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Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: a13c277780879c3⋯.png (370.56 KB, 750x814, 375:407, join_chinknet_now.png)

51b61f  No.234192

Have you ever tried to redpill Japanese internet about the evils of shartmuttmerican imperialism?

Simply as a warning to them about the dangers of even lending their ears to these nigsharts without saying a word. The (((corrosive))) effect it will have on this unmolested, clean, unniggerified culture cannot be understated.

If you still indifferent, imagine what sort of niggrified and trannified anime you will be forced to watch in 5 yrs time.

Act now

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d77d89  No.234329

>Red-pilling nipkikes


>China is highly based and red-pilled

PRC is facing their own kike infestation. It's called the Japanese.

>imagine what sort of niggrified and trannified anime you will be forced to watch in 5 yrs time.

Err…..anime is already highly trannified, and pedoified. Only thing missing is niggers, but then anime characters are designed to look perfectly muttified (Mukokuseki, where a character is drawn such that it does not look like any specific race)

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600f7e  No.234340

File: 53b4e4f9a4b238c⋯.jpg (3.09 MB, 2560x1520, 32:19, 02114_a.jpg)

Why don't you faggot losers go live under a dictator then if you love it so much. You'll quickly find you hate everything about fascism and communism and all these shithole countries and want to badly return back to America. The very fact you can even come here in the first place to bitch and whine is because you don't live there because if you did you'd have no voice and no life

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d77d89  No.234346


Lol I literally live in the PRC

Now go back and cry to your garbage Mossad handlers

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34cce5  No.234365


>muh mutt

Kike exposed.

All jews will be killed.

There is no future for jews.

White Men are Gods.

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8527e6  No.234383


Whatever ism you live under is either heaven or hell depending largely on your family tree and money.

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600f7e  No.234393

File: 8b5856e88c46522⋯.jpg (1.82 MB, 1275x847, 1275:847, 11737.jpg)



You don't live there, which is why you're even able to say shit to begin with you dumb fucking mutts

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