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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: c6e3ed00c425109⋯.png (215.6 KB, 500x262, 250:131, 711jab.png)

b8ffea  No.233516

One way or another.

The Dallas County HHS featured its efforts in a short social media clip showing a couple of US Army solders in full camouflage fatigues flanking a top Dallas health official.

"We’re going out tonight too administering the COVID-19 to bar goers in Deep Ellum," the Twitter post said.


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e90f6e  No.233518


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d2f8a9  No.233531


Do not let them intimidate you. The US Army cannot force citizens to comply with vaccines, and under Constitutional law, they cannot enforce any laws either or make arrests. What they are doing is trying to coerce citizens to take the vaccine, by making it seem "patriotic" and make you feel like you're "bad" if you reject it. This is a problem yes, but they do not have the authority to force it against anyone's will. If you see these guys, either ignore them or lie and tell them you already had it, or you can say "no thanks, not today" and they cannot do anything about that but maybe snicker or scoff. I'd recommend not saying anything and perhaps make a recording of what is taking place to make sure there is no foul play and for having evidence if there is.

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fe4b95  No.233532


>can't tell the difference between the US Army and the Texas National Guard.

They pay you too much, glowie.

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584eab  No.233554

File: 9ab3c582235e93e⋯.jpg (27.07 KB, 399x385, 57:55, l04he.jpg)


>The US Army cannot force citizens to comply with vaccines, and under Constitutional law, they cannot enforce any laws either or make arrests.

>under Constitutional law

<Implying that even exists now

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