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1f3887  No.233136

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25cdee  No.233147


They hate who they're told to hate, it's all State-run media.

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a79957  No.233170

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85d2b5  No.233240

4Chan is dumping on Hungarians right now

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dbd316  No.233241


You would get better information with state-run media.

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93bd38  No.233265


Kill all liberals.

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8adb82  No.233410



LMFAO germanistan has done far more to take away their citizens' liberties than the pig gypsy PM we have. and now with the greentard chick coming in as the next chancellor (of course she'll win, it's rigged) it'll get even worse. I'll expect her to try to force every EU country to shut down their nuclear reactors and burn "biomass" instead like they do.


halfchan being retarded? you don't say.


no, only truly independent media can be trusted at all. if it's gubment run, it's lying. if it's (((ngo))) funded then it's also lying.

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357aab  No.233573


>only truly independent media can be trusted at all.

It's all lies.

People lie even to themselves, and their closest friends and family.

As if any media organisation is going to tell the truth.

Deception is human nature.

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