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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

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57d1b4  No.236034

please share this important info with your community now or publish it on the social media you visit.

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1540d9  No.236035

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715ff4  No.236041


<2nd pic

>Where are all the survivalists, civil society….

Anon, most of us bugged out already. What happened with the Covid lockdowns and riots was pretty much the last straw for most folks, even many normfags. Those shithole (((Bolshevik-run))) cities? They're being abandoned, and I see it as more and more have moved to small town America, many from out-of-state. Same reason many whites are fleeing California and moving to States like Texas and Florida too. As a survivalist, where am I? I bugged out and live in rural Missouri and will never look back. This country is fucked, and the only way we fix it is we move to more civilized areas and support local as much as we can (and we need to stand our ground on the 2nd Amendment issue too!). This WILL help change demographic problems too, believe it or not. You know that recent power outage in Texas as well the sabotage against the Colonial Pipeline? I have news for you, all that was done on PURPOSE by the Bolsheviks in desperation to keep Whites from moving out of those shithole urban areas, by jacking up the cost in gas prices. Yep. The jig is up, they know we hate them, they know we don't want to live anywhere around their kind and many won't. Civil society is all over the place…. where it isn't is in those urban no-go zones. And that's what they've been designated by many as, no-go zones. The future for those areas are gang wars and violent crime. And guess what happens next? As those cities decrease in population, so does their Congressional seats for representation! You'll see…. it's going to get interesting in the next 4 to 12 years as the economy collapses and disgruntled Americans abandon the system completely for a fresh restart…..

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1540d9  No.236144


<thinks the three slobs of /pnd/ are part of any "community"

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1540d9  No.236147


Insider Secret :

death row inmates on 24 hour solitary confinement have a bigger "social community" than thesethreelonely unemployed slobs

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