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File: 35e10dd2f47eff5⋯.jpg (151.68 KB, 1024x689, 1024:689, Russia.jpg)

8251f7  No.234159[Last 50 Posts]

Vladimir Putin Issues Grave Warning… But Does He Understand He Is Talking To Demons?

In a mind-bending new intel report full of cataclysmic national security risks - in continuation and related to the previous intel report “Angels And Demons Ready For Battle As Collapse Of Western World Imminent” - details not only an Empire in demise but another Empire in competition who has taken notice of the international threats around the world and to rigorous alarm.

To understand these events unfolding one must first understand Russia is an Orthodox Christian nation who suffered terribly under despotic Jewish communist rule for many decades before collapsing, to which then revived two decades later.



Knowing this historical information as FACT, is now making communist Zionists around the world extremely bitter - not because they know America can no longer defeat Russia, but because their Soviet Empire has collapsed and Russia's current leader - Vladimir Putin - will not hand it back over to these demented corrupted souls on a silver platter:


Bitter Zionist comrades within the EU Parliament who have now openly declared Russia needs to be overthrown by "Regime Change" because "democracy must prevail!" …. but what these demons do not understand is their so-called "democracy" is considered by many "demonic" - a forced Bolshevik putsch against the will of many peoples in those corrupted nations who have been misrepresented, censored, suppressed, disarmed, flooded with undesired third world migration, preached against and ridiculed for their cultures:


And not only facing a similar battle as Russia against these demonic Zionists, is ironically rural American counties who are trying to SECEDE from very corrupted States such as Oregon over horrific failed policies, who want nothing to do with radical communism:


To which ironically pointed out in two previous intel reports - “American Youth Face Long Forewarned "Future Shock" As The Nation Splits Apart In Horror” and “Angels And Demons Ready For Battle As Collapse Of Western World Imminent” - is the imminent collapse of the insolvent and corrupted American economy, followed by societal unrest and very likely, a similar collapse to what the USSR witnessed and breakup:


Then referring back to a question posted by /pnd/ by a fellow anon, asking "What are Jews and where do they come from?" which Operation Killcen (Kill Censorship) replied anonymously: "I'm already assured most of these so-called "elites" or "leaders" of this world are actually demons from hell doing the Devil's work. Just take a look how they treat human beings and their nations, enough said."


And to which are the very same demons who arrested and crucified our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, as Jesus fought the very same battle that America's Founding Fathers have, and a new battle Vladimir Putin might soon wake up to unexpectedly!

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7092da  No.234160

File: 833eacdce732399⋯.jpg (326.25 KB, 894x587, 894:587, _putin_4.jpg)

>To understand these events unfolding one must first understand Russia is an Orthodox Christian nation who suffered terribly under despotic Jewish communist rule for many decades before collapsing, to which then revived two decades later.

USSR never collapsed.

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d66930  No.234162

File: b86357ad0ea9d04⋯.jpg (41.24 KB, 720x553, 720:553, people_of_color.jpg)


Brown hair, brown eyes, brown skin

Black eyes, black hair, brown skin

Most of Russia is 'asian' the only parts that are kin (children of Adam) to us are the Westernmost parts that are mixed with the blood of Fins. The rest are the asian bug contamination.

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7092da  No.234165

File: 835dcf0a9333b63⋯.jpg (57.79 KB, 472x699, 472:699, goals_russian.jpg)


We must save Russia.

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d66930  No.234167


>save Russia? From what?

I disagree, but I would save our kin.

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7092da  No.234170

File: 457283ee56c506c⋯.jpg (53.72 KB, 380x604, 95:151, goals_russian_2.jpg)


>I would save our kin.

That's a fair compromise.

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9589a6  No.234171


The USSR has indeed collapsed, as will a unified America in similar fashion. You could debate whether or not Russia is still communist though.

Interesting pic. The only difference it seems with Russia and America when it comes to immigration is Russia does vet people who come in, and they'll deport people who don't obey their laws. America currently does not do that, at all.

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7092da  No.234172


In America, I can deny the Holocaust without facing legal consequences. As for immigration, both America and Russia are engaging in the displacement and genocide of their native populations. America and Russia are both bad.

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ccb4ff  No.234173


Well to be fair, I think that was the intent of Jews like George Soros, that's why Russia kicked him and his NGOs out, for deliberately trying to destabilize Russia. Russia may have an immigration problem, but it's not with an intent to genocide or destabilize their nation… thus the reason why Jews like Soros want regime change there.

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7092da  No.234174

File: 8c48869475ef141⋯.png (663.19 KB, 839x790, 839:790, _Putin_Loves_White_Genocid….PNG)


>it's not with an intent to genocide or destabilize their nation

It absolutely is. Pic related.

>that's why Russia kicked him and his NGOs out

That's very good. Just keep in mind Soros is a boogeyman. Every "conservative" Jews attacks Soros while remaining Jews themselves.

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d66930  No.234175


>every ethnicity

niggers incoming

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7092da  No.234177

File: e6d1767f8b79931⋯.jpg (149.02 KB, 1040x951, 1040:951, russia_white_genocide.JPG)


yeah. luckily there's a healthy anti-putin/bolshevik movement in russia.

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bdd9b0  No.234180



Hopefully, if there is regime change in Russia, it's not co-opted by some Jew like Soros and it's actually about restoring ethnic nationalism and stopping the immigration policies then. That would be healthy change.

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7092da  No.234182

File: d21df4db7bf1466⋯.jpg (188.21 KB, 788x1229, 788:1229, russian_mommy_kabbalah_bra….jpg)


For sure. These Jews ruin our homelands and then cause us to blame one another. Bastards.

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84610c  No.234277

Your an idiot.

Stalin killed all the jews in the administrative jobs in the soviet union and replaced them with Georgians. He then made a new zion in Russia called Jewish oblast. To send them to this shit tier republic near china far away from Moscow so the dont get involved in any thing official.

The jews lost russia a long time ago when Stalins administration put forth anti zionist protocols and saved st basils from destruction.

Putin wants capitalism because it puts the state on auto pilot and allows them to rake in the cash easily.

Putin does not want socialism because

1 communism/Marxism what ever means the government has to micro manage everything

2 he wants to go down in history as the greatest leader who brought the country forward.

What people dont understand is Russia does not want to be the #1 country. Why, because this means they cant observe the number one spot from the sidelines and analyze its decisions.

They wait for America to make drastic decisions and study the effects of it to see if it is a winning or loosing decision.

My theory is, Russia knows communism is a shitty form of country.

They want to become the new prospers christian capitalist country while subverting the USA to want to be stupid socialist losers.

They been on the sideline for awhile studying America and they can now turn the tables, put america in their socialist position they where once in, and put them selves in americas place as the best christian white country. Yes yes, we know a lot of happa mutts are in russia and mudslims. However the fact is not russian nationals of brown skin but Ethinc Russians rule over all of them and have most important key positions.

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759fa0  No.234279

File: 140927e65b63c6a⋯.jpg (42.4 KB, 850x400, 17:8, _stalin_.jpg)


this mousey looking kike is a kike.

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84610c  No.234280


Your a fucking retard and know nothing about Russia.

The way its run is like this

Take Chechnya for example

Putin allows Razam K. to have power or the republic. Razam in exchange keeps all his chechen niggers in check and keeps them in their secluded space.

Russia is a multi ethnic country with tons of different people. The thing is ethnic white russians are ruling over them. This is what makes them superior.

You have to be a total moron to think that putin hates white people because he wont genocide a certain class.

Its 2021 news gets out fast and you cant do that without destroying repuation.

Putin lives for his death. He wants to go down in history books as the most powerfull praised nobel tzar the earth has seen.

White people in usa have retarded niggers that they use as human dildos on their wives.

Ethnic Russians have gook slaves doing all the work in exchange for allowing them to have control over there shitty republics in the middle of nowhear

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84610c  No.234281


He was against persecution of ethnic jews so the country looked good. It also made them look better in the eyes of Americucks to prove to the world not all socialist are like germans.

He was very anti zioniost.

He gatherd all the jews up and sold them the dream of a soviet isreal in the jewish oblast. Far away from moscow with hot humid summers and freezing cold winters.

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759fa0  No.234282

File: 3f8087acb35bb11⋯.jpg (71.22 KB, 1144x651, 1144:651, putin_israel_2.JPG)


>The thing is ethnic white russians are ruling over them.

No they aren't. White Russian are receiving the same treatment as White Americans. The Jewish Oligarchy rules Russia and Putin is part of that.

You will never be Russian, kike.

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759fa0  No.234284

File: 97ea0963ac8f4fb⋯.png (700.61 KB, 1035x778, 1035:778, stalin_jews_4.png)


fuck off kike no one wants you here.

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792335  No.234290

File: bc7ae9c6f422fee⋯.png (662.46 KB, 866x825, 866:825, hitler_jewess_fren.png)


>Hitler was a Kike Puppet! Look at how he embraces the Kike!

Kill yourself, ZOG-faggot.

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759fa0  No.234291


no one mentioned hitler you dumb little (1)

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759fa0  No.234292

File: 23eca299f2683bc⋯.png (547.01 KB, 1917x995, 1917:995, 8chan_shill_handsome_truth….PNG)



that hyphen you constantly use is a signature. i found your thread on 4/pol/. you're with "handsome truth" and prbly are him.



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759fa0  No.234293

File: 317fde595e8650c⋯.png (126.96 KB, 1069x289, 1069:289, 8chan_shill_handsome_truth….PNG)


You faggots are even using the same talking points there as here.

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759fa0  No.234297

File: 555d2e36a9982bd⋯.png (134.6 KB, 1919x711, 1919:711, 8chan_shill_handsome_truth….PNG)

you get exposed and suddenly stop posting on both chans. holy fuck how can you be this defeated?

>muh turner diaries!

>muh siege!

you're an out of shape failed Jewish rapper, Jon. And now you're fucked.

stay rekt, jon. it's over.

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c2bd5e  No.234371

File: a8facedc0069a0f⋯.png (488.14 KB, 1904x548, 476:137, GDL_fuck_off.PNG)

I'm watching you get laughed off 4/pol/


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301230  No.234373

File: 86b9f15fe088057⋯.jpg (122.64 KB, 867x620, 867:620, 1621502608942.jpg)


All jews will be killed.

There is no future for jews.

White Men are Gods.

We know that you have agents trying to prevent your genocide. You are trembling with fear.

We will win. We will kill you all.

We will kill all federal agents and their families.

we will kill all jews.

And there is nothing that any of you can do about it.


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c2bd5e  No.234376

File: 5dbcebf65e0cae2⋯.png (13.18 KB, 1901x75, 1901:75, get_rekt_bolshevik.PNG)

just as before you were called out and suddenly stopped posting

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c2bd5e  No.234377

File: 048076b0cd61228⋯.jpg (1.63 MB, 3000x4686, 500:781, GDL_maymay.jpg)

here you are admitting to having jewish blood


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75def1  No.234378


The eternal LARP

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e1b89d  No.234384



>Most of Russia is 'asian' the only parts that are kin (children of Adam) to us are the Westernmost parts that are mixed with the blood of Fins. The rest are the asian bug contamination.


Seriously not asian here but LOVE history.

In your opinion who did the most to get Russia to the point where you say it is most?

Genghis? Kubla? Timur? Stalin? I would put Hitler on that list but I'm pretty sure the Whites Hitler 'murdered' were actually Stalin-slain.

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04a804  No.234398


Trump is literally Stalin.

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04a804  No.234399


are you sure it wasn't 666 million jews?

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c2bd5e  No.234400


lel prbly. Trump lost his support base when he started going full Bolshevik. Nazbols are too stupid to understand the sign of the times.

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04a804  No.234401


>look at this pile of dead bodies.

>it was hitler.

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84610c  No.234408

File: 5df08dd6ee785a5⋯.jpg (84.54 KB, 1068x667, 1068:667, patriarch_e1512504293244.jpg)


You post these stupid pictures of Putin surrounded by Jews.

He meets with all types of delegates.

The narrative oh i see pics of him with kikes so they rule him is retarded.

Its 2021, he cant just start kicking out a certain people or jew parasites. That would give the EU and others reasons for war and sanctions. He meets with the highest ranking constitutes of alot of groups

The fact of the matter Ukraine is a Zionist shit hole. Jew President + Prime minister. Is Putin giving them free shit? No as a matter of fact he is putin them in there place and just taking what ever the fuck he wants from them

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84610c  No.234409


Its historical fact, those people in the grey and black picture were Lenins jews. Stalin got rid of all of them after he died.

It was called the great purge

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c2bd5e  No.234410

File: 915a56c0e083e5b⋯.jpg (155.38 KB, 979x849, 979:849, PUTIN_IS_JEWISH.JPG)



Putin is Jewish. No one is buying the "muh based Stalin!" propaganda. Not here, not on 4chan. You faggots are done. International Civil War can't come soon enough.

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84610c  No.234412

File: 6b31e2eef683300⋯.gif (17.89 KB, 450x286, 225:143, 2581c41f_472d_4a66_9490_21….gif)

File: a8046ebb68cbf9e⋯.jpg (593.39 KB, 1915x1273, 1915:1273, 59c9138a85600a38003b3bc0.jpg)

File: 25e5786efccf048⋯.png (306.32 KB, 1627x487, 1627:487, jewoblast.png)


He killed off all the Zionist and tricked all the Jews with no political power into moving to the very far east into a Russian version of Israel. Not only is it terrible weather, but they where way to far from Moscow to even attempt to meddle in politics.

The whole point of this was to fix the jewish problem without creating the same type of controversy Hitler did. Stalin was far more methodical than Hitler.

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84610c  No.234413

File: 6021737fb0ddb1f⋯.jpg (69.48 KB, 720x540, 4:3, image_10.jpg)

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c2bd5e  No.234414

File: 46c90c6f6a8f746⋯.jpg (100.03 KB, 916x859, 916:859, stalin_jews_5.JPG)




It's over.

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c2bd5e  No.234415



stay defeated.

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04a804  No.234418


Does Vladimir Putin stand a chance against the Telepathic Computers from Outer Dimensions?

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87043c  No.234429


>retard pic for retards

If you actually read the article, it is more than clear it is aimed at Russian-speaking Europeans in other countries.

The ZOG-faggots post it because of some vaguely dark-skinned person in the picture (who would also pass as white in most of "America"). They ZOG-faggots are doing a couple of thing: showing they don't even believe in the existence of race, and showing they think their audience is so retarded, they won't even ever bother reading the shit they post.

The ZOG-faggots are so hostile to the Russia, not because they think it is controlled by Jews, but because they know it is hostile to the ZOG. So they come to the only people who pose any threat to the ZOG (White Nationalists), and try to get them to hate the official enemies of the ZOG. This is the first step in the reconciliation process the ZOG uses on all internal political dissidents; if you hate the enemies of the ZOG more than the ZOG, you will come to reconcile yourself to forced integration with niggers and slavery to Kikes.

And the only way to do that is to believe the fantasy that the Sky Kike created niggers to serve you, and that Kikes rule the entire planet because that's what the Sky Kike wants. These are their real beliefs.

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87043c  No.234430


>He killed off all the Zionist and tricked all the Jews with no political power into moving to the very far east into a Russian version of Israel.

ZOG-faggots don't care about any of this. The point of their posts is to influence retards.

You have to understand that "communism" is an empty meaningless nothing concept to them. You're supposed to fill in "communism" with whatever you don't like. So the masses of the White Nation were lead to believe "communism" meant their daughters would be marrying a nigger, while ZOG-faggots see it as belief in the very existence of nations at all. This is because the ZOG has known since at least 1949 that all commies in thirdworld countries are nationalists, see the Dean Acheson memo from 1949 (this is the earliest internal ZOG-communication I have found showing their awareness of this, there are probably even earlier instances). The rulers of the ZOG see fighting communism as fighting Hitler; they have made it their religious duty to oppose the authentic nationalism of all people on the planet, because that thing called "America" itself is an anti-nationalist political project funded by nigger fuckers.

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c2bd5e  No.234431



fuck off cunt you got rekt here


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87043c  No.234432


>i love forced integration with niggers and slavery to Kikes

We know you do, ZOG-faggot.

>>random post on 4chan

The schizos see patterns where they don't exist at all. That's who the ZOG-faggots assume as their audience in the first place.

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87043c  No.234433


>You faggots are even using the same talking points there as here.

This ZOG-faggot openly cries at the idea of that thing called "America" finally dying!

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c2bd5e  No.234434

File: 2cd0f5316aa5a79⋯.png (361.85 KB, 1919x995, 1919:995, 8chan_shill_handsome_truth….PNG)


155 hyphens in this thread. that's a "signature" you dumb Bolshevik.

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c2bd5e  No.234435

File: d7f134f08ce22b2⋯.png (537.97 KB, 1919x996, 1919:996, 8chan_shill_handsome_truth….PNG)

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87043c  No.234436


>muh turner diaries!

>muh siege!

The ZOG-faggots can't help themselves but to virtue-signal their hatred of The Turner Diaries and Siege, the two books which go further than most others to exposes the political-con that is the "Right" wing of forced integration with niggers in the ZOG.

They hate these two most excellent books with a passion, because if millions of young white men read then, it means the end of that homosexual interracial porno called "America" they love so much.

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87043c  No.234437

File: 1576b79979b17d1⋯.png (253.16 KB, 1496x556, 374:139, ZOG_fag_comm.png)


>dumb Bolshevik

William Luther Pierce predicted the ZOG-faggots would call anyone who opposes the ZOG a "communist" over 50 years ago. Pierce was able to do this, because the ZOG-faggots of the past aren't any different than they are today; their entire political project is founded on nothing but sheer lying. All they do is lie to the masses of the White Nation, and they'll be screeching "communists" are pulling bullets in niggers and Kikes, when the White Nation Liberation War comes.

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c2bd5e  No.234438

File: d3271beb1684d61⋯.gif (2.27 MB, 431x419, 431:419, my_sides.gif)


You can't even draw attention to your threads on 4/pol/. You're completely irrelevant and now exposed. Exposed and pissed on. Stay defeated.

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87043c  No.234439


>retarded Hollywood-meme pictures


You can't post on 4chan with a VPN or Tor, so why would I ever post there? The place (much like this one), is a honey-pot, but over there, the ZOG is too terrified to allow any open discourse, because the number of young white men reading is too large. This is why they shut the original 8chan done months ago.

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c2bd5e  No.234440

File: 478538e85ba761b⋯.jpg (93.92 KB, 1740x495, 116:33, MUH_PROXY_0.JPG)

File: 202a34a0ee76c29⋯.jpg (52.24 KB, 921x591, 307:197, MUH_PROXY_1.JPG)

File: 4c874a8cb002e60⋯.jpg (402.79 KB, 1473x520, 1473:520, MUH_PROXY_2.JPG)

File: c7166326813d129⋯.jpg (48.01 KB, 652x653, 652:653, MUH_PROXY_3.JPG)

File: 07436af5894825e⋯.jpg (45.65 KB, 505x726, 505:726, MUH_PROXY_4.JPG)


(((You))) use private proxies from a handful of Israeli companies. But you're moar irrelevant than Nazbol so who really cares?

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87043c  No.234445



>guy spreading Russia-hate says guy telling you to read the Turner Diaries is a fed

One has to wonder, did this ZOG-faggot actually come up with all this crap in the last 7 minutes, or is it just something they threw together beforehand, to accuse people of working for the ZOG? My inclination is to believe this bit of stupidity was setup to just accuse people of being shills, based on the logic that is there is some absolutely retarded picture attached to the post, people will believe it. But I suppose this ZOG-faggot could just be a very busy schizo that actually believes this garbage he has created.

I'll leave it the reader with a brain to figure out if the ZOG pays random people to tell young white men to read the Turner Diaries or not.

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c2bd5e  No.234446

File: 632fd6671c42a7b⋯.jpg (2.27 MB, 2347x2139, 2347:2139, schizo_spam.jpg)



Stay defeated, hasbarat :)

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af1edf  No.234450

File: 70c48025cd6d27d⋯.png (138.29 KB, 676x823, 676:823, schizo_logic_2.png)

File: e2d1b94dcf0bb26⋯.png (138.29 KB, 681x810, 227:270, schizo_logic_1.png)


>retarded picture for retards

Just who is this picture even supposed to influence? People that feel angry for being called schizos online?

Allow me now the privilege of talking to the ZOG-faggot's assumed audience directly.

The person that wrote this message is manipulating you. It has been known for some time that schizophrenia is not a biology based phenomenon, but a certain type of thought disorder. The best book on this subject is Interpretation of Schizophrenia by the psychiatrist Silvano Arieti (you can find this book online for free, if you're interested). ZOG-faggots understand this particular thought-disorder well enough to manipulate people who suffer from it, and this very image is designed to play on it.

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e53389  No.234451


Are you the one calling people schizo OR NOT?

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af1edf  No.234456


>Are you the one calling people schizo OR NOT?

I'm not the one manipulating schizos online to hate the enemies of the ZOG, and thus, to come to identify with the ZOG.

They know you follow a particular logic, and seek to manipulate it: I hate Russia. The TV (Electric-Jew) also hates Russia. The TV is me. The TV is the government, the TV is me, I am the government.''

If you think this way, the conclusion that you are a faggot is also unavoidable (for reasons you doubt should understand, and can be sustained without resorting to schizo-logic). Hence the term ZOG-faggot.

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e53389  No.234458

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e53389  No.234459


Whoever calls people online here or on KC "schizos" is the Enemy.

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af1edf  No.234461


>the Enemy is the Turner Diaries

Kill yourself, nigger-loving schizo-faggot.

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e53389  No.234464


So you are Zioshit. You should he thought twice about being fucktards. It's totally your fault.

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f2cdf6  No.234742

File: c1e45771a73ede0⋯.jpg (120.09 KB, 683x1024, 683:1024, stonetoss_rope.jpg)


> Razam

HAHA, NIGGER. Что ещё спизданёшь?

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f2cdf6  No.234743

File: 379d4cb682d941b⋯.jpg (59.14 KB, 680x510, 4:3, dolan_and_scrooge.jpg)

> Putin is traditionalist right-wing conservative and he is an opposite of demos

> RT (state owned media) told me that

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f2cdf6  No.234745

File: e1b3439c6e00a68⋯.png (41.29 KB, 940x300, 47:15, stonetoss_drakula.png)


Putin is a bolshevik, faggot

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7bfe73  No.234756


Demons are your god's chosen people

Est 8:17 NLT

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04a804  No.235180

yankee doodle went to town riding on a whore's clit

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2aa634  No.235350

4chan is under russian control?

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386ffb  No.235362

File: 0f3b8f3e4841543⋯.jpg (234.81 KB, 1882x954, 941:477, 4chan_compromised_servers_….JPG)

File: 8a697d554984a46⋯.jpg (29.53 KB, 1107x364, 1107:364, 4chan_compromised_servers_….JPG)

File: 4be0ac9b44e2112⋯.jpg (236.15 KB, 1298x963, 1298:963, 4chan_compromised_servers.JPG)

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