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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: 4fdcad91789a773⋯.jpg (113.47 KB, 716x960, 179:240, 68754987_419221868713106_7….jpg)

984513  No.234113[Last 50 Posts]

Mass shootings in America are increasing in frequency and intensity. In the wake of each shooting, a huge debate about gun control begins. And almost no energy goes toward discussing the root cause. When I searched for Americans discussing the issue, I found only one neglected article by a Christian, decrying the fact that morality no longer occupies a central place in childrearing.

I completed my high school diploma in the US public school system. How many hours did I spend studying "science" and how many hours did I spend studying morality? I don't recall a single class dedicated to morality.

This is the inevitable consequence of a pluralistic society that tries to accommodate all beliefs. Lies are given equal status as the truth, and the truth ceases to have any meaning at all. Since morality is ultimately based upon conceptions of what is true, this leads to an increasingly fractured society.

But a lack of morals is an incomplete explanation. A majority of mass shooters have one thing in common; social isolation. They have difficulty connecting with others, often feel rejected and hurt by others, and this then crystallizes as a will to do violence against others.

This inability to form relationships with others often goes back to a bad family environment. Something goes wrong with the initial bonding, and people are left without the ability to form bonds with others. In the past, families had much more economic utility, and this kind of estrangement was much less common.

Moving production and education outside the household decreases bonds between family members, while increasing the bonds with teachers, co-workers and bosses. It is undoubtedly more difficult to learn to develop healthy patterns of social bonding with non-relatives than it is with relatives. If men and women mixing in workplaces leads to infidelity (as it often does), this also results in an emotionally traumatic home environment, where children learn to withdraw to protect themselves.

This trend itself can be traced back to the legal and institutional fabric of the civilization itself. In the past, the right of kings to rule was regarded as divinely ordained. In modern government, however, it is believed that the government has the right to rule if it is successful in fulfilling the desires of the people.

Since the main desire of the people is to consume, they support whichever government will fulfill their desires. These desires are not quenched when they are fed, rather, they grow stronger.

This means that continuous economic growth is required for the maintenance of this system. This means that in order to survive, the state (government and economy) must continuously expand. Historically, in all democratic regimes or blocs (ie. Delian league of ancient Greece, or modern NATO) this has led to increasingly aggressive imperial behavior, and eventually, totalitarianism.

This pattern of rapid and continuous expansion is remarkable for its behavioral similarity to cancer, which is a disorder in which cells lose their ability to stop growing.

Maintaining economic growth requires the steady increase of demand for goods and services. One way to achieve this is to increase the levels of fear and alienation. The economic power of the United States, and the ever growing levels of fear, alienation, and familial disintegration are two faces of the same coin. And democracy is the legislative climate that makes this possible.

Democracy is an unwinnable war against nature, and mass shootings are in part a byproduct of this ideology taken to its extreme. This is one more case of Western civilization’s whiplash effect. The “Enlightenment” philosophy was a backlash against extreme tyranny in Europe, but democracy emphasizes individual freedom to such an extent that it can only end up back in extreme tyranny, as totalitarian rulers will be required to maintain order when reserves of resources are exhausted.

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5fa770  No.234153


There you go overthinking everything again.

It's really not that complicated. One day you'll learn to keep it simple.

Society has been in the downward spiral since the beginning of time, and the behavior of the human animal never really rises to the occasion.

This slow downward trend began long before you were born, and will continue long after you're gone.

Which absolutely guarantees that one day in the future, you will look back on today and realize "these ARE the good old days"

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5fa770  No.234155


the real shame here is how so many people fail to realize that no matter how bad things get, THEY'RE GOING TO CONTINUE TO GET MUCH WORSE, so instead of pining for yesterday and regretting tomorrow, we should all be focused on enjoying TODAY….

Things aren't really that bad

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a03fb9  No.234163


For many times are very bad, and as time goes on, they'll be very bad for many more and even worse for the less fortunate. But you are correct, it's a sinking ship so prep like your life depends on it (it will) and make an escape-from-society plan, and do it when you can afford to. Don't look at "progress", that's all a sham. Technocracy is used to enslave people, and make them dependent, nothing more. Seek independence and peace of mind. If you are a loner, man up and deal with it, there are much worse things to be (like a gulag captive for example).

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755d74  No.234168

>as totalitarian rulers will be required to maintain order when reserves of resources are exhausted

That's why we really have the guns, to shoot those tyrants so we 'cancer cells' can keep growing and be able to tend to our own affairs. I believe this process is fully necessary. The only real 'cancer cells', by the way, are the tyrants who want to steal the resources from us, even though they have plenty of their own resources. Growth is not a bad thing, it's stealing and fraud that is.

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45f947  No.234179

File: e576ffbc80d0b91⋯.jpg (117.31 KB, 1280x660, 64:33, _Crucias_27.jpg)

they're jews. israeli/russian government assets.

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b753b8  No.234200


>Explaining Mass Shootings in America

almost all of them are done by blacks with handguns away from any school, and almost none of the news coverage covers black shooters, handguns or shootings that don't happen at school.

That is a simple, easy-to-confirm fact that anyone with access to a computer could use to ascertain that the media is lying about mass shootings to push an agenda.

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5fa770  No.234212


I dropped out of society when I was 12 years old and I've never gone back….

I'm not going to climb into a box and spend my life in fear of tomorrow or regretting yesterday

I'm fine wherever I'm at

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5fa770  No.234213


At what point are you going to become bored with your same old bullshit the same way we are?


The world's sick and tired of hearing your bullshit

It seems like you would have gotten tired of it a long time ago as well

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2f1b6d  No.234215


stay mad moshe

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5fa770  No.234216


I mean WOW

I thought that" I "was repetitive


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5fa770  No.234217

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


oh I will !! I'm FURIOUS


and you stay lonely, Sally

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5fa770  No.234218


oh, damnit !!!

I almost forgot to tell you……


And I figured you'd want to know…..

WHO ?……..

Annette, the psychology student you would have met Monday night, if you hadn't been sitting in front of your fucking computer like always….

It was actually going to be you that crossed her path Monday night when she lost her keys in that restaurant… It would have been you who found the keys instead of that Danny guy….

He's not even cool….

He's not smart…

But he's the one who found the keys

And that led to a conversation with Annette….

And then she started calling him on Tuesday

And Danny seized the opportunity

and so, yeahhh……

It kind of sucks but….

Snooze you lose…….

And you've gotten real familiar with that

Oh well at least you've got that stupid fucking computer

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b94446  No.234219

File: 35e10dd2f47eff5⋯.jpg (151.68 KB, 1024x689, 1024:689, Russia.jpg)

Vladimir Putin Issues Grave Warning… But Does He Understand He Is Talking To Demons?

In a mind-bending new intel report full of cataclysmic national security risks - in continuation and related to the previous intel report “Angels And Demons Ready For Battle As Collapse Of Western World Imminent” - details not only an Empire in demise but another Empire in competition who has taken notice of the international threats around the world and to rigorous alarm.

To understand these events unfolding one must first understand Russia is an Orthodox Christian nation who suffered terribly under despotic Jewish communist rule for many decades before collapsing, to which then revived two decades later.



Knowing this historical information as FACT, is now making communist Zionists around the world extremely bitter - not because they know America can no longer defeat Russia, but because their Soviet Empire has collapsed and Russia's current leader - Vladimir Putin - will not hand it back over to these demented corrupted souls on a silver platter:


Bitter Zionist comrades within the EU Parliament who have now openly declared Russia needs to be overthrown by "Regime Change" because "democracy must prevail!" …. but what these demons do not understand is their so-called "democracy" is considered by many "demonic" - a forced Bolshevik putsch against the will of many peoples in those corrupted nations who have been misrepresented, censored, suppressed, disarmed, flooded with undesired third world migration, preached against and ridiculed for their cultures:


And not only facing a similar battle as Russia against these demonic Zionists, is ironically rural American counties who are trying to SECEDE from very corrupted States such as Oregon over horrific failed policies, who want nothing to do with radical communism:


To which ironically pointed out in two previous intel reports - “American Youth Face Long Forewarned "Future Shock" As The Nation Splits Apart In Horror” and “Angels And Demons Ready For Battle As Collapse Of Western World Imminent” - is the imminent collapse of the insolvent and corrupted American economy, followed by societal unrest and very likely, a similar collapse to what the USSR witnessed and breakup:


Then referring back to a question posted by /pnd/ by a fellow anon, asking "What are Jews and where do they come from?" which Operation Killcen (Kill Censorship) replied anonymously: "I'm already assured most of these so-called "elites" or "leaders" of this world are actually demons from hell doing the Devil's work. Just take a look how they treat human beings and their nations, enough said."


And to which are the very same demons who arrested and crucified our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, as Jesus fought the very same battle that America's Founding Fathers have, and a new battle Vladimir Putin might soon wake up to unexpectedly!

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5fa770  No.234220


You remind me of a concert porta potty

Sitting all by itself

In the middle of a gigantic empty field of mud

Nothing but mud as far as the eye can see

Nobody there to take a leak

Nobody to take a dump

No drunk people vomiting

Just you

Standing there

All by yourself

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2f1b6d  No.234221

File: 50581ed8e0115cc⋯.jpg (46.28 KB, 428x405, 428:405, putin_and_his_bestie.jpg)

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5fa770  No.234222


I see that the trazodone is not working….

I'm going to prescribe you

Some rat poison

Take 68 of these

And have your people get in touch with my people

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5fa770  No.234223


And that wasn't just an artistic vignette…..

I wasn't being poetic….

I was actually being quite literal

That's exactly what you remind me of

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5fa770  No.234224


But if I see Annette,

I'll be sure to tell her

You said hello

and she'll say……


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5fa770  No.234225

Then just for last I'm going to tell her the little lonely porta potty scenario

Chicks love humor

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681cad  No.234226


>rat poison

I don't drink water with fluoride in it.

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5fa770  No.234228


*sims at your hip, but sneezes when I shoot the tranquilizer dart*


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5fa770  No.234229

Sims…. Sims…. Whatever, right ?

*Removes tranquilizer dart with a pair of pliers*

Sorry about that, wild man. Won't happen again

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5fa770  No.234230

AIMS* ?????

You really cares about autocorrect right now?

You need to get to a hospital

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681cad  No.234231


I'll be honest anon…. I'm starting to think Johnny may be up to something….



It's all bout controlling us plebs…..

And maybe we need to just exit the creature feature horror show…. and part our own ways…. and never look back…..

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5fa770  No.234232


I swear to God I just realized I haven't even read your original post yet…. I skimmed across the headline.. and then I skimmed across the last sentence of your original post..

But you're one of those people that makes everything needlessly wordy.. and when people look at what you've typed, nobody wants to invest the time into reading it…

Just one quick glance and anyone can see it's not worth taking the time to actually read it.

So I just go to the last sentence and skim across looking for the keywords….

So while I know your thread has something to do with mass shootings.. I have no fucking clue what your nitpicky manic overly loquacious overthinking bullshit might be.. nor do I care

But I think it's safe to say

Nobody who types all that bullshit

Can be completely right

Because you're the type of guy who contradicts yourself from one sentence to the next because you overthink everything like a bitch

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5fa770  No.234233


E G G Z A C K L E E ! ! !

I'll be the first one to admit I've reached the lowest point in my life, obviously, because I'm addicted to shit posting inthe emptiest website on the entire internet

It's super detrimental for all of us

I hate this place but I'm completely addicted to shit posting here

At least I'm aware of the problem.. there's a few changes coming up in my life soon.. we're moving into a new place and we've met some new people, and there's summer right around the corner

So without actually trying to make a change

I'm going to try to make a change

If that doesn't make sense then you're paying attention

It's like when I decided to quit drinking all soft drinks and sugary corn syrup drinks… I didn't do it to lose weight… I did it for other reasons

And 5 weeks later I realized I've lost 20 lbs

Without even trying

Without even thinking about it

I've been thinking about completely disconnecting from all technology for at least two years now.. longer than that but for the past two years in particular I've really been thinking about disconnecting

I don't know how realistic that is because I end up needing to use technology quite often just in my daily life taking care of business

So maybe I need to just focus on limiting my access to technology


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5fa770  No.234235


Believe it or not…..

I doNOThate anybody in here

I really don't… I know it seems like I do, but I actually don't….

Even marshmallow Sally is okay

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5fa770  No.234236

And for whatever it's worth….

I didn't even think about losing weight

I had no idea I was losing weight

I wasn't weighing myself

I wasn't even thinking about it at all

But when I realized my pants were fitting me differently

And I got on the scale

And realized I lost 20 lbs


It felt great !! And I'm doubling down

I'm not taking in any sugar

I'm guessing it would be the same thing if I completely disconnected from this shit hole

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5fa770  No.234238


I hope you didn't take that Porta-Potty thing


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7e7a39  No.234239


Life change can be good, I decided to homestead and move in with my family on some rural property and that was one of the best decisions I have ever made. Even though I too am still addicted to the internet and it's a lot slower, it was well worth it.

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5fa770  No.234240

I'm actually kinda worried about Jerry

because a little birdie told me that he was not doing well

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7e7a39  No.234241


It makes sense you lost weight, and likely feel better too. Health is really everything related to proper diet. God gave us everything on this Earth for a reason. All those nasty lab-made chemicals like nitrites, high fructose corn syrup, aspartame, canola oil, glyphosate etc…. all that man-made crap is toxic. Stay away from junk food and stick with natural organic non-GMO foods and exercise, and you'll stay healthy. Even if you do binge drink once in a while.

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5fa770  No.234242


I'm afraid Jerry got all bent out of shape about that little prank I pulled on him last year….

you know……..

The "six months of torture" thing

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5fa770  No.234243


sugar is poison

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7e7a39  No.234244


He's still posting video links on /freedomzine/ and /newsplus/, he said he had some health issues. I told him to take vitamins, some health supplements, eat organic non-GMO foods, grass fed/free range/non-nitrite meats, and use a lot of fresh garlic, ginger and turmeric in the meals and he should be fine in no time.

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187c75  No.234245


<being ironic '' the post

both you& op are faggots

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fada06  No.234246

I'm still kinda surprised that Jerry got THAT mad

it was all harmless good clean fun

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fada06  No.234247


thankyou for noticing !!

I'm going to seek help promptly,

thanks to your keen diagnosis


I'm talking about surgery or something

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fada06  No.234248


everybody knows I have dyslexia

words just look like jumbled squiggly lines

so I couldn't even understand what you typed.

would you mind typing it again, slower?

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7e7a39  No.234249




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681cad  No.234250

Oh no………….I accidentally weed-whacked some of the flowers my daughter planted in the yard. She's throwing a fit now.

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681cad  No.234251

I'm in trouble.

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5fa770  No.234252

see, regarding /pnd/ wannabe hitler routine

you know how much of an Elvis enthusiast I am

Im crazy 'bout Elvis….


even I don't talk about Elvis 24/7

I don't go online to preach Elvis

I don't want to have conversations about Elvis


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5fa770  No.234253


Yep Wendy would kill you for that

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5fa770  No.234254

the kike kike kike kike kike kike kike kike kike kike

kike kike kike kike kike kike kike kike thing gets SO


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5fa770  No.234255

youthreemen of /pnd/ should thank your

lucky stars that I don't continually POUND YOU

with Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis

trust me, I'll do it

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5fa770  No.234256

You have no idea how mind-numbingly redundant and image board can become until you had to suffer through my Elvis conversations 24 hours a day for the next 6 or 8 months…..

Same thing with the Nazi bullshit

You guys aren't stupid

Why don't you mix it up occasionally?

Make it fun

Have some fun man

You guys take yourselves way too seriously

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5fa770  No.234257

Let's see some creativity and something funny for a change

In case you're unaware, the entire political thing is really really boring at this point….

Give it a break.. you're stuck in a loop

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5fa770  No.234258

The Trump turds and the Q retards and the bullshit antifa left wing zanies….

I think the entire world is ready to just take a deep breath…. And find something funny to laugh about

Everybody's sick and tired of taking ourselves too seriously… Nobody gives a fuck about these political things right now

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5fa770  No.234260

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

One of these days, if you're REAL lucky….

I might take 7 weeks telling the story about how THIS SONG actually saved my life one night.

not joking…. I almost died…

it was a SERIOUS medical emergency

but playing this song

made it go away

and I got up and walked away

like nothing had ever happened

(I was dying)

this is actually a different version

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5fa770  No.234261

but yeah….. no shit…. seven weeks…….

the entire incident only took 15 minutes, including the 3 minute song

but I promise i can stretch the story out over SEVEN WEEKS in here if you'd like….

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5fa770  No.234263

and I really don't mind…..

I'm the one who CAN do it, too….

I'll stretch out the telling of one story for almost TWO MONTHS in here, every god damn day…

I would enjoy it

and then you might

understand why you

guys need to "mix it up"

a little bit in here, keep it fresh

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fada06  No.234264

but I'm not going to do that…..

because as much as I love Elvis

I'm not interested in talking about Elvis

24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year

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5fa770  No.234266

I really DO like Jerry……….

he thinks I "betrayed" him….

but I didn't betray shit……………

I like him. I consider him a friend.

he doesn't have to feel the same way

that's okay with me

sure, he's got idiosyncrasies…..

irritating little annoying idiosyncrasies….

but so do I….

and Jerry is a better man than me

to be totally honest

he's a better ADULT than I am

He and I are both good kids

But he's a better adult

So I understand if he's mad at me

because I am a dick

of course… Duhh

a total dickhead

but I still worry about him

his health actually means a lot to me

there's a lot of people counting on him

I hope he's okay… going to meditate on it

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5fa770  No.234267


'DUDE !!!!!…..

I actually just now finally read your original post

And I AGREE WITH YOU 100% !!!!!

the parts about social isolation and crystalizing a certain creepy faggotry thing

but you left out videogames

I know it sounds cliche and trite, but


V I D E O G A M E S played a huge role in the undoing of an entire generation

the social isolation you spoke of is spent on videogames, imageboards, anime & porn

so obviously none of those things have a positive effect on this demographic… it's ALL bad

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5fa770  No.234269

1 : I dont videogames

2 : I don't watch anime

3 : I don't watch porn

4 : but I shitpost in imageboards

and that's how I know

how detrimental

the first 3 are

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5fa770  No.234271

"imageboard culture" (behavior)

is all the proof needed

that "Vidya" Anime & Porn

are a recipe for isolation, anger, and eventual indoctrination into a cult of bitter homosexuality

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fada06  No.234272

it's a recipe for misperceptions about sexuality, psychology, politics, and misplaced anger….

hence……. yep hence THIS

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5fa770  No.234274

it's the isolation that's associated with the

"computer dweeb" videogame anime porn

existence that twists their perceptions

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5fa770  No.234275

it's pretty creepy

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5fa770  No.234276

I see ALL imageboard guys as being in the same mindset as the shooter losers, but in varying stages of becoming a lost cause

of course, I realize NONE of you in here have the balls to do a shooter incident, you're not that far gone yet, but nevertheless, I still view all of you as "being in the same classroom", studying ISOLATED ANGER 101

it's obviously not a good thing

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5fa770  No.234278

Dear Jerry,

There are people who are counting on you. I'm concerned about your health. Call me. I want to talk.

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5fa770  No.234285

call me, dude…..

I wanna hear what's goin on

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1702e3  No.234286


Groups being targeted by Radfems, Christcucks, Shitskins, Establishment and Zioshits will not socially integrate. Democracies went to war with them and it will be remembered.

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32ff50  No.234728

I didn't write this, by the way.

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32ff50  No.234729


By this I mean the original post.

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a8ee84  No.238375


>A majority of mass shooters have one thing in common; social isolation. They have difficulty connecting with others, often feel rejected and hurt by others, and this then crystallizes as a will to do violence against others.

I think that is a big part of it, but also note how the public school system is also warping children's minds as well. Notice how all those school shooters are usually on a concoction of different SSRIs and other brain-altering drugs being prescribed to them? This is largely due to State intervention in the public school system, and the State wants obedient robots, they want hive mind little serfs that do exactly as their told and to agree with anything they are told. Anyone out of line gets sent to some school psychiatrist that pushes the parents to seek all kinds of interventions that will 'medicate' and drug that child up so bad that they can't even think clearly, their minds are blown and numb. Then combine that with all the horror those kids go through today like "transgression training" and "learning 53 genders that don't exist, you are not a boy or girl goyim, time to mutilate your genitalia!!!" …. I mean my God, I myself likely would blow up and do something very irrational and violent if I had to live in that environment, and actually, I really would because I would not take that BS……. so…… there you go!

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2a92f2  No.238399


All mass shooters have been on SSRI's. If our government was serious about anything they would ban SSRI's. But SSRI's give them a 'reason to exist' to 'fake protect' the people.

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cd28b7  No.238440

File: 89c234fdcdfca71⋯.png (221.56 KB, 1500x570, 50:19, Mass_Shootings_in_America.png)



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031693  No.238647

Good goyim.

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f3a822  No.238819


the root cause of mass shootings in the JEW-S-A is that it's a disgusting imperialist nation under late-stage imperialism

>literally everything in this post

is due to amalekites deciding that it's high time to steal Native American lands, kill the natives, and import slaves from Africa to further fuck up the connection between blood and soil

admit it, americuck, you will never be as based as Hitler, as Hitler never conducted imperialism.


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83b46a  No.238850

the fkn mass shootings

are fkn mass propaganda

to fkn implement mass disarmament

it is that fkn simple u tards

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a3d456  No.239192


Wrong. Mass shootings occur at about the same rate in the US as in European countries, on a per capita basis.

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ae48a0  No.239202

Mass shootings happen all over the world, Mexico is way worse then the US but no one reports on it funny enough

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32fab9  No.239203

File: 7cea6be039bdf07⋯.jpg (109.77 KB, 472x512, 59:64, unnamed_3_.jpg)

Most shootings are caused by electronic harassment. It's a directed energy weapons that drives people into violent madness.

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