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Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: bfda9d9a4bde5e8⋯.jpg (44.51 KB, 470x694, 235:347, 43183065_9599611_Trained_s….jpg)

76e0c5  No.234472

Belgian military could defect and help Jurgen Coning destroy the police state.

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76e0c5  No.234473

We know how bad the neoliberals are. They are 100% responsible for what happened.

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76e0c5  No.234474

The military are assisting the police state in attacking themselves.

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2c3dbc  No.234481

Why are people in the military command and so on, the lowest iq in history?

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2c3dbc  No.234483


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e00219  No.234493

Anti-slide bump

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53a8c5  No.234496

Antislide bump

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9f271a  No.234502


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907af2  No.234509

File: 3f92cd0b5cc9f0b⋯.jpeg (11.86 KB, 602x509, 602:509, images_61_.jpeg)


>The military are assisting the police state in attacking themselves.


>The military are assisting the police state in attacking themselves.


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907af2  No.234539

File: 32cb5ab13d5e10c⋯.jpeg (12.33 KB, 674x455, 674:455, images_60_.jpeg)



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6f43dd  No.234561

Based Jürgen

the whole fucking system shits its pants

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1d19c8  No.235370

jacked about getting the captcha after seven tries. takin this commenting thing for a spin

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54c403  No.236178

go get 'm

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dcb6a4  No.236456


>Belgian military could defect and help Jurgen Coning destroy the police state.

Fat chance of that happening, unfortunately.

Still, I'm keeping an eye on this one. One man can only do so much - but one man can do *something*.

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