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File: 22bf59222d67768⋯.jpg (138.64 KB, 900x900, 1:1, Adonis_Live.jpg)

File: c7f59414c08b778⋯.jpg (69.52 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault.jpg)

8a8b44  No.234084

When did this trend start? Why are american niggers going to europe to make youtube videos? Do they wish they where white.

This is a large trend now.

Adonis Live this nigger has a Romanian Fetish and Philochko has russian fetish.

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bd048b  No.234102

Why do you even know who these niggers are?

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82e943  No.234107


I don't. Didn't even know it was a nigger trend. Can't wait for them to get robbed and raped by the 65IQ african niggers already in Europe.

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8a8b44  No.234135


Jew toob recommendations unfortunetly

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82e943  No.234150


Anon, anon, anon…why would you click on anything with a nigger in it? I simply hide all those videos and channels so that they never appear in my feed again.

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a80566  No.234152

Well no one in Europe is white so what's the problem exactly

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