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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: 8840e9ed2d7b3b2⋯.png (1.21 MB, 1036x856, 259:214, 11_day_victory.PNG)

09974b  No.234262

I'm happy for the Palestinians. They were strong and didn't back down. And their bravery was reward with global public support. Good for them.

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09974b  No.234265

File: c03ba7a69fc7f38⋯.jpg (72.46 KB, 654x960, 109:160, goals_palestinian_1.jpg)

11 days of intense fighting. Must have been hard.

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09974b  No.234273

File: d3c42c8daafddca⋯.png (50.7 KB, 969x545, 969:545, 11_day_victory_2.PNG)

Israel is of course claiming victory. No self-awareness.

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bd11f2  No.234309


Yeah, pretty fucking stupid. If a toddler stepped on my foot and I proceeded to beat him with a pipe for 11 days in response, I wouldn't call that a victory.

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09974b  No.234312


For sure. Dry run went well.

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ff5745  No.234341

File: 602b8f5c5a6164d⋯.webm (2.53 MB, 480x480, 1:1, cultural_enrichment_2.webm)






Don't ever call yourself white if you support mudshits

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bd11f2  No.234344


Whiter than you, jiggaboo.

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043039  No.234347


whites are garbage anyway. they have invented nothing, but rather only piggybacked on the successes of the Mediterraneans and the Judeans

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a15a02  No.234362



get a load of these booty blasted hasbarats

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2c2657  No.234368

File: 86b9f15fe088057⋯.jpg (122.64 KB, 867x620, 867:620, 1621502608942.jpg)


Your inferiority is a fact, jews.

Your fear is palpable.

All jews will be killed.

There is no future for jews.

White Men are Gods.

We know that you are just agents trying to prevent the inevitable fall of the jewish control.

We will kill all jews, all federal agents and your families and friends. And take over the country, and there is nothing that any of you can do about it.


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bd11f2  No.234379


The eternal LARP

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cbee31  No.234386



You're following that guy everywhere, aren't you?

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968e0f  No.234507

File: 78cf4983a468a6f⋯.mp4 (6.41 MB, 848x480, 53:30, gassigthem.mp4)

Watch as these IDF kikes literally get gassed by brave Palestinian men, who used their own tear gas canisters against them. It's like a annudah shoah!

Found it here:


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306153  No.234541

Its needs to be known on all social media outlets to spread the word

You think the Kalergi plan just effects white people, it targerts them but effects others

1. Kick arabs out of home land to establish greater isreal

2. Jews in administrative official positions in Europe advocate for civil rights, and acceptance to Arab immigrants

3. Arab muslims groom white misguided youth in to their religion

4. Jews in official positions will advocate for lower consent ages

5. After mass grooming, arab men will have kids/wife up with multiple young white girls.

6. A new generation of mixed, brown lower IQ europeans are the new normal

7. Jews will control the new low iq mutt race very easily.

They dont want white inventors and scientist. They want to turn you into barbaric idiotic rock throwing idiots so they can have better control over you. They want arabs to have conflicting identity issues to move them from muslims to athiest. Arab identity is important to muslims as Jewish ethnic identity is important to well, the jews

This will allow them to implement Marxism faster than ever before.

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bd11f2  No.234595


All day, every day, until the end of days on every single site he posts. I am literally the gangstalker he cries about so much. He will never be rid of me.

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93bef3  No.234679


They are shit, but when compared to jews they are still the lesser evil.

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d33409  No.234688

File: 66ce30663dec597⋯.jpg (393.71 KB, 574x1024, 287:512, your_jew_brother_dead.jpg)





Remember always spit or shit on jew graves especially israelidots soldiers , abort all jewish baby scum those little bitches deserve it.

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7456e6  No.234723

I mostly agree with conservatives on a lot of issues, and rarely agree with liberals. But on the conflict between Palestinians and juden, I find myself on the victims' side, not the aggressors' side.

Is Palestine Palestinians' land?

Correct me if I am wrong.

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351cb1  No.234726

big bomb

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043039  No.234735


Jewry is imperialism. White men are parasites on Jewish imperialism. Now that the parasite kike has turned on its own puppets, you are reeing.

Typical kike puppet

Next time, don't buy the "new land gold rush" bullshit from the kikes

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