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Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: a5455741fb83b7d⋯.jpg (52.71 KB, 600x606, 100:101, conspiracy_theory_2.jpg)

f2af0b  No.233771

You realize the world is under-going an occult ritual disguised as social experimentation, right? Government corruption, society divided on every issue, male and female gender norms destroyed, race-mixing…they're erasing, on a global scale, human identity. They're breaking and then putting back together what we all unconsciously recognize and accept as "human."

The goal is redefining the human as willfully weak, degenerate, morally unsound, and pursuing their animal desires above all others. In this state very little distinguishes man from animal and both are easily ruled.

World leaders, religious leaders.. they're certainly part of this. I imagine they expect family greatness in the new world, seeing as they're sacrificing their own people for something. Must be for family. Or maybe they're just blackmailed. Either way, these traitors will receive nothing but what they truly deserve for their disloyalty.

Too many of the same animal is bad for the environment. When humanity devolves back to a feral state the great culling may begin. The new world is led by Anti-Christ, which is a psycho-spiritual phenomenon all of its own.

How do you know if this is true or not? Ask yourself if the theory is feasible. The matter is more complex than put here but generally if your family had limitless wealth and influence, over several generations, could you reduce humanity to a passive and animalistic state easily manipulated?

If so, then it's either happening or will.

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32ebc6  No.233779

yay! occult thread

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f2af0b  No.233782

File: 71023aa5bbe27bd⋯.jpg (38.73 KB, 600x650, 12:13, pepe_magic.jpg)

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d3e454  No.233785


>The new world is led by Anti-Christ, which is a psycho-spiritual phenomenon all of its own.


"My Kingdom is not of this world" Jesus warned before the Jews arrested him.

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f2af0b  No.233788

File: 0873d59d63e953d⋯.jpg (2.36 MB, 2825x4259, 2825:4259, michael_trad.jpg)


Yes. Jews rejected Christ because they thought he'd come as a warlord who conquers this world for Israel. Our home is not this place. Nevertheless, we must defend what's good while we're here.

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2df750  No.233824


Killing jews solves that easily.

And they will all be killed.

There is no future for jews.

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