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801863  No.233960

Netanyahu considers taking Gaza over: "You can either conquer them, and that's always an open possibility, or you can deter them, and we are engaged right now in forceful deterrence, but I have to say we don't rule out anything."


The death toll (in Gaza) Thursday topped 230, with over 1,700 wounded (so far as we know).

On the Israeli side 12 of its civilians have died from 'rocket fire' out of Gaza.

Someone comments: "Gaza is the distraction, its the Temple Mount Israel wants, it's all they care about. They will take it by force, and build the Third Temple (where the al aqsa mosque is currently)."

Another comments back: "The conspiracy theorist in me is starting to think that 'Hamas' was created to further that exact goal."

BTW anons, should there not be an international investigation into how Hamas got these 170mm mortars or "rockets", and who provided them these weapons armed with high explosives? This does indeed look very well planned and staged, like any other false flag terror attack to achieve governmental goals at the expense of human life!

NOTE: Is it not interesting many "rockets" fired by Hamas actually "backfired" killing a lot of innocent Palestinians - far more a death toll than their supposed targets, the Israelis?

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76750f  No.233964


Must be why Putin just announced the evacuation of all Russian nationals from Gaza.

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76750f  No.233965



Where is SMOD when you need it?

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ced9ad  No.233968

They're doing all of this as a show of power. They're feeling insecure.

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dc2e20  No.233978


Mfw to show your power because you are feeling insecure about your murder and robbery you proceed to murder and rob more…like now the ‘truth’ about you will be hidden from people.

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b71619  No.233979

I hope they do this and completely lose the American left.

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ced9ad  No.233982


Pretty much. Their power is slipping and they want to ensure their world allies that they're still in control and can do whatever they want at any time.

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640910  No.234114

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I watched a Bernie speech, it was a barn burner.

He revealed some basic facts about Gaza.

Population 2 million and they are packed into a tiny area and cannot leave. They are in an open air prison.

Republicans released a statement expressing sorrow for the 12 Jews killed, ignored the 227 Palestinian lives incl 64 Children and 38 women.

Top story on Reddit is anti Israel with a bunch of others scrubbed.

Let that sink in, 2 million people enslaved abused and killed for decades. Chris Hedges described what Israel was doing in 2014.

He used to work for the NYT's, won a Pulitzer but real leftists are not allowed in the MSM. You may think the MSM is leftist but they're corporatists. People like Chomsky Nader Hedges aren't allowed on corporate media.

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cc7241  No.234206


You know what?! I think that the jews are trying to create another USA like dichotomy in the middle east, where they hold the power, and then working class arabs do the menial labor.

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cc7241  No.234207


Why else would they be opposed to a 2 state solution, when there are so many arabs in the Palestinian portion?

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