to waves of a melting pot of clashing identities all anonymous and without repercussion. You can Hate niggers, the queer agenda, the liberal agenda. You can hate it all here. So vent brother!

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