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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: b1f803fd89a42ba⋯.png (166.83 KB, 406x363, 406:363, freedomof_speech.png)

aec0b7  No.234721[Last 50 Posts]

After my accounts being suspended and later terminated by several platforms, I no longer trust platforms.

Then I want to have my own website to post politically incorrect speech. I've been searching the right hosting. My big concern is hosting company's censorship.

What countries still allow politically incorrect speech?

I've heard that Iceland changed its policy after the financial disaster. But hosting is rather expensive there.

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32614f  No.234724

i use angelfire rom lycos

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32614f  No.234725

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389c9b  No.234736

People's Republic of China

Literally the only one left

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aec0b7  No.234741


Very sad.

The new dark age would be darker than the last one.

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389c9b  No.234755


The dark age has already begun. The reason why you did not notice it 300 years prior was because the kikes used to oppress minorities instead of whites. under late stage imperialism, the proletariat of the imperialists are always oppressed by browning of their women, among other things

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a08010  No.234758


You don't want freedom of speech. You want freedom from consequences. That means you don't really want freedom. What you want is privilege.

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647f11  No.234766



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647f11  No.234767


one of these days you're going to realize that nobody wants to hear anything you've got to say.

There are 7.8 Billion opinions out there

we don't care to hear them

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647f11  No.234768



as if either of you cares about women

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87b197  No.234769



People like you enjoy freedom of speech and oppose what you enjoy to others.


Who has privilege when you don't think others could have what you have?


You must be a great person that everyone lets you decide what they want to hear.

The owners of 8kun must think it's their great honor to have you here.

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a08010  No.234787


Why should anyone give you freedom of speech when you literally have nothing important to say? All you've ever done your whole life is whine and cry about everything. Just shut the fuck up.

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41684d  No.234790

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41684d  No.234792

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476966  No.234793

File: 86b9f15fe088057⋯.jpg (122.64 KB, 867x620, 867:620, 1621502608942.jpg)



Feminist shithole that turned into a literal slum.

Never do any kind of deal with that failed country of women. Let it go bankrupt.



And White Men must have everything, while women and other races must never have anything.

That is how things must always be.

It is always ok to kill jews.

It is alwyas ok to kill leftards.

It is always ok to kill shitskins.

White Men are Gods.


Women are for sex and nothing else.

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a81397  No.234796



Thank you! They are very useful!


What a tragedy! I forgot to thank you for your IMPORTANT speech.

Troll, would you forgive me?

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647f11  No.234797

File: 0fcb5367d01b880⋯.jpg (169.67 KB, 576x344, 72:43, PicsArt_1396664384888.jpg)



lol @ thinking you've "got what it takes" to outsmart the NSA

I swear to god I almost choked to death laughing

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647f11  No.234798




your two biggest problems :

1 : you needlessly overthink everything to the point where it becomes pathetic, because everybody lost interest during the first or second sentence, and stopped reading after that.

2 : everything that you think and overthink is erroneous and flawed, because much to your dismay, you areNOTanywhere near as smart as you think you are.

But you already know both of these things

You're well aware of it

But at least it explains your epic gold standard inferiority complex, and the "superior self" compensatory behavior which always accompanies inferiority complexes…

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647f11  No.234799

File: 204d9483d52c4ce⋯.jpg (333.39 KB, 1808x1080, 226:135, PicsArt_05_24_12_43_23.jpg)



you've got THE RIGHT STUFF to prevent the tens and tens of thousands of brilliant young computer engineers at the NSA from being able to track and monitor everything you do….

right ?…………..

Because you're smarter than them

Because you overthink more than they do


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647f11  No.234800




even if you already managed to ask her out

and took her to see a movie

(do NOT ever try to introduce touching during a movie)

or out to a fancy dinner….

Knowing how tointroduce touchingcan either Make It or Break It for You, and it's always the single biggest hump to get over, the obstacle that makes most men draw a blank, thereby missing their opportunity…

Because until you have started touching each other comfortably, she's not going to fuck you


(also coming soon : how and why I became a federal informant)

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647f11  No.234801



"The Boy In The Bubble And His Amazing 'Alternative Browsers' "

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647f11  No.234802

If you try to initiate TOUCH the wrong way……

it's over

if it doesn't FEEL RIGHT

it's creepy

And there won't be another chance

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647f11  No.234803

so…. I'm going to do you a favor……..

I'm going to teach you

How to initiate


(plus, I'm going to teach you HOW and WHY I became a Federal Informant 40 Years Ago)

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647f11  No.234804


lol @ "women are here for sex and nothing else"


do you EVER think anything through before opening your stupid fucking mouth?

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647f11  No.234805


Everybody already realizes that your TEXTBOOK INFERIORITY COMPLEX of course manifested in the obvious and predictable TEXTBOOK OVERCOMPENSATION BEHAVIORAL DISORDER OF ASSERTING "SUPERIOR SELF"…

I mean.. c'mon fatboy…..

It's basic child psychology 101

It's not like your breaking new ground here…

Everybody sees right through you, Chubby……….


Since we understand how your psychology

operates (at primal Pre-K level)

Everybody realizes that you are behaving

Exactly the same way regarding "women"

OF COURSE : the insecure boy with the inferiority complex who overcompensates by trying to convince himself of his "superiority" mustALSOfabricate a false claim of "superiority over females" to compensate for the fact that no woman on planet Earth has found him interesting or attractive enough to climb into bed with him…

Everybody realizes you get no pussy

You're a fat sexless slob

No woman would fuck you

Not if you were the last man on Earth

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647f11  No.234807


But it's okay, FATBOY……

I don't want you over exerting yourself…

Don't get all worked up…

You actually lose a pound or two….

It's okay.. it's okay..

You don't need to try to convince anybody that you are sexually attracted to women…

You don't need to try to trick people into thinking you are simply "overly discriminating and scrutinizing" when it comes to women, and that's why "you haven't been able to find a woman who's good enough for you"….

you don't need to put on any false airs around us.

We accept you the way You are…



And Lazy…..

We realize that you are no longer sexually attracted to females… We know you crossed that bridge a long time ago, and the loneliness became so mind-numbing, that you somehow managed to convince yourself that you are happier all alone…

But that doesn't stop you from continually seeking the company ofother men


You never exert any energy into trying to get a female emotional and sexual companion…

N E V E R . . . . . .

But you spend every single day looking for "stimulating conversation and interpersonal interaction WITH OTHER LONELY SEXUALLY FAILED MEN"

Which speaks for itself…


You're a fat disgusting homosexual

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41684d  No.234808


Some of them are pretty decent, such as Basilisk and Tor (as long as you do some proper about:config modification like removing telemetry, webGL and webRTC for example). I also have a reverse engineered Waterfox (the original before they sold out). Librewolf is the new official "Waterfox" now…. waterfox was a watered down version of Firefox without as much BS in about:config

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647f11  No.234809


I don't give a fuck about any of that bullshit

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41684d  No.234810


BTW: I also reconfigure %AppData% directories for these browsers…. they'll collect all kinds of BS data if you allow them to. Much of it you can purge, and then lock those shit meta-mining directories such as …/ShaderCache/*.* ; …/Code Cache/*.* ; …/GPUCache/*.* ; …/Service Worker/*.* et al

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647f11  No.234811


I don't waste my time with any of that bullshit

And I'm getting the same level of privacy you are

Because nothing you do






And I don't give a fuck about corporate data collection, any more than I would give a fuck about

THE PUBLISHERS CLEARING HOUSE having my information in their files for marketing purposes,

That has never affected me negatively

In fact, I kind of prefer directed advertisements over generic blank advertisements…

What am I supposed to be afraid of?

Seeing an advertisement?

You're not protecting yourself from anything important….

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647f11  No.234812


lol @ you needlessly jumping backwards through hoops of fire that you created for yourself

And you get absolutely no benefit from it whatsoever

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647f11  No.234813


Obviously.. anybody on this website obviously has too much time on their hands, INCLUDING YOU AND I….

I just thank God I don't waste some of that free time doing all that crazy pointless frustrating needless bullshit..

You can't tell me any discernible benefit whatsoever

And in fact, if anything, I'M the one who's actually benefiting by not taking any of those pointless needless measures….

Have you ever thought about crochet?

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41684d  No.234814


>You're not protecting yourself from anything important….

Actually, your protecting your data by doing so. If you know the right tricks, and know how to erase session data like I do and routinely switch IPs, it gets VERY DIFFICULT to keep tracking a fucking ghost that suddenly appears and vanishes with little to no trace.

Could the NSA find me? Maybe….

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647f11  No.234815

Perhaps you could find a local book club or a scrapbooking group

you'd be a much happier person with some construction paper, scissors and glue then you are with a computer

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41684d  No.234816


BTW: the pros do much more than this, they use a computer one time and then destroy the evidence including whatever they connected with in a temp location. That's how pros dodge other pros. I'm no pro though, just a fucking kook.

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647f11  No.234817


Protecting what data?

What the fuck are you talking about?

I'm not worried about protecting my data

I don't have any files that I consider secret

Nobody's after me

And nobody's after you

Nobody cares what you have on your computer

You don't have any valuable secrets

You're wasting your time

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647f11  No.234818


RE : kook

yes, but that's my favorite part about you

If you weren't so insane, you wouldn't even be interesting

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647f11  No.234819


I I'm going to create a thread soon

Explaining how I ended up becoming

An informant for federal law enforcement

I'm going to tell the circumstances around it

But even more importantly

I'm going to explain

WHY i did it…………

And I'm willing to bet

That these guys will

Understand WHY

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41684d  No.234820


>You're wasting your time

Nope. Set up a programmed .ini file that runs on something like the old CacheCleaner, use 35x Gutmann for all %AppData% browser session directory locations and have it run that .ini with one click. BAM! 10 seconds and everything is gone. Once you reload a browser, it's freshly new. No history what-so-ever. Not even a bookmark, nodda.

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647f11  No.234821


I could lower my entire body into a vat of Mercurochrome every time I was introduced to somebody, then immediately afterwards lower my entire body into a acid wash, then sailing rince, never to talk to that person again….

but why ?……

That would be stupid AND crazy

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647f11  No.234822


I don't give a fuck who knows about my bookmarks

I don't give a fuck who knows my search criterium

I don't give a fuck who sees all of my photographs and videos

I don't give a fuck

I do not give a fuck

A fuck is what I do not give

Because I simply do not give a flying fuck

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41684d  No.234823


FACT: web browsers can only store previous data because you allow them to, within their %AppData% directories!!! Purge that previous session data, and it's like a newly installed browser. It knows nothing!!

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647f11  No.234824


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647f11  No.234825


And that's going to improve the quality of my life HOW ?

or are you simply telling me that your entire life is encompassed inside of that stupid little computer?

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41684d  No.234826


It really improves the dreaded sense of outright paranoia.

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647f11  No.234827

You can jump through hoops of fire

But you cannot provide evidence

That your efforts had any tangible

Benefit whatsoever, or that you are

Somehow "better off" by doing so

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41684d  No.234828


…… And it will improve your browsing quality and speed too. Especially if you have slower internet.

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647f11  No.234829




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41684d  No.234831


Oh, believe me, it has. If had this not been possible, I'd stay completely away from internet altogether.

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647f11  No.234833


I'm textually communicating with you through speech to text, directly into the palm of my hand.

This smartphone doesn't lag

I get lightning fast internet

My browsers don't lag

Nothing lags

It's not my fault that you're too afraid to keep up with the times

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647f11  No.234834



Your dreaded sense of paranoia HAS NOT been diminished

If anything it's gotten worse

To the point whereWEDREAD IT

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41684d  No.234835

FACT: the only reason kooks like myself have internet these days is because we have older operating systems, older computers, older software and are skilled enough to lay low on the internet!!

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647f11  No.234836

And there's absolutely no reason for you to be paranoid

Being paranoid IS NOT helping you

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41684d  No.234838


Believe me…. the second the major ISPs start mandating smartphones to connect online is the second I am no longer on the internet ever again. It would become a thing of the past. And in my rural community, with my local connections, that would be fine with me, I'd just spend more time homesteading.

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647f11  No.234840

laying low FROM WHAT ???!!!!!!

Nobody's after you

Nobody cares

Nobody's following you, and nobody wants what you have on your computer

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647f11  No.234841


Nobody's after you….

You're not important to them…

Nobody's after me…

I'm not important to them….

Take a deep breath…

Now exhale….

One more.. in through the nose

Out through the mouth….

Realx, guy…..

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41684d  No.234842

ALSO FACT: Many years ago I already pirated all the media I could ever need and want and backed it up on numerous storage mediums, offline. Many are faraday caged to protect them from an EMP event. Some medium backups I buried throughout rural Missouri in the woods while 'morel hunting'…. so historians will know what happened in the event of an EMP….. I met one cool dude who sells to a local flee market…. he hands out 'conspiracies' on discs…. guess how he got those?

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647f11  No.234843


ALSO FACT : lol @ you & me derailing the ever-livin' dog shit out of this thread

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647f11  No.234844


How's your thread working out so far?

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41684d  No.234845


I'm talking about DVDs full of Dave Hodges and Steve Quayle interviews, leaked documents, all kinds of online reports and documentaries about geo-engineering to the central banking mafia and more! Tons of DVDs, and I'll hand them out for free to anyone I meet who would do the same. We all know what's really going on in rural Missouri!

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647f11  No.234846


…..well, now you know what happens when you create a thread in here….

Consider it a learning experience

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647f11  No.234847


I'm not a fan of MARSHMALLOW SALLY™

He's the only one I don't like him

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647f11  No.234848


You've basically saved planet Earth….

Which is an impressive accomplishment…

Considering the fact you managed to save the entire planet with a handful of THE SHITTIEST DVDS IN HISTORY

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41684d  No.234849


BTW WATCH: they are going to try to get the New Madrid Seismic Zone to break apart via HAARP weather modification weaponry! But trust me….. not even that will stop this information being passed on at this point!

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647f11  No.234850

the othertwoguys in /pnd/ are actually okay guys…. I don't dislike them, and in fact, they're pretty smart in some ways…

but theoneI don't like is Marshmallow Sally

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647f11  No.234851


Thank God you weren't alive back on February 7th 1812 when the Mississippi River began flowing backwards due to the earthquake…

There was no technology for you to blame, no HAARP, no 5G…

And there would be no internet for you to use trying to make other people paranoid just like you are…

So you would have been running from house to house banging on people's doors freaking them out, yelling and screaming, insisting the world had ended and the rapture had begun…

Basically the same thing you're doing in here

Only without access to technology

(But at least if you went door to door, you might have four or five people hear you… Whereas in this website, you're lucky if allthreeof /pnd/ are in the same thread at any given moment)

You'd have a much bigger audience if you just knocked on people's doors instead of wasting your time in THE EMPTIEST WEBSITE ON THE INTERNET

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647f11  No.234852


I actually had to stop and count backwards..

You're so fucking old, I thought there WAS a possibility you were alive in 1812

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647f11  No.234855

"THE END IS NEAR" = vague and ambiguous

And as months become years, years become decades, and decades become centuries, the end still never comes, which 'kind of' throws a bucket of cold water on the Doomsday routine…

Because the end is NOT near…

not at all… far from it….

Life goes On…

And on and on

And the world is not about to end

Your grandchildren will have grandchildren who will have grandchildren…

You will die of natural causes

Congratulations on all the superfluous needless effort you invested into "saving the world', but it was all in vain…

The world didn't need saving…

You should have been focusing your energies on something more worthwhile…

So if you're not predicting the end of the world, then I guess you're simply investing your time into WARNING US

WARNING US that the world's going to hell in a handbasket….

But we already knew that…

So why waste your time?

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647f11  No.234856

Dear Fat Fuckface Marshmallow Sally ™

When I mentioned grandchildren having grandchildren, obviously I wasn't talking about you… You get winded masturbating to Asian cartoons of little boys being molested. You don't even bathe regularly because it's a chore to get out of that computer chair. There's a less than zero chance that you'll ever eat dinner with a woman, let alone impregnate her.

You fat worthless sack of shit

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b4c0bd  No.234857


Then it was due to natural causes, yes. But I assume that is one why they'll HAARP-edo some in rural America into rocks and ashes to further their goal towards Agenda 21!

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647f11  No.234858


I'll be the first to admit I gained a little bit of weight during the pandemic, but particularly over the holidays and throughout winter…

(Wendy is an AMAZING cook, and we sure as fuck ate a lot of really delicious food during the holidays, and I put on a few pounds)

but yeah, not FAT or anything, but I increased a belt size or two…

Not anymore !!

It was as simple as stopping soft drinks

All I did was stop drinking Coca-Cola or Dr pepper or whatever….

and BOOM !!! it worked perfectly

I lost fucking 20 lb in 5 weeks

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b4c0bd  No.234859


I fumbled my response….


BACK then it was due to natural causes, yes. But I assume that is one WAY they'll HAARP-edo some in rural America into rocks and ashes to further their goal towards Agenda 21!

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647f11  No.234860


I don't think so…..

I could get into a protracted conversation about how disrupting the supply chain wouldn't help any agenda… And a bunch of other reasons why they would never do that….

But yeah in 1812 the Mississippi River began flowing BACKWARDS because of an earthquake on the New Madrid fault line

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647f11  No.234861


I didn't fumble my response…


Disrupting the distribution supply chain wouldn't help any agenda, and in fact would hinder any agenda

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647f11  No.234862

Isn't agenda 21 going to become a moot point in 22?

oh… Don't tell me….

You've already fabricated yet another secret meaning behind the number 21

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647f11  No.234863

If I'm not mistaken they've only got six more months before they have to begin agenda 22

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647f11  No.234864

They better get started soon if they're going to accomplish anything

I'm trembling in fear

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b4c0bd  No.234865

File: e9227f385572540⋯.png (693.42 KB, 1045x580, 209:116, 345215.png)

File: e1549700fa6e86a⋯.jpg (82.91 KB, 840x601, 840:601, 235ewq.jpg)


The world itself will not come to an end… God has made many previous civilizations that have fallen and were judged with rapture, the Bible even hints at that too!

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647f11  No.234866




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647f11  No.234867


I like that carving of the water vase and a book on top of it…

Right next to a tree…

What a quaint still life

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b4c0bd  No.234868


Agenda 21 stands for "Agenda for the 21st Century", but their goal is for this to be by 2030…. so far they have a long way to go because of the massive resistance against it.

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647f11  No.234869


Won't you be pissed off when you finally realize your photograph of an "ancient stone carving" is NOT ancient, isn't stone, and it's not carved?

That's not carving…

Those are cast shapes of clay

Laid on top of other clay

That's not the correct glyphs from those ancient times, the Stars are All uniform and pressed from the same mold, the arrows are all pressed from the same mold, the human figure and the actual shapes of the Stars do not correlate with glyphs from ancient times…

I'm afraid you've been fooled by a Play-Doh factory

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647f11  No.234870


Mmm Hmmm sure…. lol yeah, sure man….


Maybe your son-in-law was right after all?

Maybe you have finally reached the point where it's in your own best interest that they find a nursing home…

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647f11  No.234871


Anybody with a brain stem can look at the Sumerian clay tablets, then look at your photograph of Play-Doh factory art, and instantly realize that yours is not a true artifact

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66ec69  No.234872



Oh yes it is real!!!! And let me tell you, the Smithsonian institute is doing their very best to try covering up many other events in Biblical history as well as ancient civilizations, including the giants that once roamed the Earth!!

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647f11  No.234873


I love your thread so far…..

I'm just keeping my fingers crossed

That nobody comes in here and ruins it

with bullshit conversation about saying

Politically incorrect stuff online, or even

worse yet, wastes our time talking about

"Freedom of speech" BULLSHIT

But so far, I'd say this thread is one of the best!!

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647f11  No.234874




Pick one

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0b9634  No.234875

And YES the Vatican was high jacked by the Smithsonian Institute and became a Bolshevik-Jew run SCAM and massive pedo operation! Note that these were the same Jews who crucified our Lord Jesus!

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647f11  No.234876

Thank God this Smithsonian is actually doing something with our tax dollars

The Bible is complete bullshit

None of it ever happened


And American taxpayer dollars should NOT be wasted brainwashing children into insane Christianity

Anything that mentions the bullshit Bible needs to be eliminated immediately

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647f11  No.234877


Lol @ "OUR"

Jesus never existed…

The entire homosexual myth is a fairy tale

It might be YOUR unoriginal brainwashed delusion

But it sure as fuck ain't MINE

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647f11  No.234878

You know what's really creepy?……

Anybody who actually uses the word LORD in their everyday vocabulary…

That's what people used to be forced to say when they were enslaved… That's how they were forced to refer to Kings and dictators

Anybody who actually incorporates the word LORD into their everyday vocabulary is a voluntary psychological slave

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0b9634  No.234879


And remember folks, according to the Holy Bible, some human beings who have had spiritual interventions have lived for hundreds of years in age!!! These (((demonic despots))) often change identities over periods of time, but they lived many modern tradition 'human life' cycles, you just are not allowed to know it! Oh, and this spiritual intervention can be from BOTH the Elohim (angelic warriors) or Nephelim (fallen angel offspring)! There are both battles going on behind the scenes both good and evil!!!

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647f11  No.234880

Fuck.. I don't even like the word landlord…..

That's a word for NIGGERS

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647f11  No.234881


Since you're just parroting the same old worthless drivel from the Bible, it would be a lot more effective for you to simply copy and paste that bullshit, and eliminate your human error

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37a3ff  No.234882


So when I said "the same Bolshevik Jews" …. some of them really ARE the same, under different identities today of-course!!!

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647f11  No.234883


Imagine if you could explain that bullshit fairy tale in your own words, and not have to continually rely on the brainwashing mantra

Because we've all heard it a million times

We've heard it delivered much better

And it still never meant jack shit

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37a3ff  No.234884


It's all in Biblical scripture if you look for it. In fact, it's also explained in the Book of Enoch which the corrupted Vatican took out of the Holy Bible as a cover-up!!! Believe me, there is an underground war going on to save unwanted scripture!!!

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647f11  No.234885


Of course they're the same ones… OF COURSE…

Because reality is all about GIANTS and demons and angels and shapeshifters who live forever and an effeminate faggot named Jesus who performed miracles…..


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647f11  No.234886


scripture ?……..

oh. I see… you mean GARBAGE

yeah, fuck your biblical sewage

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37a3ff  No.234887


If you think Christians are just one entity or like-minded group of people…. you could not be more mistaken!!!

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647f11  No.234888



*who's there ?*


*STFU who?*


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647f11  No.234889


Nobody gives a fuck what they are….

All we have to hear is "christian", and we realize their opinions don't matter

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647f11  No.234890

"christian" = voluntarily brainwashed

With no scrutiny exerted, absolutely no proof required

Willing to build an entire life's belief system around a transparent lie

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647f11  No.234891

Christians will fall for anything

Even something as stupid as the Bible

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b41515  No.234892

Man I tell you one thing folks, all the feds watching this thread must be overloading the site and my browser!

It's dragging in speed, I keep having to terminate the browser, wipe the session data, and re-load with new IP!


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647f11  No.234893

Honestly I would have more respect for somebody who built their entire life's belief system around Hansel and Gretel…..

At least it would show a little bit of taste

But the entire Jesus Bible bullshit routine is so stupid and boring and idiotic and retarded

No taste whatsoever… It's like the McDonald's of religions….

Specifically targeted to human garbage

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647f11  No.234894


Nobody's watching this thread….

You and I ran op out of here a long time ago

And nobody cares about this thread

Nobody's watching you

The reason your computer is running so slow is because YOUR COMPUTER IS A PIECE OF SHIT

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b41515  No.234895


That's not very nice Johnny, you best repent, or you'll be with the Devil after your gone and oh boy does he have plans for people like you!

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647f11  No.234896

You keep making all of those needless changes and modifying settings needlessly….

And now you fucked up your computer

Worse than it already was

In 1987

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647f11  No.234897


lol yeah, sure…..

Thanks for the tip

I'll have my people

Contact jesus' people

And finally tell that faggot Jesus

I don't give out autographs

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647f11  No.234898


Too bad radio shacks not in business anymore

You could go down there and get a free battery and tell them your computer finally fucked up

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b41515  No.234899


Not too often, I just know when this site is stalling or being interfered with, I can tell by the way my browser functions (or in some cases, stops functioning).

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b41515  No.234900

Speaking of which, now that the world and the Smithsonian Institute is now eyeballing this thread, I best be getting off and making something to eat. I'm getting hungry! I also need start downloading a Bitchute video to watch while I eat!

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af0b7b  No.234962

Moderators and site owners:

I know one of the tactics used by cyber bullies or trolls is to troll, provoke debates that do not help the thread.

Is it possible to give OP the power (a password) to delete what does not help the thread even if the replies do not break the general rules?

It may make discussions meaningful.

Obviously those who hate freedom of speech exercise their freedom of speech against freedom of speech. It should not have happened, or been allowed to happen.



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d241c4  No.234965


Chill out anon, there were some good tips posted, you might have to dig them up:



The troll you mentioned is Johnny Neptune, he always shits up image boards for kicks.

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389c9b  No.235005


I don't care about women. Or men, for that matter. What I care about, is the stability of the United Volk, united in Blood and Soil, for, without the United Volk, you will get balkanized by unfair Treaties of Versailles and 8-nation kike alliances. The browning of the women compromises that. Sieg Heil.

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389c9b  No.235007


PRC is unironically more free speech than you


stfu kike pedophile, pedophiles compromise the integrity of the volk by not allowing children to develop properly. every pedophile reduces the efficiency of the nation by the number of kids they rape. hence they should all be thrown into gas chambers.

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389c9b  No.235008


why the fuck are you constantly shilling for the most kiked race in existence

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