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File: f01b9f8bea21a98⋯.jpeg (60.61 KB, 700x528, 175:132, 21400402_692D_4B77_A7FF_4….jpeg)

aea6c1  No.233227

will it ever be possible to get rid off nuclear weapons ?

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3fcecb  No.233244

File: 51679009a19c84d⋯.jpg (1.41 MB, 1420x3000, 71:150, DEW.jpg)


Global nuclear disarmament seems very plausible. America will demographically turn into a Brazil like shithole in 30 years. Western Europe will have nonwhite islamic majority in a few generations. It doesn't seem like kikes will allow nukes to exist in the hands of these countries then. I mean just imagine in a majority muslim UK with nuclear arsenal that has muslims in prominent positions of the government. What things they would do with those. Most likely no country will have nukes in the future. Maybe only greater Israel will have direct energy weapons that can be fired from space satellites.

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a7f479  No.233275



not OFF

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a7f479  No.233276

File: 8ae9e85d75aee13⋯.jpg (28.2 KB, 400x400, 1:1, _1.JPG)

File: 2a871c887cce556⋯.png (87.43 KB, 740x710, 74:71, OFF_US_FamCare_Collection_….png)


answer : nobody cares

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57793e  No.233287


The quickest way to get rid of nuclear weapons is to use them. Just throw them at everyone and soon nobody will be able to make or use nuclear weapons any more. Problem solved! You’re welcome.

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6173f9  No.233289

Why would anyone want to give up their most powerful weapon? First idiot that does will get nuked.

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3fcecb  No.233300


Because jews command and goyim obey.

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4143d0  No.233307

Sure. Space Lasers. There will still be a risk it can be detonated on the ground, but im sure by this point there will be geigar counters on freeways like going through an intersection.

The world unfortunately will require a nuclear war or at least a major nuclear attack to get there. Because in the current environment, our scientists would rather spend the manhours researching how to remove the jew nose from embryonic DNA and make segregated vaccines that can only be used by certain races than anything of real benefit to humanity.

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