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and shitslinging
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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: 3b160c7def0e635⋯.gif (1.12 MB, 498x248, 249:124, yfw_im_right.gif)

019ea8  No.236745

Your political opinion is based in political theater and you don't know how it ends but the director, writers, and actors do.

Like your political opinion, your religious opinion is irrelevant and based in generations of propaganda. Very rarely do we discover a person who is fully educated in his or her religious system and you aren't such an instance.

Your life's ambition, whether positive like pursuing a socially acceptable career, or negative - you mean to become a super-villain, is rooted in a system of reality you didn't chose, don't benefit from, and have no control over.

Your reality is controlled by a cabal because the things that create reality (media, education, culture, religion, science) are owned by them and used to deceive you. What can you do? Even lashing-out is pointless. What are you opposing but one side of false reality in favor for another?

You are subdued.

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c8cee2  No.236749

File: 392aeed5d752856⋯.jpg (845.51 KB, 1515x1279, 1515:1279, Eurasian_energy_flows.jpg)

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019ea8  No.236750

File: 3715e4785e09f5b⋯.jpg (77.84 KB, 1848x337, 1848:337, Iran_NWO.JPG)

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c8cee2  No.236752


The deal failed.

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019ea8  No.236982

File: 6e0d8699024657a⋯.png (14.69 KB, 808x180, 202:45, Putin_Bait_and_Switch_1.PNG)

File: 115342128f76445⋯.png (398.15 KB, 704x588, 176:147, Putin_Bait_and_Switch_2.PNG)


As planned. They betrayed their own people and were themselves betrayed by the Zio-Bolshevik. It seems the only capable allies the European has are all traitors.

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03c558  No.237177


It is always ok to kill jews, shitskins, leftards and lgbt abominations.

White Men are Gods.

We can do whatever we want to.

And there is nothing that you can do about it.

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bd0b3f  No.237183

Yes, but sometimes it's not just th theater

There's a covert meaning



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573e54  No.237193


>Your political opinion is based in political theater

No. Your political opinions are based on your feelings. People are for example more likely to trust politicians who look like them.

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92a288  No.237731

Deep down we all know what is necessary and what needs to be done, the difficult part is actually doing it.

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0dd7e3  No.237742


That was all ok until the very same white man gave the world to the white woman. SHE is why we are where we are today. White women are EVIL!

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