>Congressman Exposes Billion Dollar Vaccine Company Ties to Facebook’s Fact Checker
On Wednesday, Congressman Thomas Massie — who is known for calling it how he sees it — tweeted a bombshell claim about factcheck.org, one of Facebook’s most prominent “fact checking” groups. In short, Massie claimed that the folks fact checking claims on vaccines are funded in part by an organization that holds over $1.8 billion of stock in a vaccine company. “Who pays the paychecks of the factcheckers?” Massie wrote, adding, “The vaccine fact checkers at @factcheckdotorg, who claim to be independent, are funded by an organization that holds over $1.8 billion of stock in a vaccine company, and is run by a former director of @CDCgov”. Who pays the paychecks of the factcheckers? The vaccine fact checkers at @factcheckdotorg, who claim to be independent, are funded by an organization that holds over $1.8 billion of stock in a vaccine company, and is run by a former director of @CDCgov.https://t.co/cmKuJ25Xki
— Thomas Massie (@RepThomasMassie) April 27, 2021
In his Tweet Massie linked to an article from theblaze.com which laid out the connections clearly. The folks at Factcheck.org also weighed in on the thread, linking to their financial backer page which confirms their ties to the industry.
As you know, we disclose our funding sources here: https://t.co/JRQgpBt5nr — FactCheck.org (@factcheckdotorg) April 27, 2021
According to their own source, Factcheck.org is funded in part by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. According to the foundation’s 2019 financial statement, the project holds over $1.8 billion of stock in the COVID-19 manufacturer, Johnson & Johnson. What’s more, the CEO of the foundation is Richard Besser, the former acting director of the CDC under Obama and ABC News’ former chief health and medical editor. According to the article in the Blaze, Congressman Massie has personal ties to Factcheck.org as they allegedly ran a hit piece on him. Rep. Thomas Massie forced the CDC to correct a report that implied there is evidence that the current vaccines on the market can convey a greater degree of immunity than prior infection. FactCheck.org cannot allow Massie to get away with taking away market share from its donors by dissuading people with prior infection from getting the vaccines, so the site wrote a hit piece on him trying to suggest that he had made an error. With over 3,400 reported deaths and tens of thousands of adverse reactions reported to the CDC’s surveillance system – and it’s well known that just a fraction of those events are reported – how can we allow the government to actively work with a corporate and tech monopoly, funded by the very people who stand to benefit, to censor important data, science, and medical information? We have already seen the government temporarily suspend one vaccine, while the CEO of Pfizer conveniently waited until people already got sucked in to say they will need a third shot and likely more. Nothing to see here? Pure as the wind-driven snow? Anyone who even questions the safety of the vaccine on Facebook’s platform is immediately slapped with a fact check warning by this group. This is in spite the alarming number of reported adverse reactions, including thousands of deaths within the CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).