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File: cb3b6f7337cf6db⋯.jpg (77.39 KB, 640x426, 320:213, 67702260_414019192566707_4….jpg)

b95f68  No.233137

I was running the numbers on the Soviet gulag system. Released records from the Soviet secret police show that in the duration of the system between 2 and 3 million people were imprisoned. By comparison, the number of people imprisoned in the American prison system is 5.8% of the male population, and over 90% male, meaning the number that have been imprisoned is around 6 million, or around 1.9% of the total population (data taken from 2010).

Estimates of Soviet population during the Gulag system range between 150-200 million. On the high end, this means ~1.6% of the Soviet population was imprisoned during the Gulag era. The low end, taking later census data, is around 1.3%.

Considering the racialized nature of American forced labor camps (please, let's call American "correctional facilities" what they are) a higher percentage of the black population is imprisoned than was the case in South Africa during the height of the struggle against apartheid.

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06f544  No.233139

I wasn't actually

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b95f68  No.233148

I mean this entire post, I copied it all, didn't write it myself.

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d4ff2c  No.233156

Wow think how much crime we would have in the USA if those blacks weren't kept in cages.

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cfccdd  No.233246

File: 97f29b9285e06a1⋯.png (643.97 KB, 1308x630, 218:105, Iq_Cranial_Capacity_Bell_C….png)


Wow imagine how much better this world would be if niggers didn't exist

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547db5  No.233264


Killing all non-whites (including jews) solves all of the world's problems.

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712059  No.233553


wow imagine how much better the world would be if jews didn't exist to ship people from a different climate, genetics and culture into shopping malls you call cities, enslave them, liberate them, hijack their culture into americanized rubbish then ask them to conform and serve jews otherwise they are considered "thugs"

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67b881  No.233555

File: d8b93c6677c74f4⋯.mp4 (3.57 MB, 240x416, 15:26, IMG_6619.MP4)


What value do niggers have for you? They have none to me. I know she is a coal burner and deserves every last punch but she wouldn't be a coal burner without niggers in our nation. She would be someone's wife and now she is a single mom with a grotesque protohuman nigglet and parasitic nature that is going to whore (infect anyone who touches her) and starve when the shtf.

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cfccdd  No.233556


Wow imagine if we killed all jews, niggers, sandniggers, spics, chinks and all other nonwhites and made ethnoglobe a reality. That'd be a nice Minecraft server, wouldn't it?

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712059  No.233557


Why are you being objective and moral towards other beings be it animals, other races or plants. Hate everything that isn't you.

Sorry kike we don't conform to chosen people logic. Keep this trash for yourself.

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712059  No.233558


>Let's genocide all dogs, cats, lions, bacteria, fish, birds, etc… Let's erase life on the planet and keep just the chosen people.

Kike hatred exposes itself. My advice to decent people is to stay away from this toxicity. And no hitler did not think like this. Nor did any decent person. Only the chosen people thing this way.

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67b881  No.233560


>Only the chosen people thing this way.

Only people who can see the future of an ALL WHITE GLOBE think this way. Hitler made mistakes and that was one of them. Also, not a chosenite but I can see very clearly what the planet would be like without the other races. Progressive, quiet, peaceful and life would absolutely flourish.

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712059  No.233562


Even if this is achieved, isolated groups will eventually develop to form new races. Does one race then decide to genocide all the others again?

This system can only work under global communism/satanic judaism. It has no place or sense in white culture and ideals. And Hitler did not hate "slavs". Jews hated russians and genocided them in the millions. Hitler simply executed communists and jews working against him.

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cfccdd  No.233566


>My advice to decent people is to stay away from this toxicity

Keep feeding your brain with fluffy feelings of moral superiority like libshits do by pretending to care about niggers. I want the survival and advancement of the White race. And considering the nature and history of humans it's only possible when nonwhites especially jews are exterminated.


>Does one race then decide to genocide all the others again?

No, there has to exist some kind of organization that settles matter between the nations. And it has to be governed by leaders who care about their people and race. If not, then we're just back to UN like cabal that we have now which only acts in the interest of kike bankers.

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9d2499  No.233575

File: 679ff39218385fc⋯.png (133.21 KB, 480x360, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


>meaning the number that have been imprisoned is around 6 million

>6 million

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67b881  No.233581


This. I think the kikes are terrified of this future, not only because they don't qualify as White but because they realize that the world would finally be at total peace and there would be no one left to threaten Whites with (in the case where some jews survived). They rely on the threat of race mixing and multiculturalism to make Whites 'work harder' to stay ahead. No other races mean that Whites can live and progress naturally without that kike whip hanging over our heads. It really solves so many problems of both the Earth and Whites in general. In fact it is SO beneficial for all life on the planet that I honestly can't believe that we haven't done it yet.

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67b881  No.233588

File: 373eb32c0f418d4⋯.jpg (109.58 KB, 900x688, 225:172, beggars_chinese_sever_came….jpg)

In order to beg for more money, rather than work, they cut his animals legs off. There really is no place for people like this in this world.

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e19ea8  No.233662


Where'd you do time OP?

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554980  No.248632

Page 25 has enacted purge mode!

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