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File: 37bd80a47f27d2b⋯.png (402.52 KB, 980x551, 980:551, 60a24f8585f5407c6e280f14.png)

a17707  No.233324

Russian Prank Callers Expose Zionist Take Over of Belarus.

The caller faked being Svetlana Tikhanovskaya while on a zoom meeting with (((National Endowment for Democracy))) head by (((Carl Gershman))) a American socialist.


The call is boring, yet lots of information is unearthed for the public. The NED is behind the color revolution.

Now for the hillariouse part, the prank.

Startin at the 18:20 minute mark, the pranksters start to say (posing as Svetlana Tikhanovskaya) that the minister said she had a poor look and she needs money from NED for a more American look with Gucci and Luis Vuitton. Afterwords a few recorded statements from Lukashenka is played to the group. Afterwords the pranksters go " THIS IS THE MAJOR OF THE BELARUS KGB WE HAVE BEEN RECORDING THIS WHOLE SESSION" Its pretty funny.

Spread this around. Show the world the ZIONIST WANT BELARUS TO BE ANOTHER UKRAINE

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a1e82c  No.233326

File: 833eacdce732399⋯.jpg (326.25 KB, 894x587, 894:587, _putin_4.jpg)

Maybe Russians should fix Russia..?

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a17707  No.233332


Oyyy vey goyim. Dont watch this look at pictures of muslims and putin.

How are the latka potato cakes you kike

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a1e82c  No.233334

File: a6872cabd318f1e⋯.png (305.58 KB, 1864x381, 1864:381, Russia_Antisemitism.PNG)


Imagine defending Putin while being anti-Semitic.

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a17707  No.233335


The topic is not about putin or Russia the nation. It is National Russian Pranksters exposing Zionism and the take over of Belarus.

Your trying to subver the topic you jew faggot

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a1e82c  No.233336


Let me know when National Russian Pranksters expose Zionism and the take over of Russia by Zio-Bolsheviks.

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c7d455  No.233342


I don't really think Putin needs defending. His dealings are pretty obvious in all directions. That said, the "7 bankers" would never get rolled up in America, someone like Abromavich would never feel the need to keep his assets [Chelsea FC] out of American reach, and Russia hasn't been the one fighting wars directed by jews for the last ~20 years.

I understand it's meant to be a gotcha, but there are too many leaps that have to be made on the US-aligned side for it to make sense.

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a1e82c  No.233343

File: 16ae826f08e97e4⋯.jpg (124.45 KB, 1131x732, 377:244, Russia_VS_America.jpg)


Now you're chiming in on America instead of addressing the problems in Russia? Fuck outta here, Moshe. You will never be Russian.

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c7d455  No.233344


The thread is about the US's National Endowment for Democracy operating inside Belarus to overthrow that country's government. You're the one who began inserting whataboutisms concerning Russia. I'm just looking to cut that off at the knees and get the thread back on topic.

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b0eb12  No.233347


put the video on alt tech before (((they))) remove it from jewtube!

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a17707  No.233349

File: 07f8e89399eb5c1⋯.jpg (38.19 KB, 600x600, 1:1, Jew_stereotype.jpg)




What makes you think people will fall for the subversion of the topic. Fuck you. Fuck your IDL office full of autistic kikes that are to retarded to regular military duties. Fuck your Talmud. Fuck Isreal.



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a1e82c  No.233350

File: 048076b0cd61228⋯.jpg (1.63 MB, 3000x4686, 500:781, GDL_maymay.jpg)



fuck off kike

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c3d7ea  No.233351


Russia recently thwarted a coup over there and I think two CIA assets were arrested. Funny, but not at all surprising anymore.

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c7d455  No.233353


Their playbook is very stale and their lack of industrial capability and low-end Africanized society has really eroded their cultural soft power inside Eurasia. The US is viewed as a sad joke, but the danger comes from if it will lash out with nuclear weapons as it circles the drain.

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a17707  No.233360

File: 70e23510f2a8459⋯.jpg (72.09 KB, 395x480, 79:96, Davis_Wolfgang_Hawke.jpg)


Could be another Davis Wolfgang Hawk lol

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a1e82c  No.233361

File: 8c1ce4d662bf0a0⋯.jpg (44.03 KB, 640x360, 16:9, adam_green_and_GDL.jpg)

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c658b8  No.233362


The ZOG-faggots want people to think if someone ever stood within 3 feet of a Kike, they are a Kike puppet.

They'll actually argue the NSDAP was a Kike psyop, if pushed on the issue of the Haavara Agreement.

Their goal is to influence schizophrenic religious people, who could be influenced by such idiotic things. They're not the slightest bit serious; they know Russia is basically at war with the ZOG, which is why they go to such great lengths to fool people with idiotic, meaningless pictures.

"A handful of Kikes that all the other Kikes hate support Putin as a way to jew other Jews." Ya don't say?>>233332

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a1e82c  No.233363

File: 921aa1c330806bc⋯.jpg (22.78 KB, 512x397, 512:397, Putin_Zionist_puppet.jpg)


>Russia is basically at war with the ZOG

You will never be Russian, Moshe.

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c658b8  No.233369

File: bc7ae9c6f422fee⋯.png (662.46 KB, 866x825, 866:825, hitler_jewess_fren.png)


>retarded picture for retards

Next up: Hitler is a Kike puppet. Look at how he embraces his Jewish friend!

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a1e82c  No.233370



stay defeated.

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c658b8  No.233371


>i love forced integration with niggers and slavery to Kikes

We know you do, ZOG-faggot.

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a1e82c  No.233373

File: d655cd3ab7e9e32⋯.png (14.56 KB, 1175x171, 1175:171, 8chan_scripted_response_fo….PNG)


>scripted responses

you're done.

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c658b8  No.233374


>ZOG-faggot posts same stupid shit repeatedly

>gets same responses, says it is a script

Kill yourself, Kike-lover.

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d0cb94  No.233487

I saw this on r/GenZedong but they said that it's the CIA


wait, aren't they the same thing?

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d0cb94  No.233488

> (((National Endowment for Democracy))) head by (((Carl Gershman))) a American socialist.


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ccf4b0  No.233568


>Maybe Russians should fix Russia..?


The place is full of kikes

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f3b88c  No.233599


the kikes are the ones who show up and complain about russia

e.g. you

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d0cb94  No.233692


The only way to exterminate the Jewry is to commit White Genocide such that there are no more soil for the kikes to plant roots in

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662631  No.233820


Always kill jews.

Burn jewish children alive every day.

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a17707  No.233879

File: 5dd2b8395d24f99⋯.jpeg (6.38 KB, 196x257, 196:257, index.jpeg)


Stalin methodically and meticulously fixed the jew problem.

He faked being best freinds with Lenin so he could do a warm transfer of power of the cult of personality.

Then he purged all the jews from the administration and replaced them with georgians

Saved St Basils, made numerouse articals against Zionism and Zionist

Sent all the jews to Birbozhan (how ever its proounced) aka the Jewish Oblast in like south east russia. Very far away Moscow and super remote.

Promotes it as the isreal of russia. Shitty weather. Humid summers, freezing winters. Stalin trolled the shit out of them

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