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Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: 3e3a9173cf5de64⋯.jpg (41.81 KB, 440x264, 5:3, 1316414696_440x264.jpg)

a43daf  No.233478

FOIA Requests Unfold A Series Of Spy Rings Across America Now Expanding As The VP Keeps Hit Lists

A breathtaking new national security report addresses dire information about spies and psychological operatives invading the Divided States of America covertly - both our allies and our enemies - and even from sources within the Pentagon, as serious information wars and espionage has already escalated across the globe, and to which, has the American people in the cross-hairs of covert spies and psychological operatives planted everywhere with fake IDs to fake alias accounts on social media, and to which is an informational warfare standard already known to professional OPSEC and obfuscation buffs.

New Freedom of Information Act requests have recently uncovered a massive clandestine operation called "signature reduction" headed by the US Pentagon and US Army, to which these well trained operatives have been planted with fake identifications and infiltrated many organizations, both within the public and private sector in real life abroad, and also, online social media:


To which many may consider risky overreach, one may also point to the ongoing Chinese spy rings that have also infiltrated - and in many ways even subverted - America today, Chinese spies and psychological operatives planted within top US universities:



And if you think "Red Dawn" could never happen - think again - as the FBI has already caught Russia infiltrating the US with fake identifications living in average American suburbs to collect information about life in America:



If Chinese, Russian and American PSYOPs and spy rings is not enough to rattle American attention, perhaps Israel's domestic spying operations on the White House would:



And to make this network of spying and subterfuge far worse, the communist Biden regime is planning to expand upon the FBI's infamous unconstitutional COINTELPRO operations to ensnare and entrap Americans into criminal prosecutions by hiring a new network of spies - much like those working for the Pentagon's clandestine "signature reduction" operations - to infiltrate all across the nation creating a network of snitches who will be reporting on fellow Americans' activities to the DHS for surveillance of private citizens and groups:


For those in denial about the extent of abuse this would create for the American public, look no further than a quote by a disgruntled DHS employee - who can't catch any imaginary "violent extremists" he claims are so abound - bewailing to CNN saying: “Domestic violent extremists are really adaptive and innovative. We see them not only moving to encrypted platforms, but obviously couching their language so they don’t trigger any kind of red flag on any platforms.”

To which is already shocking that these people seek to hunt out perceived 'domestic enemies' of the State, has seen another intel report leaking to the Free Beacon exposing that Vice President Kamala Harris has already been making hit lists of American journalists who report corruption, subversion and governmental overreach to the American people who rightfully deserve to know what is actually going on in this world gone mad.


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672b9f  No.233479

>“Domestic violent extremists are really adaptive and innovative. We see them not only moving to encrypted platforms, but obviously couching their language so they don’t trigger any kind of red flag on any platforms.”

Fagbot btfo'd

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e9160a  No.233484


fagbot never understood that he was simply fanning the flames and that people would disperse into the world if he ruined the one place that they could gather here and commiserate.

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c8d2ba  No.233497

File: 987ba77cee90bce⋯.jpg (64.01 KB, 850x400, 17:8, ww3_information.jpg)

Either anons create their own propaganda network or we give the collective psyche of humanity to the Jews, whether he's a Russian or Chinese or American or Israeli.

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ca0bc0  No.233500


I believe more anons should investigate and create their own intel reports to post on social media or image boards. It's not a matter of trying to form propaganda or create narratives as much as it is trying to draw your own conclusions from a series of events, perhaps making others critically think and question the world in which they live. This is an antidote of an information war breaching our psyche.

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c74d85  No.233503


The war is for the minds of the people and the basis of the war is ‘do people love evil (Jews and niggers) more than they love good (Europeans)’.

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c8d2ba  No.233506

File: b55e101c7856642⋯.png (330.13 KB, 603x844, 603:844, white_genocide_intent_prop….png)


Agreed. 8/4chan threads containing info can turn into a free blog. A free blog can become a monthly zine, a zine a podcast, and a podcast a legit news/media company.


We're winning on some fronts and losing on others. Racemixing among white people, for example, hasn't increased much despite the constant propaganda. But detrimentally, many people remain trapped by the Left VS. Right false dichotomy. There's work to be done.

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73923f  No.233521


>Left VS. Right false dichotomy

The left is not against right?

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c8d2ba  No.233522


Certainly not. Exoterically they're different. One party might support abortion and the other oppose it, but esoterically they're the same and pursue the same single-world agenda – one a nationalist, other a communist.

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6dc2fe  No.233528

File: e4b8965dc023412⋯.png (1.15 MB, 675x7706, 675:7706, International_Finance_s_An….png)

File: 360f1e4837a9dba⋯.png (516.87 KB, 659x1936, 659:1936, Chinese_Official_We_Subver….png)

File: 9eb94344664a0ab⋯.png (879.42 KB, 812x2149, 116:307, JoshHawley_NewColdWar.png)

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ca0bc0  No.233540


Thanks anon, looks like Israel and not just crony US interests have witnessed blowback for trying to exploit China for slave labor. Outsourcing industry was indeed a very foolish move, perhaps they thought they could simply remain Empire from endless fiat currency supply and debt. They thought China were fools who could be influenced and controlled, looks like China was not fooled one bit and has been exploiting Zionist naivety and hubris.

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1a499b  No.233541

> Kamala Harris has already been making hit lists of American journalists who report *DNC* corruption, subversion and governmental overreach


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6dc2fe  No.233542

File: 9b2ed1feb448be6⋯.png (41.39 KB, 671x686, 671:686, mefobillsunzchina.png)

File: a8088e7afafe364⋯.png (58.85 KB, 670x893, 670:893, mefobillsunzcapitaloverlab….png)

File: 03b1d21b3015c79⋯.png (98.5 KB, 650x1633, 650:1633, mefobillsunzfinacevsindust….png)


Their long-term goal was elite capture in China and it failed miserably.

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c8d2ba  No.233543

File: 921ba04c1928996⋯.jpg (214.01 KB, 1209x917, 1209:917, china_pozzed.JPG)


>failed miserably.

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6dc2fe  No.233545


Yes. Complete failure.

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c8d2ba  No.233546

File: 3a14f4e0a1a6e93⋯.png (425.66 KB, 741x542, 741:542, china_genocide.png)


bottom text

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ef2cec  No.233549


That's just one university handing out chinese girls to niggers to attract them in getting admitted. Compare that to multiculturalism projects in Europe where young girls are being indoctrinated by the state to breed with foreign men.

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6dc2fe  No.233550


his whole bit is to ignore the comparison

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c8d2ba  No.233551

File: bce9efe70998807⋯.jpg (149.28 KB, 1020x533, 1020:533, China_2.JPG)


imagine trying to justify the ethnic genocide of china's native population.

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ca0d5f  No.233559


The bug people are nothing to write home about…I find them repulsive and grotesque but I wouldn't see them married to niggers either I can't imagine the abomination offspring that will produce as well as STD infecting through bug men fucking bug whores that were abandoned by niggers.

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ef2cec  No.233561


What makes you think I care about the existence of chinese people to begin with?

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c171c3  No.248633

Nobody cares about page 1 anymore. The cool kids hang out on page 25.

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