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a6d4ea  No.234744

So I am in pretty good shape and am thinking about making an attempt at UFC. I have done 6 months of wrestling when I was in high school and know it well enough to use. But I need to learn a strike. I was thinking boxing and Muay Thai kickboxing as they seem good and are the easiest to find. Also I was wondering about what is the best way to pick a gym? Any advice is much appreciated. Self defense and martial arts in general bread.

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ebdd69  No.234746

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

be a ninja


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283240  No.234748


Interesting video. But that’s about if.

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4871cc  No.234754


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d83b84  No.234762


* thread about martial arts

* uses a photo of a fake ass WWE faggot

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d83b84  No.234763


Taekwondo and Aikido :

the art of maiming or killing in one punch

and the art of using their force against them

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d83b84  No.234764


hint: do not wear sweatbands around your biceps

unless you're trying to attract a highschool wrestler as your boyfriend

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d83b84  No.234765


table lamp….

a coffee pot….

a cut crystal ashtray…..

unless you are accustomed to being injured, and know how to keep fighting with blood and broken glass in your eyes, then any household items that's heavy or made out of glass will end your desire.

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74932d  No.234791


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4bed3f  No.234832


> that vid

he gay

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2c1343  No.234915

Be black

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07bcf8  No.234937


Seconded. Specifically learn Combat Sambo, it combines striking and grappling together. Otherwise, train kickboxing, wrestling and jiujitsu to be a well-rounded fighter. If you just want to protect yourself from randoms on the street, boxing alone VERY effective. If all you have is striking, just don't pick fights with men who have cauliflower ears, you can bet they'll take you down and smash you.

Stay away from all the fake Chinese martial arts.

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808fb9  No.235036


It’s meant to be a joke bro. It’s John Cena if you don’t know who that is. But you probably can’t see him so that’s why.


Taekwondo Is Korean right? What does it encompass? I thought it was always one of those crappy kun fu fighting styles. Isn’t Akido self defense? My wrestling is already defensive. I’d rather not learn another defensive fighting technique.


I mean I am the strongest person at my corporate gym as far as brute strength. Literally #1. Though so I am 280 and need to drop in weight.


I mean I have been trained to fight until I am physically unable to. And I never technically lost a normal fight. I did suck during wrestling but I was a pussy back then. When you try to physically hurt your opponent it goes way better. In all my fights I’ve had to rely on wrestling for better or worse.


What is combat Sambo? What is sambo in general? I am not familiar? Is that a Brazilian one?

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