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File: 48eb3361b2a0d2e⋯.jpg (118.07 KB, 1327x777, 1327:777, Why_They_Hate_Us_1.JPG)

File: c528006a9a84f2b⋯.jpg (124.02 KB, 1324x770, 662:385, Why_They_Hate_Us_1b.JPG)

File: 7dea5474086dea5⋯.jpg (104.16 KB, 1329x772, 1329:772, Why_They_Hate_Us_1c.JPG)

a77ce1  No.236784

Black activists from the New Black Panther Party and other groups staged an armed march in Tulsa, Oklahoma on Saturday.

Another supremacist threatened white people and said, “Because that time will come when there’s a rat-a-tat-tat… black Americans will kill everything white in sight.”


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a77ce1  No.236807

File: a02e2b626ceb318⋯.jpg (188.57 KB, 918x836, 459:418, black_genocide_2.JPG)

African-American extremists want to genocide white people. European-American 'extremists' want to end the ongoing genocide of African-Americans as perpetrated by the Jews.

The difference between races is profound.

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c41a30  No.236818


>European-American 'extremists' want to end the ongoing genocide of African-Americans

Then they're retarded.

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7e675f  No.236824

File: be79e5eb668bdfa⋯.jpg (65.2 KB, 669x573, 223:191, soyberpunk.jpg)


>worrying about other races low birth rates

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a77ce1  No.236834

File: f58c3524aab9bd3⋯.jpg (81.52 KB, 640x960, 2:3, hitler_racism.jpg)



Why are you Jews so hateful?

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c41a30  No.236835


Degrelle lived in a very different time when the "global south" was not a direct participant and collaborator to the mass invasion of Western lands. He was a nice enough guy, a real warrior, and his sentiment is not altogether wrong – but it's much different when the Ottoman Empire was a quaint, bankrupt, and declining power that dissolved in his lifetime.

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a77ce1  No.236836


African-Americans is the topic, not the invasion of Europe by non-Europeans.

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c41a30  No.236837


It's the same thing. They serve the same function. They are non-Western people incompatible with our civilization. You don't have anything they want except your death. You're basically delusional.

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c41a30  No.236838

File: ea5e170e980e236⋯.png (45.63 KB, 905x310, 181:62, nationalinterestexcerpt.png)


It doesn't matter how often you say "it's the jews" because the nigger-jew occupation is not going to be swayed with your arguments. It's a collaborative occupation. You're going to have to fight for your life whether you want to or not.

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a77ce1  No.236839

File: b6a8313a24948b0⋯.jpg (71.36 KB, 736x468, 184:117, blacks_then_and_now.jpg)



I believe you're purposely ignoring the Jewish influence over black culture.

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c41a30  No.236840


No, I'm not. I understand you're a nigger, though, and trying to shill here.

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a77ce1  No.236841

File: 8fbd3bc7bbbdea9⋯.jpg (393.65 KB, 988x825, 988:825, blacks_then_and_now_3.jpg)


Name-calling isn't an argument. Jews rekt African-American culture and (((you))) know it.

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c41a30  No.236842


There is nothing to "wreck". They are a malignant and alien entity and have always been.

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a77ce1  No.236843


your opinion doesnt reflect reality.

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c41a30  No.236844


Yes, it does. Now, I'm going to filter you because I've had my fill of niggers.

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a77ce1  No.236845

File: 036ea4a91f437b3⋯.jpg (30.77 KB, 423x463, 423:463, brainlet_3.jpg)

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27ecb5  No.236861


Defend niggers on literally any other website, yid.

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093135  No.236897


No, it won't.

White Men will kill all shitskins.

White Men are Gods.

The shitskin's anger comes from their fear. They know that their end is near.

Burn alive a shitskin child every day.

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093135  No.236898


Killing niggers and leftards is always the right thing to do.

We, human beings, will kill you all.

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caed5d  No.236928

I thought all this race crap was new, nope. Here's a quote from Pierce circa 1974.

The new faces are black and brown and every shade in between—even a few red and yellow ones—and the enemy’s name has changed from “imperialist military-industrial complex” to “racist ruling class. ” The same Jews, of course, are calling the shots.

The reason the enemy must be smashed is no longer because he is waging an imperialist war in Indochina but because he is oppressing the non-White workers of America.

The Reds look forward to a wholesale massacre of “ruling class” White males accompanied by a mass rape of their females, after which a domesticated herd of exactly “equal,” coffee colored proletarians will happily enjoy the benefits of a brave-new-world-style welfare state—administered, of course, by commissars of God’s “chosen” race. The liberals would like to bypass the massacre and rape, if possible


Read it

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a77ce1  No.236929


>“ruling class” White males

Who are they exactly? You mean Jews? They aren't white.

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caed5d  No.236931


Read the article, everything is exactly the same.

So yes this is indeed a communist takeover attempt.

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a77ce1  No.236932


What's the solution?

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49bf68  No.236935


It's not a "communist takeover". It is a very deliberate and planned trajectory of capitalism to lean even harder into the "global south" than the Soviets, so as to protect their imperial rents. The number one problem of American conservatives is the total misunderstanding of capitalism, WWII, the nature of the postwar order, and the motivations of the Cold War. Conservatives in America tend to be really, really dumb, so once they have an incorrect understanding of something they can't move off of it easily. They need to fit everything into a preconceived view of the world, history, and their place within both.

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caed5d  No.236936


Honestly, sit around and try to get (you)'s.

Maybe post in another forum or two. That's about it.

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a77ce1  No.236937


I was born for this.

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caed5d  No.236940

File: 34525e73b335149⋯.gif (548.66 KB, 1812x899, 1812:899, Tulsa1.GIF)

As we speak, here is what is pinned on twitter.

It's not trending, it's pinned and rammed down everyone's throat.

Check that story out, holy shit that's some crazy propaganda.


The message is clearWhat they're saying is the blacks were wealthy, living in a amazing safe, prosperous city until thousands of whites decided to burn it all down.

Because of that event blacks still haven't been able to recohttps://www.wsj.com/articles/the-tulsa-race-massacre-100-years-later-11622221205?st=gdal24snmye3snz&reflink=desktopwebshare_permalinkver, it really says that.


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a77ce1  No.236945


It's like they divide and conquer the races like every other demographic.

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9bfd78  No.236951

Every time those assclowns get together they manage to shoot each other. Remember, the number one cause of preventable nigger death is niggers.

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a77ce1  No.236954


you can still turn that into a positive. if segregation was so great then they can have it.

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caed5d  No.237012


Whatever. it's in everyone's interest for there to be rich and wealthy blacks and all races minus Jews. Once wealth enters Jewish hands it stays in Jewish hands.

I'm sure if Jewish sports team owners could get away with paying Jews millions to play for them instead of Goy they'd replace em in heartbeat.

Any industry that leaks Jewish wealth to the Goys will be taken over by Jews. Anytime a Jew has a high position in govt or corporations they take that wealth and distribute it to other Jews.

Most recently Chuck Schumer is trying to give $30 or $40 Billion to chip makers based in Israel like Intel. No strings attached $40 billion for corporations who are already insanely profitable.

If you search any big corporation under Jewish control and Israel or Jews you will find every dumb software idea or gimmick that a Jew could dream up gets bought for tens of millions to hundreds of millions of dollars.

That's how Israel became the "start up nation'.

If you're ever get bored you should search all the crazy gimmicks these big corporations pay big bucks for, and it's almost always from fellow Jews.

Then add to that the over a billion dollars interest we pay to the Federal Reserve just in interest every single day for the foreseeable future.

Once poverty kicks in, that's when all these race issues become a big deal. The smartest thing we can do is stick together with other races and call out the Jews for what they're doing, for how fake they are, and their astonishing hypocrisy.

Go thru all these categories and the names below, it's an vast database of knowledge.

> https://www.islam-radio.net/index.html

Expose Judaism, ridicule Judaism until Jews abandon their disgusting religion, promote inter marriage of Jews. Because what we are at war against is Judaism, it's pure evil;.

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caed5d  No.237013

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Farakhan's right, white people aren't holding up their end of the deal in exposing the Jewish conspiracy.

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f4bb62  No.237017


>it's in everyone's interest for there to be rich and wealthy blacks and all races

Not for White people in White countries it isn't. There is this fundamental misfiring that keeps occurring with you brown people who keep coming here. We're not going to keep sharing a country with you.

You're not separate from the jewish problem just because you argue with them over the size of your cut.

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caed5d  No.237018


America's not a white country.

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f4bb62  No.237019


The overwhelming majority of the landmass will be when we break it off.

We're not sharing a country a with you. No price is too high to pay for it.

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caed5d  No.237020

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>We're not going to keep sharing a country with you.

Where have you been? Before long we'll be begging them to share with us.

Here's an important message for all white people.

Let me guess, in 2024 you'll be at a Trump rally screaming build the wall build the wall…

I see Trump announced he's going to run in 2024. Only thing we're going to get is a war w Iran.

If Trump and his family don't get charged w crimes then it's confirmation he's a Trojan Horse.

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f4bb62  No.237021

The farmland must be seized. The mines, the rivers, the timber forests, the hydrocarbon reserves.

It must be done for the sake of Europe and Russia, that brown-skinned judeo-negro will attack eternally until they are defeated. There is no compromise on this issue. Compromise is death for Europe and Russia.

"America" will be destroyed and its lands formally returned as the outer frontier of a greater Western imperium. The future demands it.

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f4bb62  No.237022


Trump is a nigger lover. He's all about sharing a country with anti-Europe and anti-Russia, American amalgamationist niggers like you.

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f4bb62  No.237023

Dismembering "America" would shatter India, Africa, and judea all at once.

An outcome so desirable it's a wonder anyone would oppose it.

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a77ce1  No.237053

File: cd6d3f34bb33310⋯.jpg (2.68 MB, 3472x3472, 1:1, _Russia_hates_you.jpg)

>muh russia

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43d617  No.237166


as someone who lives in Tulsa, I didn't even know this happened.

These niggers must have walked around the block once then went back home.

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a77ce1  No.237168


eh. theyre selling soap.

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765826  No.248169


Prepare for the reckoning, crackaz!

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2cc45d  No.248192


Ahhhhh, so you a glow nigga. I get it now. I totally get it.

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