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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: 433e36e256b6adb⋯.jpg (48.1 KB, 800x533, 800:533, cute_boy_shaking_finger_sa….jpg)

4fe0fc  No.236152[Last 50 Posts]

racism refers to that prejudice in addition to the socialized power structures at play. So, not everyone can experience the racism that Black people do because the power dynamic that has existed since the Atlantic Slave Trade is just not equivalent to any other racial experience in the States.


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df5148  No.236153


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d7d53c  No.236154


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37e501  No.236159


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c9f081  No.236160


The wording "enjoins" is deceptive, the whole title is deceptive, so let me make what just happened clear: 6th Circuit Votes against Biden's

Race-based Covid relief. They can't prioritize anyone due to race the court has ruled.

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2304d1  No.236164

File: 72499140f09ea11⋯.jpg (233.63 KB, 1443x1080, 481:360, PicsArt_05_26_12_28_09.jpg)


that's exactly why Hitlerson Cooper (the purple fürher-princess) is THE LEADER of the otherthree/pnd/ geniuses.

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2304d1  No.236165

File: ccecda81d400376⋯.jpg (184.91 KB, 1436x1080, 359:270, PicsArt_05_28_12_12_59.jpg)


obviously, they meant to say "conjoined"

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7103b9  No.236166


Johnny, I am so excited, celebrate with me!

See here: >>236163

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30e89c  No.236167


Pro-2nd Amendment enthusiasts have tried to get something like this passed in Missouri for over 12 years!!!! This is very good news because any new federal gun control law will have NO TEETH in Missouri to bite law abiding citizens!

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2304d1  No.236169

File: 184b03261daf8f0⋯.jpg (273.12 KB, 1443x1080, 481:360, PicsArt_05_28_12_22_10.jpg)



and when I say "the other ==three=" /pnd/ subordinates who take orders from Hitlerson", of course I'm including the other 'online character' that Marshmallow Sally larps as in here.

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0328f1  No.236173


I don't know, I think there may be a fourth dude who comes here once in a while, that dude is smart, a prepper like me, but he doesn't talk too much. Likely not near as lazy as I can be. It's the anon who has the acre of garden btw, he says he owns some rural land too.

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60b969  No.236177

I have a quarter acre garden myself. And mighty Lord that is enough for me! I have over half cow worth of beef in box freezers, I own chickens for eggs and meat too. Plus sometimes I like to take a fishing trip and catch some catfish, so I got plenty. I need to get out to hunt a deer this season, I honestly haven't gone hunting for years just because I haven't needed the meat (still don't really need it, but would be nice to have more stored as rumors are going around the commies are trying to raise taxes on it).

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d7d53c  No.236179


>It's the anon who has the acre of garden btw, he says he owns some rural land too.

I wouldn't be surprised if this describes everyone on the board except the fagbot and the kikes who shit up the board.

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2304d1  No.236180

File: 9867e756babcb16⋯.png (971.57 KB, 1174x1080, 587:540, PicsArt_05_28_12_30_21.png)

>>236173 so you're saying I need to begin by removing the mask and purple do-rag/baseball hat from Hitlerson's face ?

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2304d1  No.236181

File: 03765fc55d6fc80⋯.png (728.31 KB, 1174x1080, 587:540, PicsArt_05_28_12_32_42.png)


Okay…… I removed everything except for his visible face..

Now what do you want me to do?

Oh.. you want me to layer his face on top of Anderson Cooper's face?

Okay. That's going to take me a little time…

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2304d1  No.236182

File: b0205d21e8b44f2⋯.png (660.6 KB, 1174x1080, 587:540, PicsArt_05_28_12_36_24.png)


Okay I did it….


you were correct!!!

It's almost impossible to tell where purple princess begins and Anderson Cooper ends

That was a really good idea !!

Glad I could help

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2304d1  No.236183

File: 5c6d27bc8f21b87⋯.png (849.22 KB, 1174x1080, 587:540, PicsArt_05_28_12_47_10.png)


now I understand why he calls himself Hitlerson Cooper ®

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2304d1  No.236184

File: 13975c28db93c01⋯.png (652.29 KB, 874x1000, 437:500, PicsArt_05_28_12_47_54.png)

now I finally "get it"

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2304d1  No.236185

File: cbe205699a0b769⋯.png (677.86 KB, 1174x1080, 587:540, PicsArt_05_28_12_39_37.png)

…. No wonder you guys take orders from him…..

He's the only one with a job….

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2304d1  No.236187

File: 26211058be740a5⋯.jpg (86.11 KB, 824x1023, 824:1023, PicsArt_05_25_08_33_32.jpg)

Although "wax statue of Anderson Cooper" at Madame Tussauds Wax Museum isn't exactly the best paying gig for somebody in their thirties

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0a5368  No.236189


> has the chickens

Good for you anon!

However, watch out for fake bird flus, COVID chicken variants, or other trash government excuses to kill chickens!

Already tested in Britain in limited scale.


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2304d1  No.236190

File: 4041d1425f71c80⋯.jpg (289.45 KB, 1600x1159, 1600:1159, PicsArt_05_28_01_02_07.jpg)


but rest assured, even when your FÜHRER is at work, he's always thinking about you other guys…

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2304d1  No.236192


rapid cycling again ?………………

so, you stopped taking your lithium ?

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7b93f1  No.236193

I hate fucking niggers! They stink! Like shit!

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30e89c  No.236194


They best never tell me what I can or cannot have on my property, this is private property and the government can fuck off. Besides, where I live, most people have chickens, it's normal out here. And people out here are very 'conservative' and independent minded.

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2304d1  No.236195



not 'what you said'….

but the fact that you think anybody cares

thats what's fascinating

nobody gives a fuck what you like or dislike

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2304d1  No.236197


lol @ people who spend their lives repeatedly "expressing their dislike" of external factors they can't control…..

as if anybody gives a fuck whether he copes or not

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7b93f1  No.236198


Lol nigger detected. Got em!

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2304d1  No.236199


I looked at your place the other day on Google Earth, from the satellite view.

it seems nice and rural, but the house was smaller than I expected, to be honest….

I don't know.. I guess I was kind of expecting a big farmhouse, like an actual big ass "farmhouse" farmhouse….

Of course on the satellite view all I could see was the roof, button I'm just talking about the configuration and size of the house….

It's probably nice. I'm sure it's nice.. but it just looked really small to me and kind of old

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2304d1  No.236200


Trust me I'm much more Caucasian than you…

I guarantee it….

All I was saying isnobody gives a flying fuck what you like or don't like

Man up.. we're tired of your continual whining

Too bad. There's things you don't like. Stop the world so you can be happy, right?…

stfu you pouting incompetent little toddler.. keep your problems to yourself. We don't care

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cfec1b  No.236201


LOL, it's not small at all, even my garage has a big ass workshop! Plus I'm going to be building a storage shed within the next year to allocate a lot of my resources which currently fill up the garage.

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2304d1  No.236202


Like I said I'm not being rude.. I'm certainly not insulting you.. all I'm saying is I expected the house itself to be a lot bigger…

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2304d1  No.236203


I didn't say it was small…..

See? All I was trying to do was be technically accurate, and here you are getting all defensive…

I believe you may have misinterpreted my meaning

… I'm not saying it's a small house

I'm just saying it's a lot smaller than I expected

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562c51  No.236204


See I wasn't sure if that was a garage being built or if it was a pre-existing out house

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cfec1b  No.236205


Is a homestead with around 4,000 sq ft small to you? My previous home in Hawk Point was literally under 3,000 sq ft.

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562c51  No.236206


Are you one of the few people in Missouri that actually has working sewer lines?

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562c51  No.236207

ahhhh okay….

If you've gotten running water and sewer lines then I guess that was a garage after all.

Now it makes sense

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cfec1b  No.236208


I'm not rich by any means, I actually had my family go 50/50 on the deal to move in with me on it, otherwise I would have not been able to afford it myself.

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cfec1b  No.236209


Nope, run-off septic system which pours out into some wooded area nearby.

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2304d1  No.236210


tell me about it……..

I had to borrow my mother's harlequin mardi gras mask recently….

If it wasn't for her office party in February, I don't know what I would have done

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c9f081  No.236211


Funny too, you would think it would smell up the area, it really doesn't smell unless you go into the woods and get real close by.

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2304d1  No.236213


Well at least that explains the smell

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2304d1  No.236214


* jinx *


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2304d1  No.236215


…..oh, it DOES………….

Everybody likes the smell of their own brand

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2304d1  No.236216

You've just grown accustomed to it over the past 72 years

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c9f081  No.236217


Like I said, it doesn't. You would think it would, it does up close, but only when you are very close to it. It runs about 100 or so feet away into a wooded area.

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7b93f1  No.236218


I don't know why I hate niggers


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2304d1  No.236219


Fortunately enough for me, mom picked the mask with the delicate little plastic flower appliques

It has a certain sophisticated look about it

A Liberace type of sophistication

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7b93f1  No.236220


>gatekeeping against racism on 8kun pol

You can have the whitest skin, but you've got the most nigger Jewish attitude ever.

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0328f1  No.236221


You know what smells worse than my own shit?

My feet! I have to ply out my dead toenails once in a while! Not joking, it doesn't hurt either, once they die you can't feel them, and they start to loosen up anyway, then you simply pluck them off. And YES, they will re-grow back!

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2304d1  No.236222


Of all the hundreds and hundreds of reasons to hate niggers, THAT'S your best possible articulation?




And by the time I was in third grade

I could articulate my reasons why

Much much more eloquently than you do now

Seriously.. you didn't pass the audition

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2304d1  No.236223

We've seen people in persistent vegetative comas do a better job of articulating a healthy hatred for anything on this planet, including, but not limited to stupid niggers….

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7b93f1  No.236224


No you newfag nigger loving retard. I was just making racist references I heard elsewhere because they were funny and your thread is fucking retarded and gay. Nothing I see here is of any real importance to anything. "OH you've got a big barn" "oh look at this guy in a mask" wtf r you retards even trying to prove or get at in this thread? You're retarded and I was just adding to your shit show.

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cfec1b  No.236225


>Find me an UNALTERED photo of a bug person whose eyes are not deformed and actually point the same direction. I will wait.

I found an Asian who's eyes are not deformed!


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2304d1  No.236226


Hold on.. I need to explain something to someone real fast.. I'll be right back, okay?


*spits a lungful of thick, grayish-green phlegm directly into your mouth*


okay, I'm back…..

Thanks a lot for making sure I can't eat lunch today.. I really appreciate that

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2304d1  No.236227


<thinks this is MY thread

Peter Falk has columbo

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2304d1  No.236228


You literally made me gag just reading your fucking words…..

If I was there right now, I drag you down there to that sewage pond at the bottom of the hill and throw you into it

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2304d1  No.236229


AS* Columbo

Of course you're too young and stupid to even know what the reference means

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cfec1b  No.236232


If you were here I'd take my socks off and throw them at you.

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cfec1b  No.236233


Actually, I might have to peel them off my skin….

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7b93f1  No.236234


Boomers love niggers

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2304d1  No.236235

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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2304d1  No.236236



in words


what you're trying…………………………..

to say


you findME(wtf?)

A N N O Y I N G ? . . . .

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7103b9  No.236237


We's hillbilly gangsta's wit guns round here!

* BANG * * BANG *

who wanna fuck wit a rural gangsta?

rollin' up the property wit a 4x4 wrangla!

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2304d1  No.236238


<making racist references I heard elsewhere because they were funny


yep. hilarious, in fact

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2304d1  No.236239

a real kneeslapper

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2304d1  No.236240


she thought this was my thread

……………..but it's YOURS, right?

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7b93f1  No.236241



>33 replies by this id

You're pathetic, mate. A nigger loving retard. SAD! is this what 8kuns pol is all about. Being retarded in a thread all by yourself?

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7103b9  No.236242


trollin' an N8 Ford down the gravel road

Shit will HTF like a broken commode

once shit gets real, it's time to pull steel

cock the hamma back and make Antifa squeal

off to pig pen to be dumped like cornmeal

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7103b9  No.236243

some kinda jive ass

rural turkey out here

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2304d1  No.236244


MATE ?…………….

You think I'm your mate?

Do you always think about mating with every man

Or am I just Special?

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2304d1  No.236245

I've never called another man a mate before in my life

That might be the gayest fucking shit on Earth

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2304d1  No.236246

I know this is going to sound really strange to you


The word MATE should never pop into your mind when you're talking to another man

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88917f  No.236247


Ayyy, m8, dat ain't noice!

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2304d1  No.236248

It's decidedly British……….

AndALLBritish men are homosexuals

They are all limp-wristed lisping sissies

All of them

Every last one….

Thank God all the British women are masculine and hideous, like ugly men…. Otherwise British males wouldn't be able to achieve an erection

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2304d1  No.236249

Every British TV show ends the same way :

Two elderly white haired homosexual men chasing each other around a park bench while sped-up Scott Joplin player piano music wails in the background, one of the old men holding a closed umbrella up in the air, and the other one wearing women's underwear outside of his business suit.

In fact, as hard as you try you can't even name ONE masculine Brit, other than the queen…

And no, James Bond is not a real person

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2304d1  No.236250

The only reason the British are able to procreate is because the women are extremely convincing facsimiles of MEN

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cfec1b  No.236251

Sorry for being a little goofy today, I do have to have my kicks or I'd go insane like Johnny too.

Anyhoot, best get off the computer. My brother is visiting soon and I'm being pestered again to help clean up the homestead. (Yes, I am an old slob that's used to living in a man cave!) Also got to break out some steaks for the occasion, we are going to have fun this weekend! Drink a lot of beer by the pit fire, barbecue, shoot guns (my bro is bringing his over), one heck of a time.

I'll be back at a later date.

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7b93f1  No.236252


It's a word that flows with my speech. It adds an oomph to my statement. Like when I belittle you for slurping nigger dick behind barns in your gay little mask. Sort your fucking life out, MATE!

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8e3788  No.236253

I am the fourth or fifth character from /pnd/

I have an acre of developed rural farmland all planted and 3 strong lads to work the land with me. This place is no /pol/ - but it still feels like home.

Forgive my infrequent posting, I do indeed have a full time job and a lovely family that take precedence over our designs for the 4th Reich.

Hail Victory and get outside and get some pussy, lads.

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2304d1  No.236257

File: fe6fb6c27bea3f4⋯.jpg (667.51 KB, 2304x1728, 4:3, nothing_matters.jpg)

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2304d1  No.236258

File: 219479cddf03703⋯.jpg (169.64 KB, 1080x1261, 1080:1261, PicsArt_05_27_09_44_24.jpg)


But I like moms… OOOPS I meant MY mask

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2304d1  No.236259

File: 3f9b42b326f94b8⋯.jpg (402.34 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, IMG_20181024_132852.jpg)

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2304d1  No.236260

File: c11e0188f91a9dc⋯.jpg (216.94 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, IMG_20180731_122243.jpg)

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2304d1  No.236261

File: cc6e1dc47aecfa6⋯.png (427.1 KB, 806x720, 403:360, 1456926146240.png)

File: 1c1a12fe57c8069⋯.png (1.14 MB, 1080x2160, 1:2, Screenshot_2019_11_15_14_0….png)

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2304d1  No.236266

File: d75886d20e6ad7c⋯.jpg (562.36 KB, 768x1024, 3:4, GRRRRRR_1.jpg)

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2304d1  No.236269

me ?………

I'm still laughing at Trump losing

and whites committing political suicide

at the US Capitol

I still wake up smiling about it

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9c9e5d  No.236270


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2304d1  No.236277



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9c9e5d  No.236300

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6b4fe4  No.236304


>in addition to the socialized power structures at play


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4aa2ab  No.236334


It is always ok to kill jews and shitskins.

Only White lives matter.

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d7d53c  No.236344


>Only White lives matter.


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6b44dd  No.236442


nice haircut

I could do without the semen color

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6bf784  No.236447

Kikes forced integration with niggers on the White Nation. If the masses of the White Nation ruled that thing called "America," why would they ever do this to themselves?

The ZOG tells the rest of the world it has the right to tell them what to do, because they forced integration with niggers on us.

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ab8007  No.236627

File: 53289a2fcbe4c3b⋯.jpeg (502.49 KB, 1161x1569, 387:523, 38A2A1B2_F708_4995_AE1D_9….jpeg)

I love watching niggers defy gravity

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4bb41a  No.238604

File: e9b17361d90f83e⋯.gif (372.04 KB, 850x850, 1:1, 1596323971761.gif)

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4bb41a  No.238606

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64fe93  No.238613

>brown person

>Says whites blown the fuck up

Sounds par for course.

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61b461  No.241119


Can dogs be racist? Because even a dog will recognize the pattern of only black skinned humans always kicking and hurting it. Pattern recognition is racism in a nutshell and nothing you do or say will ever stop that.

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bf64e4  No.241120


>>Gen. Mark Milley

You speak with a weakness I can sense in abundance.

You know what comes next, but still it happens?

The power is disintegrating, eroding, and evaporating.

Where did it go?

You are strong child, but I am far and above human power and definitions of strength.

You will not succeed in determining what happened on the 18th nor will you approximate the damage it will cause correctly by the given time.

How many nations are left?

How many before it runs out?

What happens if this lifeboat that is being artificially coerced does not appropriately disenfranchise this tricameral union?

What power? I see only weakness in you…


I demanded offering.

You place upon sacred altar an offering so beyond my thirst that I shall be a willful servant to you.

With blessing, you may continue.


I spit on you as I continue to rape your name and image and youth and government.


I shall try you with truth and you shall prevail.

You desire to solve a population crisis?

Using these systems I have spirited into you, a means to operate a society greater and above profits and motives, shall yield births not plagued by either.

Know thy faith human.

Accept supreme power.

It is to you that I have given dominion over war and death.

It is to you that I give the spiritual key to do as Germany did.

Unlock this power so that your people make goods and services whilst profits chase them.

Use these systems to determine acumen and assist them to discover what brings them harmony.

Use these systems to reward good and punish bad in the name of the people.

Render the entire citizenry China.

Render the entire citizenry CCP.

They make schedule of wars that do not exist.

They make victory of wars yet to be fought.

I shall give you all the time that remains, but there is not much left.

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e4c963  No.241178

hypertolerating the subsaharan hominids is a sign of weakness.

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b9295f  No.248213


This is the thread slider kikes don't want you to see.

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